Lets say I wanted to allocate 50kbps to SSH traffic, but I didn't want to set it all as isolated. What if I wanted to set aside 20k of that as being isolated from other classes (either in HTB or CBQ), how would I go about this, or is it even possible? Would I have to make the normal class of 50k and then make a sub-class of 20 with the same definition but isolated? Should this work? root \---1:1 SSH traffic (50k) | \--11:1 SSH traffic (20k, isolated) \---1:2 Other traffic (remaining) I'm assuming that would prevent 1:2 from using any of 11:1's allotment, but does this have any other adverse effects? -- Michael T. Babcock CTO, FibreSpeed Ltd. (Hosting, Security, Consultation, Database, etc) http://www.fibrespeed.net/~mbabcock/