Biweekly KVM Test report, kernel 51138ead... qemu df85c051...

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Hi All,
This is KVM test result against kvm.git 51138ead07c549ee3dbc0d08dcf8e93487b85f83 based on kernel 2.6.39-rc2+, and qemu-kvm.git df85c051d780bca0ee2462cfeb8ef6d9552a19b0.

We found no bug and no fix in our nightly test during the past two weeks.
But we found a build error in kvm.git upstream. And Clemens gave a patch for this issue. “arch/x86/kvm/emulate.c:4095:25: error: macro "wbinvd" passed 1 arguments, but takes just 0”.
The qemu [vt-d] bug 754591 we reported in our last test report is reproduced by Alex, and he is fixing it.

New issue:

Fixed issue:

Old Issues:
1. ltp diotest running time is 2.54 times than before
2. perfctr wrmsr warning when booting 64bit RHEl5.3 
3. [VT-d] NIC cannot work when it had been used before

Test environment:
  Platform                   Westmere-EP          Sandy Bridge
  CPU                        24                   8
  Memory size                 10G                 2G

Report summary of IA32E on Westmere-EP:
Summary Test Report of Last Session
  	                    Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel_ept_vpid      12      12      0         0        0
control_panel_ept           4       4       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          3       3       0         0        0
control_panel               3       3       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       3       3       0         0        0
vtd_ept_vpid                14      1       13        0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              12      12      0         0        0
sriov_ept_vpid              6       6       0         0        0
control_panel_ept_vpid      12      12      0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_dguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_ept           4       4       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          3       3       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel               3       3       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       3       3       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
vtd_ept_vpid                14      1       13        0        0
 :one_pcie_up_xp_64_g32e    1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_smp_xp_64_g32e    1       0       1         0        0
 :two_dev_smp_nomsi_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_up_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :lm_pcie_smp_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_smp_nomsi_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_up_xp_64_g32e     1       0       1         0        0
 :two_dev_smp_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_scp_64_g32e      1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_smp_nomsi_64_g   1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_smp_xp_64_g32e   1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_smp_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_smp_64_g32e      1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_up_64_g32e        1       0       1         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              12      12      0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
sriov_ept_vpid              6       6       0         0        0
 :one_vf_up_64_g32e         1       1       0         0        0
 :hp_vf_up_64_g32e          1       1       0         0        0
 :hp_vf_smp_64_g32e         1       1       0         0        0
 :one_vf_smp_win2k8_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :one_vf_smp_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :two_dev_smp_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
Total                       59      46      13        0        0

Report summary of IA32E on Sandy Bridge: 
Summary Test Report of Last Session
  	                    Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel_ept_vpid      12      12      0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          3       3       0         0        0
control_panel_ept           4       4       0         0        0
control_panel               3       3       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       3       3       0         0        0
vtd_ept_vpid                8       1       7         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              11      10      1         0        0
sriov_ept_vpid              5       4       1         0        0
control_panel_ept_vpid      12      12      0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_dguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          3       3       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_ept           4       4       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
control_panel               3       3       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       3       3       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
vtd_ept_vpid                8       1       7         0        0
 :one_pcie_up_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :lm_pcie_smp_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_smp_nomsi_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_scp_64_g32e      1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_smp_nomsi_64_g   1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_smp_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_smp_64_g32e      1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_up_64_g32e        1       0       1         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              11      10      1         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win7_ent_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
sriov_ept_vpid              5       4       1         0        0
 :one_vf_up_64_g32e         1       1       0         0        0
 :hp_vf_up_64_g32e          1       1       0         0        0
 :hp_vf_smp_64_g32e         1       0       1         0        0
 :one_vf_smp_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :two_dev_smp_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
Total                       51      42      9         0        0

Best Regards,
     Yongjie Ren    (Jay)


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