I 'm working in project that consists in implementation of a multimedia extension over IP. I set up informations about MPEG Video on the IP option fields. I want to use this information , in the router side, to implemente a EPD (early packet discart) approche. The EPD approche consists in the following : -it is based on the data unit information, a data unit may be fragmentated into many IP packet (number of packet per data unit is varaible) - when we reatch a limit in the queue,we will reject a packet that belongs to a new unit and we accept only a packet that belong to an old unit (with is already enqueued) this approche, is taked from ATM world, : ip packet is fragmentated into many cell, then if we have to reject one cell we must do this for all cells that belong to the same packet (a unit here is a packet) my question is how can i used the traffic control implemented on linux to do that, i'm working with red hat 7.2 . if you have any idea, or you dindn't understand me please send me a mail thanks in advance ___________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en français ! Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com