Hi, I have a central router linked with GRE tunnels with some 20+ remote routers in a star topology fashion. If I want to prioritize some flows in/out those GRE interfaces, what would you recommmend: 1: Throwing all the traffic on the Central Router to an IMQ iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j IMQ --todev 0 # The GRE interfaces won't share traffic (duhh) # selecting incoming/outgoing traffic with tc filter based on - src/dst and other for specific flows # - only src/dst for default advantages: - only the central router kernel should be patched with imq and recompiled & tc patched with htb, centralised administration disadvantages - all traffic has to travel through 2 queues, which I heard is a bad thing for VoIP (which I plan to use)... 2: Creating per interface egress queues on all routers advantages: - smaller delays disadvantages - all the routers should have tc patched for htb, and the configs spread on all routers P.S. Maybe there are things that slipped my mind ... Thank you all for your time, Adi