I want to do the following: <Cable-modem>---eth0<Router/Server>eth1-------<fucking windows client> I've talked to a friend so I can put my linux box on his cable connection (128Kbit input, 64Kbit output). My box will be a web server, and my friend need to access to internet as transparent as possible. I also want to guarantee an equal traffic amount for each computer, both input/output. This must not be bounded, so if he is not online the server can get all the traffic, and he can get more bandwidth if the server is iddle. The linux box is a RedHat 7.0 machine (2.2 kernel). I've been reading about all this, but don't have enougth knowledge to fully understand the netfilter model, etc... I promiss you I've readed all HOWTOS and web pages I've found at least twenty times, and I've made some experiments wich didn't worked, I don't like to ask stupid questions. But I'm desesperated. The idea is to use iproute2, with tc tool for traffic control, and iptables to implment the masquerading. I think I must upgrade my kernel to 2.4 so I can use iptables, and install iproute2 package. I've installed the .rpm in the preview directory of RedHat 7.0 distr., but don't know if this is correct or need to compile the kernel with specific options. This is my first question, a micro-howto of how I can setup my system to handle my problem. It seems I must mark the packets with iptables, dont know the way, so I can make the apropiate filters over eth0 so I can diference the server traffic and the client traffic. So, my second question is: ¿What are the commands I must execute for: 1.-Mark the packets incomming from eth1 2.-Implement the maskerading 3.-Create the classes, cbq, etc for eth0 4.-Create the filters for eth0 I've been working with this two weeks, but I can imagine how to do that. All my experiment were unsucessfull. I dont have very much experience with linux administration. Sorry if this seems a little bit stupid for you, but those who help me will have my eternal gratitude. Thanks. bashar >>EOT Consigue tu dirección de email gratis y permanente en http://WWW.LETTERA.NET