Hi Hare if i the source ip based routing isn´t the solution i think, well my english isn´t very good, maybe i don´t explain clear at all, or maybe i don´t know really how source ip based routing works, i have an Darwin Streaming Server with mp4 files that i want to know from other pc in internet at 100 kbit/s, what is the problem? The connection that i has in the Darwin is two modem with different isp and different public ips, i think that source routing isn´t a solution, maybe i am mistaken, and a normal load balancing gateway has an problem, if i starts a tcp connection with one of the public ips, this connection serves me the streaming, it doesn´t use the other connection to get the 100 kbit/s bw. Thanks by the help. -----Mensaje original----- De: hare ram [mailto:hareram@xxxxxxxxxx] Enviado el: martes, 20 de mayo de 2003 11:25 Para: Miguel A. Rasero(Barea Comunicaciones) Asunto: Re: [LARTC] modem Hi ? yes its possible source ip based routing and you can also allocate b/w for the required pc and you can do the?shaping also? with the application based ? read lartc.org or docum.org ? hare ----- Original Message ----- From: Miguel A. Rasero(Barea Comunicaciones) To: lartc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:25 PM Subject: [LARTC] modem Hi, i know that i can do load balancing between two different isp modem connections creating a default gateway that uses the two connections for example, but that i need to do is different, i want to stream videos at 100kbit/s so if i use the dynamic gateway only one of the two connections will be used and i haven´t do that i want, really on the client side i need to connect with one of the two public ip´s really, is there any way to use the whole bandwith from the two connections to serve the streaming?