My organization has a LAN network and the LAN is connected to internet by a Cisco router.
internet -------| Cisco router |------ LAN
(The cisco router can not be replaced by a linux router, I think, because the LAN has more
than 1000 computers.)
LAN network is divided into some sub networks. I have to relatively manage internet
bandwidth (between applications and between computers ) at these sub-networks using linux
router .
| ------------> bandwidth here is known.
cisco router
/ | \ ....
/ | \ ----------------> I don't know internet bandwidth of each sub network
linux linux ......
router router
/ |
sub sub .....
network network .....
My problem is I don't know the internet bandwidth of each sub network.
Can you give me some suggestion about schemes I can use in a linux router (what qdisc, ... ).
Thank in advance,
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