Stef Coene wrote: >> >>>>the tc from redhat knows about htb??? >>> >>>Don't know, but if they have support in the kernel for htb, tc will have >>>it too. >> >>tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1: root htb default 6 >>Unknown qdisc "htb", hence option "default" is unparsable >> >>and it's compiled in kernel, not module > > You miss support for htb in the tc command. There is a binary on the homepage > of htb, or you can download the iproute2 src + the patch from the homepage of > htb and create your own binary. yes, i know, i don't have intentions on using shapping on that router, was just an observation that redhat put the htb in kernel, but, didn't put an update to iproute2 allready patched. They did a half work :(( C ------------------------------------------------------- Xnet scaneaza automat toate mesajele impotriva virusilor folosind RAV AntiVirus. Xnet automatically scans all messages for viruses using RAV AntiVirus. Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate sa nu detecteze toti virusii noi sau toate variantele lor. Va rugam sa luati in considerare ca exista un risc de fiecare data cand deschideti fisiere atasate si ca MobiFon nu este responsabila pentru nici un prejudiciu cauzat de virusi. Disclaimer: RAV AntiVirus may not be able to detect all new viruses and variants. Please be aware that there is a risk involved whenever opening e-mail attachments to your computer and that MobiFon is not responsible for any damages caused by viruses. _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / HOWTO: