/etc/iproute2/rt_tables contains a mapping of human names to routing table
numbers. I call them table identifiers to table ids. This file does not
contain routes.
So, if I understand all correctly, I don't need that file to use multiple
route tables, do I?
: If I add a route to that file, it will be there if I reboot the box?
If you wish to add static routes to the system at boot, you should be able
to use the system network initialization scripts and config files (e.g.,
redhat has a file /etc/sysconfig/static-routes).
I found a solution here:
Otherwise, you should write your own startup script or modify
/etc/rc.d/rc.local to include the routes you wish to add.
If you are using network address translation, you may find my NAT SysV
init scripts convenient:
Does that answer your question?
Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- mabrown@securepipe.com
Luis Miguel Cruz Miranda.
CCNA - Systems Administrator
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