[LARTC] DocBook testing

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 04:55:22PM -0600, Amit Kucheria wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Mar 2002, bert hubert wrote:
> > If you look at http://lartc.org you will find links to a DocBook generated
> > version of the HOWTO. Please let me know what you think! If you have tips &
> > tricks for using DocBook, please let me know as well. I'm not happy with the
> > need to use <paragraph></paragraph> for each paragraph right now!
> Disclamer: I know zilch about DocBook format :)
> Is there a specific reason to still persist with ascii diagrams like on 
> pages 41, 102 etc.? I guess its for the text version of the document?
> Can we have nicer diagrams in the non-text versions? I volunteer for some 
> xfig diagrams if its possible to include them.

Well, cool, but I'm hesitant. The problem is that these figures would then
live outside of the main file, and will most definitely start to diverge.

I also investigated pic(1) which has a cool syntax and very cool output.

ellipse "kernel";
box "network";
circle "internet";

This turns into http://ds9a.nl/tmp/pic.png which is rather nice (it needs
some work to make it really pretty). However, it still does not look good in

So basically I'm looking for something that:
	- can live in the source
	- generates legible ASCII
	- generates good looking postscript/png

The real solution may be to use pic in the DocBook and also provide an ASCII
version in the source. That *would* mean double work, but at least
everything would be in the same place.



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