On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, Amit Kucheria wrote: Hi all, I am currently trying to test the schedulers available in Linux - CBQ, FIFO, PRIO, SFQ and WRR. My setup is simple - 10Mbit 10Mbit Source --------- Router --------- Sink eth0 eth1 - I need to simulate the 'router-sink' link at a T1 link. obviously the best way to do this is to but a TBF on eth1. But i want to test various kinds of queueing disciplines with this rate limited traffic. This wont be allowed by TBF which cant take classes. So would the following work ? 1Mbit TBF qdisc 2:0 +--------+ ******* My various classes FIFO, CBQ CBQ class 1:1 +----------+ +--------+ CBQ class 1:2 +-------------------------+ CBQ qdisc 1:0 Now TBF rate limits to 1Mbit and then a filter filters the packet to "my various classes which could be multiple CBQ, prio classes or simple fifo. - I am generating average traffic of 1Mbps at the source - I need a rate-limiting architecture which will allow be to test various schedulers as well as impose a strict limit on the outgoing link. Regards, Amit -- The statement below is true. The statement above is false. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Amit Kucheria EECS Grad. Research Assistant University of Kansas @ Lawrence (R)+1-(785)-830 8521 ||| (O)+1-(785)-864 7774 ____________________________________________________