On 19/12/11 10:41, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
On Mon, 2011-12-19 at 10:19 +0800, Amos Kong wrote:
I tested with the same environment and scenarios.
tested one scenarios for three times and compute the average for more
Thanks, Amos
--------- compare results -----------
Mon Dec 19 09:51:09 2011
1 - avg-old.netperf.exhost_guest.txt
2 - avg-fixed.netperf.exhost_guest.txt
The output is word wrapped and generally unreadable. Any chance you can
provide us with a summary of the outcome ?
Hi Ben,
The change of TCP_RR Throughput is very small.
external host -> guest: Some of throughput of TCP_STREAM and TCP_MAERTS
reduced a little.
local host -> guest: Some of throughput of TCP_STREAM and TCP_MAERTS
increased a little.
About compare result format:
1 - avg-old.netperf.exhost_guest.txt
average result (tested 3 times) file of test 1
2 - avg-fixed.netperf.exhost_guest.txt
average result file of test 2
^^^ protocol
sessions| size|throughput| cpu| normalize| #tx-pkts| #rx-pkts| #tx-byts| #rx-byts| #re-trans| #tx-intr| #rx-intr| #io_exit| #irq_inj|#tpkt/#exit| #rpkt/#irq
1 1| 64| 1073.54| 10.50| 102| ....
^^^ average result of old kernel, start netserver in guest, start
netperf client(s) in external host
2 1| 64| 1079.44| 10.29| 104| ....
^^^ average result of fixed kernel
% | 0.0| +0.5| -2.0| +2.0| ....
^^^ augment rate between test1 and test2
sessions: netperf clients number
size: request/response sizes
#rx-pkts: received packets number
#rx-byts: received bytes number
#rx-intr: interrupt number for receive
#io_exit: io exit number
#irq_inj: injected irq number
Thanks, Amos.
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