So I have been playing around a while with Tc, and something start to ring a bell. I managed to shape traffic for 5 Users on my Lan each with 24Kb download rate. (using HTB) Now my question is: Can I limit the bandwidth on ETH1 to 512k without specifying any end Users Ip or port (www,or smtp traffic)?. So that the first person conecting its Laptop to the Lan gets full Bandwidth, the next user conecting gets 50% and so on... I read that SFQ should do the trick but the Examples I have seen are based on match known Ip adresses so that it can fair qeue the request and everybody gets the same amount of bandwitdh Is there a workaround on SFQ for what I need? And if not what other ways do I have, CBQ, HTB, SFQ, ESFQ ??? I need this because I need to implement this on different office where I dont know the Ip adresses of the people, But I have been asked to shape traffic to a specific amount of KB without carry much about who is using it, Is that possible? If so can someone point me to somewhere? Im quite desperate. Thanks Osgaldo-