Lartc, A short while ago I wrote a little contribution to the Linux 2.4 Advanced Routing How-To. It is about IPv6-Tunneling. Unfortunately Bert Hubert, the maintainer of the How-To, was not able to intergrate it into the official How-To. Perhaps it was not exactly what he wanted, perhaps it was because he is indeed a very busy person. In any case I think that a number of people may benefit from what I wrote. On various other Email-lists I often read about people having questions like: "How do I connect my Linux-box to the 6Bone?". My little document might be of some help to those people. If you don't want to wait and see if my contribution will ever show up in the How-To, you are invited to visit to pick it up straight from the source. Have Fun! Please let me know if you are missing some information or if you encounter any mistakes. Cheers, -- Marco