Hi all, I've tried quite a lot of different tc configurations. One of the key problem is how to graph the network traffic from a saved text file in order to show that PRIO works, CBQ works, etc... I have tried tcpdump and then use tcpstat to graph my results. But the results were grossly out!!! I then tried Tele Traffic Tapper and found that it tallies with my tc configuration!! I am not sure what TTT is using to sniff but apparently after i tcpdump to a file and then read off with TTT, it is grossly out again!! this implies either tcpdump not working properly or that during the writing of the data to a file, the time taken is significant!! TTT doesn't saved its data into a file. Instead it just graphs it... prob that's why! I'm really anxious to know what tools are you guys using to graph your results??? Regards.