> #build a root-queue on the imq > tc qdisc add dev imq root handle 1: htb default 1 did you ifconfig imq up !? =20 > My Questions: > -how to build a "dont touch" class? there is one in htb X:0 (like 1:0). Just use default 0 or use flow 1:0 in filters > -what=B4s wrong on the thinks i=B4ve did? is imq up ? > -is the pppoe-ethernet critical to pass thru the imq hmm ... I don't know interactions here ... probably it goes thru imq like all others > -how many prios are allowed? First i had prio 10, 20 and 30 on the=20 4 prios (0-3). First it should be enough, at second: each new prio makes htb slower and more memory demanding devik