Re: KVM got slow after adding more physical memory to host

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On 09/06/2011 07:30 PM, Nikola Ciprich wrote:
OK, seems like Avi's right, at least the windows guest is not using DMA
though the question is, why did it got disabled
It can happen due to a timeout, perhaps a temporary load spike.

and how can I reenable it,
Google knows.

I'm not experienced that much with XP :(

>  It is rep/in-out. But why it became noticeable only after adding more
>  physical memory to the host is a mystery.

now that I'm thinking about it, we had similar problem in the past, the windows guest
was unusably slow, and the whole host was slow as well... upgrading to 0.14.1 seemingly
solved this issue, but maybe the DMA just got randomly enabled, and now after adding
the memory (and restarting of course), it just got disabled again?
but why could this be??

I don't think it's related to the memory.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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