Hi All, About u32 usage, as I know the following 3 syntax should be the same: 1. tc filter add ........u32\ match ip protocol 0x6 0xff 2. tc filter add ........u32\ match 00060000 00ff0000 at 9 3. tc filter add ..........u32\ match u8 6 0xff at 10 However, in my platform (Linux2.4.2), only method 1 works. Besides, as I show the filter (tc filter ls dev eth1), it gives me " match 00060000 00ff0000 at 9", which matches with method 2. So can any one explain why method 2 and 3 can't work (it shows the message "illegal match") ? Best Regards Daniel Lee e-mail:daniel_lee@xxxxxxxx TEL:(02)2218-1689~33