[PATCH 3/6] KVM test: Removing scripts/unattended.py

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Now that its functionality was implemented as part of
the framework.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@xxxxxxxxxx>
 client/tests/kvm/scripts/unattended.py |  543 --------------------------------
 client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample |    2 -
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 545 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 client/tests/kvm/scripts/unattended.py

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/scripts/unattended.py b/client/tests/kvm/scripts/unattended.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e65fe46..0000000
--- a/client/tests/kvm/scripts/unattended.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-Simple script to setup unattended installs on KVM guests.
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os, sys, shutil, tempfile, re, ConfigParser, glob, inspect, commands
-import common
-SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
-KVM_TEST_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, ".."))
-class SetupError(Exception):
-    """
-    Simple wrapper for the builtin Exception class.
-    """
-    pass
-def find_command(cmd):
-    """
-    Searches for a command on common paths, error if it can't find it.
-    @param cmd: Command to be found.
-    """
-    if os.path.exists(cmd):
-        return cmd
-    for dir in ["/usr/local/sbin", "/usr/local/bin",
-                "/usr/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/bin"]:
-        file = os.path.join(dir, cmd)
-        if os.path.exists(file):
-            return file
-    raise ValueError('Missing command: %s' % cmd)
-def run(cmd, info=None):
-    """
-    Run a command and throw an exception if it fails.
-    Optionally, you can provide additional contextual info.
-    @param cmd: Command string.
-    @param reason: Optional string that explains the context of the failure.
-    @raise: SetupError if command fails.
-    """
-    print "Running '%s'" % cmd
-    cmd_name = cmd.split(' ')[0]
-    find_command(cmd_name)
-    status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
-    if status:
-        e_msg = ('Command %s failed.\nStatus:%s\nOutput:%s' %
-                 (cmd, status, output))
-        if info is not None:
-            e_msg += '\nAdditional Info:%s' % info
-        raise SetupError(e_msg)
-    return (status, output.strip())
-def cleanup(dir):
-    """
-    If dir is a mountpoint, do what is possible to unmount it. Afterwards,
-    try to remove it.
-    @param dir: Directory to be cleaned up.
-    """
-    print "Cleaning up directory %s" % dir
-    if os.path.ismount(dir):
-        os.system('fuser -k %s' % dir)
-        run('umount %s' % dir, info='Could not unmount %s' % dir)
-    if os.path.isdir(dir):
-        shutil.rmtree(dir)
-def clean_old_image(image):
-    """
-    Clean a leftover image file from previous processes. If it contains a
-    mounted file system, do the proper cleanup procedures.
-    @param image: Path to image to be cleaned up.
-    """
-    if os.path.exists(image):
-        mtab = open('/etc/mtab', 'r')
-        mtab_contents = mtab.read()
-        mtab.close()
-        if image in mtab_contents:
-            os.system('fuser -k %s' % image)
-            os.system('umount %s' % image)
-        os.remove(image)
-class Disk(object):
-    """
-    Abstract class for Disk objects, with the common methods implemented.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.path = None
-    def setup_answer_file(self, filename, contents):
-        answer_file = open(os.path.join(self.mount, filename), 'w')
-        answer_file.write(contents)
-        answer_file.close()
-    def copy_to(self, src):
-        dst = os.path.join(self.mount, os.path.basename(src))
-        if os.path.isdir(src):
-            shutil.copytree(src, dst)
-        elif os.path.isfile(src):
-            shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
-    def close(self):
-        os.chmod(self.path, 0755)
-        cleanup(self.mount)
-        print "Disk %s successfuly set" % self.path
-class FloppyDisk(Disk):
-    """
-    Represents a 1.44 MB floppy disk. We can copy files to it, and setup it in
-    convenient ways.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        print "Creating floppy unattended image %s" % path
-        qemu_img_binary = os.environ['KVM_TEST_qemu_img_binary']
-        if not os.path.isabs(qemu_img_binary):
-            qemu_img_binary = os.path.join(KVM_TEST_DIR, qemu_img_binary)
-        if not os.path.exists(qemu_img_binary):
-            raise SetupError('The qemu-img binary that is supposed to be used '
-                             '(%s) does not exist. Please verify your '
-                             'configuration' % qemu_img_binary)
-        self.mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='floppy_', dir='/tmp')
-        self.virtio_mount = None
-        self.path = path
-        clean_old_image(path)
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
-        try:
-            c_cmd = '%s create -f raw %s 1440k' % (qemu_img_binary, path)
-            run(c_cmd, info='Could not create floppy image')
-            f_cmd = 'mkfs.msdos -s 1 %s' % path
-            run(f_cmd, info='Error formatting floppy image')
-            m_cmd = 'mount -o loop,rw %s %s' % (path, self.mount)
-            run(m_cmd, info='Could not mount floppy image')
-        except:
-            cleanup(self.mount)
-            raise
-    def _copy_virtio_drivers(self, virtio_floppy):
-        """
-        Copy the virtio drivers on the virtio floppy to the install floppy.
-        1) Mount the floppy containing the viostor drivers
-        2) Copy its contents to the root of the install floppy
-        """
-        virtio_mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='virtio_floppy_', dir='/tmp')
-        pwd = os.getcwd()
-        try:
-            m_cmd = 'mount -o loop %s %s' % (virtio_floppy, virtio_mount)
-            run(m_cmd, info='Could not mount virtio floppy driver')
-            os.chdir(virtio_mount)
-            path_list = glob.glob('*')
-            for path in path_list:
-                self.copy_to(path)
-        finally:
-            os.chdir(pwd)
-            cleanup(virtio_mount)
-    def setup_virtio_win2003(self, virtio_floppy, virtio_oemsetup_id):
-        """
-        Setup the install floppy with the virtio storage drivers, win2003 style.
-        Win2003 and WinXP depend on the file txtsetup.oem file to install
-        the virtio drivers from the floppy, which is a .ini file.
-        Process:
-        1) Copy the virtio drivers on the virtio floppy to the install floppy
-        2) Parse the ini file with config parser
-        3) Modify the identifier of the default session that is going to be
-           executed on the config parser object
-        4) Re-write the config file to the disk
-        """
-        self._copy_virtio_drivers(virtio_floppy)
-        txtsetup_oem = os.path.join(self.mount, 'txtsetup.oem')
-        if not os.path.isfile(txtsetup_oem):
-            raise SetupError('File txtsetup.oem not found on the install '
-                             'floppy. Please verify if your floppy virtio '
-                             'driver image has this file')
-        parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-        parser.read(txtsetup_oem)
-        if not parser.has_section('Defaults'):
-            raise SetupError('File txtsetup.oem does not have the session '
-                             '"Defaults". Please check txtsetup.oem')
-        default_driver = parser.get('Defaults', 'SCSI')
-        if default_driver != virtio_oemsetup_id:
-            parser.set('Defaults', 'SCSI', virtio_oemsetup_id)
-            fp = open(txtsetup_oem, 'w')
-            parser.write(fp)
-            fp.close()
-    def setup_virtio_win2008(self, virtio_floppy):
-        """
-        Setup the install floppy with the virtio storage drivers, win2008 style.
-        Win2008, Vista and 7 require people to point out the path to the drivers
-        on the unattended file, so we just need to copy the drivers to the
-        driver floppy disk.
-        Process:
-        1) Copy the virtio drivers on the virtio floppy to the install floppy
-        """
-        self._copy_virtio_drivers(virtio_floppy)
-class CdromDisk(Disk):
-    """
-    Represents a CDROM disk that we can master according to our needs.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        print "Creating ISO unattended image %s" % path
-        self.mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cdrom_unattended_', dir='/tmp')
-        self.path = path
-        clean_old_image(path)
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
-    def close(self):
-        g_cmd = ('mkisofs -o %s -max-iso9660-filenames '
-                 '-relaxed-filenames -D --input-charset iso8859-1 '
-                 '%s' % (self.path, self.mount))
-        run(g_cmd, info='Could not generate iso with answer file')
-        os.chmod(self.path, 0755)
-        cleanup(self.mount)
-        print "Disk %s successfuly set" % self.path
-class UnattendedInstall(object):
-    """
-    Creates a floppy disk image that will contain a config file for unattended
-    OS install. The parameters to the script are retrieved from environment
-    variables.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Gets params from environment variables and sets class attributes.
-        """
-        images_dir = os.path.join(KVM_TEST_DIR, 'images')
-        self.deps_dir = os.path.join(KVM_TEST_DIR, 'deps')
-        self.unattended_dir = os.path.join(KVM_TEST_DIR, 'unattended')
-        attributes = ['kernel_args', 'finish_program', 'cdrom_cd1',
-                      'unattended_file', 'medium', 'url', 'kernel', 'initrd',
-                      'nfs_server', 'nfs_dir', 'install_virtio', 'floppy',
-                      'cdrom_unattended', 'boot_path', 'extra_params']
-        for a in attributes:
-            self._setattr(a)
-        if self.install_virtio == 'yes':
-            v_attributes = ['virtio_floppy', 'virtio_storage_path',
-                            'virtio_network_path', 'virtio_oemsetup_id',
-                            'virtio_network_installer']
-            for va in v_attributes:
-                self._setattr(va)
-        if self.cdrom_cd1:
-            self.cdrom_cd1 = os.path.join(KVM_TEST_DIR, self.cdrom_cd1)
-        self.cdrom_cd1_mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cdrom_cd1_', dir='/tmp')
-        if self.medium == 'nfs':
-            self.nfs_mount = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='nfs_', dir='/tmp')
-        if self.floppy:
-            self.floppy = os.path.join(KVM_TEST_DIR, self.floppy)
-            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.floppy)):
-                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.floppy))
-        self.image_path = os.path.dirname(self.kernel)
-    def _setattr(self, key):
-        """
-        Populate class attributes with contents of environment variables.
-        Example: KVM_TEST_medium will populate self.medium.
-        @param key: Name of the class attribute we desire to have.
-        """
-        env_name = 'KVM_TEST_%s' % key
-        value = os.environ.get(env_name, '')
-        setattr(self, key, value)
-    def render_answer_file(self):
-        # Replace KVM_TEST_CDKEY (in the unattended file) with the cdkey
-        # provided for this test and replace the KVM_TEST_MEDIUM with
-        # the tree url or nfs address provided for this test.
-        unattended_contents = open(self.unattended_file).read()
-        dummy_cdkey_re = r'\bKVM_TEST_CDKEY\b'
-        real_cdkey = os.environ.get('KVM_TEST_cdkey')
-        if re.search(dummy_cdkey_re, unattended_contents):
-            if real_cdkey:
-                unattended_contents = re.sub(dummy_cdkey_re, real_cdkey,
-                                             unattended_contents)
-            else:
-                print ("WARNING: 'cdkey' required but not specified for "
-                       "this unattended installation")
-        dummy_medium_re = r'\bKVM_TEST_MEDIUM\b'
-        if self.medium == "cdrom":
-            content = "cdrom"
-        elif self.medium == "url":
-            content = "url --url %s" % self.url
-        elif self.medium == "nfs":
-            content = "nfs --server=%s --dir=%s" % (self.nfs_server,
-                                                    self.nfs_dir)
-        else:
-            raise SetupError("Unexpected installation medium %s" % self.url)
-        unattended_contents = re.sub(dummy_medium_re, content,
-                                     unattended_contents)
-        def replace_virtio_key(contents, dummy_re, env):
-            """
-            Replace a virtio dummy string with contents.
-            If install_virtio is not set, replace it with a dummy string.
-            @param contents: Contents of the unattended file
-            @param dummy_re: Regular expression used to search on the.
-                    unattended file contents.
-            @param env: Name of the environment variable.
-            """
-            dummy_path = "C:"
-            driver = os.environ.get(env, '')
-            if re.search(dummy_re, contents):
-                if self.install_virtio == "yes":
-                    if driver.endswith("msi"):
-                        driver = 'msiexec /passive /package ' + driver
-                    else:
-                        try:
-                            # Let's escape windows style paths properly
-                            drive, path = driver.split(":")
-                            driver = drive + ":" + re.escape(path)
-                        except:
-                            pass
-                    contents = re.sub(dummy_re, driver, contents)
-                else:
-                    contents = re.sub(dummy_re, dummy_path, contents)
-            return contents
-        vdict = {r'\bKVM_TEST_STORAGE_DRIVER_PATH\b':
-                 'KVM_TEST_virtio_storage_path',
-                 r'\bKVM_TEST_NETWORK_DRIVER_PATH\b':
-                 'KVM_TEST_virtio_network_path',
-                 r'\bKVM_TEST_VIRTIO_NETWORK_INSTALLER\b':
-                 'KVM_TEST_virtio_network_installer_path'}
-        for vkey in vdict:
-            unattended_contents = replace_virtio_key(unattended_contents,
-                                                     vkey, vdict[vkey])
-        print "Unattended install contents:"
-        print unattended_contents
-        return unattended_contents
-    def setup_boot_disk(self):
-        answer_contents = self.render_answer_file()
-        if self.unattended_file.endswith('.sif'):
-            dest_fname = 'winnt.sif'
-            setup_file = 'winnt.bat'
-            boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy)
-            boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
-            setup_file_path = os.path.join(self.unattended_dir, setup_file)
-            boot_disk.copy_to(setup_file_path)
-            if self.install_virtio == "yes":
-                boot_disk.setup_virtio_win2003(self.virtio_floppy,
-                                               self.virtio_oemsetup_id)
-            boot_disk.copy_to(self.finish_program)
-        elif self.unattended_file.endswith('.ks'):
-            # Red Hat kickstart install
-            dest_fname = 'ks.cfg'
-            if self.cdrom_unattended:
-                boot_disk = CdromDisk(self.cdrom_unattended)
-            elif self.floppy:
-                boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy)
-            else:
-                raise SetupError("Neither cdrom_unattended nor floppy set "
-                                 "on the config file, please verify")
-            boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
-        elif self.unattended_file.endswith('.xml'):
-            if "autoyast" in self.extra_params:
-                # SUSE autoyast install
-                dest_fname = "autoinst.xml"
-                if self.cdrom_unattended:
-                    boot_disk = CdromDisk(self.cdrom_unattended)
-                elif self.floppy:
-                    boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy)
-                else:
-                    raise SetupError("Neither cdrom_unattended nor floppy set "
-                                     "on the config file, please verify")
-                boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
-            else:
-                # Windows unattended install
-                dest_fname = "autounattend.xml"
-                boot_disk = FloppyDisk(self.floppy)
-                boot_disk.setup_answer_file(dest_fname, answer_contents)
-                if self.install_virtio == "yes":
-                    boot_disk.setup_virtio_win2008(self.virtio_floppy)
-                boot_disk.copy_to(self.finish_program)
-        else:
-            raise SetupError('Unknown answer file %s' %
-                             self.unattended_file)
-        boot_disk.close()
-    def setup_cdrom(self):
-        """
-        Mount cdrom and copy vmlinuz and initrd.img.
-        """
-        print "Copying vmlinuz and initrd.img from cdrom"
-        m_cmd = ('mount -t iso9660 -v -o loop,ro %s %s' %
-                 (self.cdrom_cd1, self.cdrom_cd1_mount))
-        run(m_cmd, info='Could not mount CD image %s.' % self.cdrom_cd1)
-        try:
-            img_path_cmd = ("mkdir -p %s" % self.image_path)
-            run(img_path_cmd, info=("Could not create image path dir %s" %
-                                    self.image_path))
-            kernel_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
-                                (self.cdrom_cd1_mount, self.boot_path,
-                                 os.path.basename(self.kernel), self.kernel))
-            run(kernel_fetch_cmd, info=("Could not copy the vmlinuz from %s" %
-                                        self.cdrom_cd1_mount))
-            initrd_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
-                                (self.cdrom_cd1_mount, self.boot_path,
-                                 os.path.basename(self.initrd), self.initrd))
-            run(initrd_fetch_cmd, info=("Could not copy the initrd.img from "
-                                        "%s" % self.cdrom_cd1_mount))
-        finally:
-            cleanup(self.cdrom_cd1_mount)
-    def setup_url(self):
-        """
-        Download the vmlinuz and initrd.img from URL.
-        """
-        print "Downloading vmlinuz and initrd.img from URL"
-        os.chdir(self.image_path)
-        kernel_fetch_cmd = "wget -q %s/%s/%s" % (self.url, self.boot_path,
-                                                 os.path.basename(self.kernel))
-        initrd_fetch_cmd = "wget -q %s/%s/%s" % (self.url, self.boot_path,
-                                                 os.path.basename(self.initrd))
-        if os.path.exists(self.kernel):
-            os.unlink(self.kernel)
-        if os.path.exists(self.initrd):
-            os.unlink(self.initrd)
-        run(kernel_fetch_cmd, info="Could not fetch vmlinuz from %s" % self.url)
-        run(initrd_fetch_cmd, info=("Could not fetch initrd.img from %s" %
-                                    self.url))
-    def setup_nfs(self):
-        """
-        Copy the vmlinuz and initrd.img from nfs.
-        """
-        print "Copying the vmlinuz and initrd.img from nfs"
-        m_cmd = ("mount %s:%s %s -o ro" %
-                 (self.nfs_server, self.nfs_dir, self.nfs_mount))
-        run(m_cmd, info='Could not mount nfs server')
-        try:
-            kernel_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
-                                (self.nfs_mount, self.boot_path,
-                                os.path.basename(self.kernel), self.image_path))
-            run(kernel_fetch_cmd, info=("Could not copy the vmlinuz from %s" %
-                                        self.nfs_mount))
-            initrd_fetch_cmd = ("cp %s/%s/%s %s" %
-                                (self.nfs_mount, self.boot_path,
-                                os.path.basename(self.initrd), self.image_path))
-            run(initrd_fetch_cmd, info=("Could not copy the initrd.img from "
-                                        "%s" % self.nfs_mount))
-        finally:
-            cleanup(self.nfs_mount)
-    def setup(self):
-        """
-        Configure the environment for unattended install.
-        Uses an appropriate strategy according to each install model.
-        """
-        print "Starting unattended install setup"
-        print
-        print "Variables set:"
-        for member in inspect.getmembers(self):
-            name, value = member
-            attribute = getattr(self, name)
-            if not (name.startswith("__") or callable(attribute) or not value):
-                print "    %s: %s" % (name, value)
-        print
-        if self.unattended_file and (self.floppy or self.cdrom_unattended):
-            self.setup_boot_disk()
-        if self.medium == "cdrom":
-            if self.kernel and self.initrd:
-                self.setup_cdrom()
-        elif self.medium == "url":
-            self.setup_url()
-        elif self.medium == "nfs":
-            self.setup_nfs()
-        else:
-            raise SetupError("Unexpected installation method %s" %
-                             self.medium)
-        print "Unattended install setup finished successfuly"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    os_install = UnattendedInstall()
-    os_install.setup()
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample
index c727c32..f90d551 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample
@@ -1199,8 +1199,6 @@ variants:
                             md5sum_cd1 = f2ebf941dc45f99ee3e8a457c9544552
                             md5sum_1m_cd1 = df029f9cffbc3517937a91124a1e0c3a
             - DSL-4.2.5:
                 no setup dbench bonnie linux_s3
                 image_name = dsl-4.2.5

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