as we all know, we can shape only outgoing traffic. we can, of course, use IMQ or other drop-type shaping on incoming interface but it has some pitfalls, to name few: .. it relies on fact that upper layers (mostly TCP) can and will handle accordingly to dropped packets .. its waste of bandwith, because dropping packet which is already delivered to us does not save our pipe (unless tcp/etc starts acting) this is classic problem of two interface router. small ascii: (internet)---(ppp0)router(eth0)---(lan) And here goes my idea: to write a qdisc which is applied to _outgoing_ traffic on ppp0 which acts on tcp only packets, namely ACKs, dropping and/or modyfing their content to faster 'inform' sending side (internet) about bottleneck. classic shaping does not work as this packet flow is relativly small (acks). Such qdisc has to investigate content of packets, so im not sure if it can be done in classical (qdisc) way, or if its rather a task for a netfilter family. Please share Your thoughts on this idea. TIA. .radek.