I've been having some problems recently with regards to getting a particular configuration setup. Excuse me if this has been asked before but I couldn't think of a way to search for this type of question. What I have is this: a wireless NAP that does PPPoE, an ARM netwinder running debian, an Intel box running RedHat/Windows. I'm currently using DSL and get a static IP via PPPoE. What I want to do is this: - I want the wireless NAP to connect to my DSL (ARM pppoe just isn't there yet). - I want the netwinder right behind the NAP and fully open to the internet (this is achieved using the NAP's DMZ feature) - The netwinder will run netfilter doing my packet filtering, NAT, and traffic shaping - The netwinder will also be connected to a hub - All machines behind the netwinder will connect to the hub and use the netwinder's NAT to gain net Let's say my static ip is The NAP's local address is The netwinder's interface to the NAP (eth0) is The netwinder's hub interface (eth1) is The netwinder's default route is All other machines connected to the hub are in the network and have the default route On the netwinder I use netfilter to do SNAT using the following rule: -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to What works: -The netwinder can see both local nets .123 and .1 as well as the outside internet -All machines behind the netwinder get one way communication outwards. Example: On the intel machine which has address I try to ping (an outside IP). I have root access on so I put the ethernet interface into promiscuous mode and run "tcpdump -i eth0 -p icmp". On the netwinder I put eth0 into promiscuous mode and do the same. What I see is that the netwinder sees the outgoing ICMP requests with my static ip ( sees the request coming from and sends replies. The netwinder never sees the replies. What I've gathered is that the netwinder needs to broadcast that it is the route for so that these return packets get past the NAP and routed to the netwinder. In my searching I haven't found how to do this. Can anyone let me know how this might be achieved or let me know the proper way to get this working? Thanks! -Ti Leggett leggett@eecs.tulane.edu