Hello, I really appreciate this site. Finally, there is updated info on cbq and people with knowledge to back it up - - Thanks Here is my situation, I am at a college with a single 512k line for 450 machines. Our servers and fac/staff are on C class x.x.166.x and all students are on C class x.x.167.x . Currently, a few student machines are monopolizing our connection for napster and make business related telnet painfully slow (all telnet is pointed at the same server off campus.) I wanted to know if anyone has tried or has knowledge withthe following situations - 1.) I wanted to make sure that it was possible to have 2 C class addresses behind IProute2. 2.) Would it be possible to limit napster on a per-session basis and also have a combined limit? 3.) Currently, we are not supporting DCHP and I do not have the resources to change the gateways on all machines. Would that be needed? The current router/gateway is x.x.166.254, it would be possible for me to add an additional IP address to it. This is probably my biggest concern, since I want to maintain all my current, real IP's. Sorry about all of the questions and thanks in advane for any help. Chris G.