Hello! I would like to know, how the Token Bucket filter really works. An example: r = 10 Kbyte/sec b = 10 Kbyte I send 0.5 sec with 5 Kbyte/sec (A-> 2,5 Kbyte) and 0.5 sec with 15 Kbyte/sec (B-> 7,5 Kbyte), and 0.5 sec with 10 Kbyte/sec (C-> 5 Kbyte) after each other: ABCABCABC... and it goes through the tbf. What will happen? 1. All A phase will be sent from the tbf with 5 Kbyte/sec, all B phase with 15 Kbyte/sec, and all C phase with 10 Kbyte/sec without delay. => The sending rate really change and exceed the average rate (10Kbyte/sec) by the B phases. 2. 0.0 : sending begins 0.5 : first A phase sent 1.0 : first 5Kbyte sent from B 1.25: remained 2,5 Kbyte sent from B 1.75: first C phase sent 2.0: second A phase sent and so on => B and C was delayed, but sent continuously 3. 0.0 : sending begins 0.5 : first A phase sent 1.0 : first 5 Kbyte sent from B 1.5: first C phase sent 1.75:second A phase sent 2.0: remained 2,5 Kbyte sent from B and so on -> here I mean that the traffic, which couldn't be sent in time, will be sent only then, when there is enough bandwidth for it => B was delayed and cutted in two parts, but A and C was sent in time. Which is the valid case? If none of them, than how would it happen? If the first case is valid, what does happen in the case of more tbf and all of them wants to exceed the average rate, but the sum of the rates would be more than the availablebandwidth? Or it can't happen, because at an admission control for the tbf would be reserved a peak rate (like everybody want to send in the same time with peak rate), and if there is no more place for a next tbf, it would be rejected? (How is tbf implemented? Where can I find it?) I hope I was clear, if not please ask back! Greetings, Peter