I've got a rather complex beast of a network that I've beeing trying to get properly routed for some time now. I've come really close, in that inbound traffic gets where it's supposed to, and outbound traffic goes where it's supposed to, but outbound packets are all apparently going over the wrong link. The system is currently configured as a "router on a stick" using a VLAN trunk over GigE to a managed switch. For various reasons, we require certain network segments to be fully routed through specific uplink providers. To the best of my ASCII Network Diagramming abilities, this is how it's all wired up: +---------------------------+ LAN 1 --------|-- eth0.1 --\ | | \-- eth0.11 --|------- T-1 Provider 1 LAN 2 --------|-- eth0.2 --\ | | \-- eth0.12 --|------- T-1 Provider 2 LAN N --------|-- eth0.N ---/ | +--------------------------- Linux 2.4 firewall/router Basically, I need outbound traffic from LAN 1 to always go via Provider 1 and LAN 2-N through Provider 2. I followed the directions from the LARTC HowTo in section 4.2, but all my outbound traffic is still going via Provider 1, and none through Provider 2. I've set up additional routing tables for each provider, plus a fourth routing table to handle traffic that needs to go over the IPSec links to remote offices. I've created a shell script that should be generating all the proper commands, just like in the HowTo (only more of them, since we're also NAT'ing a large number of hosts, too...) I'm really wondering, though, how much of this is due to the fact that we're NAT'ing hosts. Servers are done with full NAT, desktops are all MASQ'ed to the firewall/router's external IP address. Am I falling victim to interplay between routing and NAT? All my routing tables and rules are using the post-NAT IP addresses as the "from" spec, since I've been told that routing decisions are all made post-NAT. Should I be using pre-NAT IP addresses? Should I ditch NAT entirely and configure all the Internet-accessible systems with real external IP addresses and switch the firewall away from NAT and use proxyarp instead (which would probably solve some confusion but possible introduce even more routing issues?) Would it be better to completely seperate firewalling from routing? I'm more than a little confused. Both the script that generates the routes and rules, as well as the actual commands generated by the script (since a lot of it depends on the live state of the machine) can be furnished upon request, and any help is greatly appreciated. TIA, Gregory -- Gregory K. Ruiz-Ade <gkade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> OpenPGP Key ID: EAF4844B keyserver: pgpkeys.mit.edu _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / LARTC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/