[KVM-Autotest][PATCH][virtio-console][REPAIR] Repair sigio bug, cleanup_function and code clean.

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* Sigio console timeout.
* Repair Multiopen test.
* Cleanup function try repair ports. Virtual machine
is restarted if something goes wrong. After crash any
part of test summarize output is written to logs.
Remove debug version of summarize output because
there are to much unnecessary information.
* Change structure of test calling function.

Correct multiopen test
 client/tests/kvm/scripts/virtio_guest.py |   17 ++-
 client/tests/kvm/tests/virtio_console.py |  289 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/scripts/virtio_guest.py b/client/tests/kvm/scripts/virtio_guest.py
index 0d4eda5..0038f48 100755
--- a/client/tests/kvm/scripts/virtio_guest.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/scripts/virtio_guest.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class VirtioGuest:
         self.ports = {}
         self.poll_fds = {}
         self.catch_signal = None
+        self.use_config = threading.Event()
     def _readfile(self, name):
@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ class VirtioGuest:
             p = select.poll()
             map(p.register, self.poll_fds.keys())
-            masks = p.poll(10)
+            masks = p.poll(1)
             print masks
             for mask in masks:
                 self.poll_fds[mask[0]][1] |= mask[1]
@@ -425,16 +426,19 @@ class VirtioGuest:
             fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETOWN, os.getpid())
             fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
+            self.use_config.clear()
             if mode:
                 fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_ASYNC)
                 self.poll_fds[fd] = [exp_val, 0]
                 self.catch_signal = True
-                os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGCONT)
                 del self.poll_fds[fd]
                 fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl & ~os.O_ASYNC)
                 self.catch_signal = False
-                os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGCONT)
+            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)
+            self.use_config.wait()
         except Exception, inst:
             print "FAIL: Setting (a)sync mode: " + str(inst)
@@ -479,7 +483,6 @@ class VirtioGuest:
             self.files[name] = os.open(name, os.O_RDWR)
             if (self.ports[in_file]["is_console"] == "yes"):
                 print os.system("stty -F %s raw -echo" % (name))
-                print os.system("stty -F %s -a" % (name))
             print "PASS: Open all filles correctly."
         except Exception, inst:
             print "%s\nFAIL: Failed open file %s" % (str(inst), name)
@@ -661,7 +664,7 @@ def worker(virt):
-def sigcont_handler(sig, frame):
+def sigusr_handler(sig, frame):
@@ -675,7 +678,7 @@ def main():
     virt = VirtioGuest()
     slave = Thread(target=worker, args=(virt, ))
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, sigcont_handler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr_handler)
     while True:
         catch = virt.catching_signal()
@@ -683,6 +686,8 @@ def main():
             signal.signal(signal.SIGIO, virt)
         elif catch == False:
             signal.signal(signal.SIGIO, signal.SIG_DFL)
+        if (catch != None):
+            virt.use_config.set()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/virtio_console.py b/client/tests/kvm/tests/virtio_console.py
index a51e309..1295663 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/tests/virtio_console.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/virtio_console.py
@@ -64,18 +64,20 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
             @param function: Object of function.
             @param args: List of arguments of function.
             @param fatal: If true exception is forwarded to main test.
+            @param cleanup: If true call cleanup function after crash of test.
             @return: Return what returned executed subtest.
             @raise TestError: If collapse of test is fatal raise forward
                         exception from subtest.
             if args == None:
                 args = []
+            res = [None, function.func_name, args]
                 logging.debug("Start test %s." % function.func_name)
                 ret = function(*args)
-                logging.info(self.result_to_string((True, function.func_name,
-                                                    args)))
-                self.result.append((True, function.func_name, args))
+                res[0] = True
+                logging.info(self.result_to_string(res))
+                self.result.append(res)
                 self.passed += 1
                 return ret
@@ -90,9 +92,9 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
                 # Clean up environment after subTest crash
                 if cleanup:
-                logging.info(self.result_to_string((False, function.func_name,
-                                                    args)))
-                self.result.append((False, function.func_name, args))
+                res[0] = False
+                logging.info(self.result_to_string(res))
+                self.result.append(res)
                 self.failed += 1
                 if fatal:
@@ -143,24 +145,42 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
             return ("Subtest (%s): --> %s") % (result[1], status)
-        def get_full_text_result(self):
+        def headline(self, msg):
-            @return string with text form of result
+            Add headline to result output.
+            @param msg: Test of headline
+            """
+            self.result.append([msg])
+        def _gen_res(self, format_func):
+            """
+            Format result with foramting function
+            @param format_func: Func for formating result.
             result = ""
             for res in self.result:
-                result += self.result_to_string_debug(res) + "\n"
+                if (len(res) == 3):
+                    result += format_func(res) + "\n"
+                else:
+                    result += res[0] + "\n"
             return result
+        def get_full_text_result(self):
+            """
+            @return string with text form of result
+            """
+            return self._gen_res(lambda str: self.result_to_string_debug(str))
         def get_text_result(self):
             @return string with text form of result
-            result = ""
-            for res in self.result:
-                result += self.result_to_string(res) + "\n"
-            return result
+            return self._gen_res(lambda str: self.result_to_string(str))
     class Port(object):
@@ -416,21 +436,22 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
                 started properly.
         logging.debug("compile virtio_guest.py on guest %s", vm[0].name)
-        vm[1].sendline("python -OO /tmp/virtio_guest.py -c &&"
+        (match, data) = _on_guest("python -OO /tmp/virtio_guest.py -c &&"
                        "echo -n 'PASS: Compile virtio_guest finished' ||"
-                       "echo -n 'FAIL: Compile virtio_guest failed'")
-        (match, data) = vm[1].read_until_last_line_matches(["PASS:", "FAIL:"],
-                                                           timeout)
+                       "echo -n 'FAIL: Compile virtio_guest failed'",
+                        vm, timeout)
         if match != 0:
             raise error.TestFail("Command console_switch.py on guest %s failed."
                                  "\nreturn code: %s\n output:\n%s" %
                                  (vm[0].name, match, data))
         logging.debug("Starting virtio_guest.py on guest %s", vm[0].name)
-        vm[1].sendline("python /tmp/virtio_guest.pyo &&"
+        vm[1].sendline()
+        (match, data) = _on_guest("python /tmp/virtio_guest.pyo &&"
                        "echo -n 'PASS: virtio_guest finished' ||"
-                       "echo -n 'FAIL: virtio_guest failed'")
-        (match, data) = vm[1].read_until_last_line_matches(["PASS:", "FAIL:"],
-                                                           timeout)
+                       "echo -n 'FAIL: virtio_guest failed'",
+                       vm, timeout)
         if match != 0:
             raise error.TestFail("Command console_switch.py on guest %s failed."
                                  "\nreturn code: %s\n output:\n%s" %
@@ -472,9 +493,9 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
             (match, data) = vm[1].read_until_last_line_matches(["PASS:",
-        except (kvm_subprocess.ExpectTimeoutError):
+        except (kvm_subprocess.ExpectError):
             match = None
-            data = None
+            data = "Timeout."
         return (match, data)
@@ -620,15 +641,19 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         on_guest("virt.close('%s')" % (port.name), vm, 2)
         on_guest("virt.open('%s')" % (port.name), vm, 2)
-        match = _on_guest("virt.open('%s')" % (port.name), vm, 2)[0]
+        (match, data) = _on_guest("virt.open('%s')" % (port.name), vm, 2)
         # Console is permitted to open the device multiple times
-        if match != 0 and port.port_type == "yes":
-            raise error.TestFail("Unexpected fail of openning the console"
-                                 " device for the 2nd time.")
-        # Serial port is forbidden to open the device multiple times
-        elif match != 1 and port.port_type == "no":
-            raise error.TestFail("Unexpetded pass of oppening the serialport"
-                                 " device for the 2nd time.")
+        if port.port_type == "yes": #is console?
+            if match != 0: #Multiopen not pass
+                raise error.TestFail("Unexpected fail of opening the console"
+                                     " device for the 2nd time.\n%s" % data)
+        else:
+            if match != 1: #Multiopen not fail:
+                raise error.TestFail("Unexpetded pass of opening the"
+                                     " serialport device for the 2nd time.")
+            elif not "[Errno 24]" in data:
+                raise error.TestFail("Multiple opening fail but with another"
+                                     " exception %s" % data)
     def tclose(vm, port):
@@ -688,7 +713,7 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         # Enable sigio on specific port
         on_guest("virt.async('%s', True, 0)" %
-                 (port.name) , vm, 2)
+                 (port.name) , vm, 5)
         on_guest("virt.get_sigio_poll_return('%s')" % (port.name) , vm, 2)
         #Test sigio when port open
@@ -728,7 +753,7 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         # Disable sigio on specific port
         on_guest("virt.async('%s', False, 0)" %
-                 (port.name) , vm, 2)
+                 (port.name) , vm, 5)
     def tlseek(vm, port):
@@ -752,17 +777,7 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         if port.is_open:
-        # Read should pass
-        # FIXME: Console doesn't support polling (POLLHUP without host shoots
-        # the guest OS)
-        if port.port_type != "yes":
-            on_guest("virt.recv('%s', 0, 1024, False)" % port.name, vm, 2)
-        else: # Skip this test on virtio-console port
-            raise error.TestFail("This test is unable to run with virtio"
-                                 " console. Please see the in_code FIXME"
-                                 " note for more info.\n"
-                                 "Skipping this round.")
-        # Write should timed-out
+        on_guest("virt.recv('%s', 0, 1024, False)" % port.name, vm, 2)
         match, tmp = _on_guest("virt.send('%s', 10, False)"
                                 % port.name, vm, 2)
         if match != None:
@@ -859,44 +874,6 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         _guest_exit_threads(vm, [send_port], [recv_port])
-    def test_smoke(test, vm, consoles, params):
-        """
-        Virtio console smoke test.
-        Tests the basic functionalities (poll, read/write with and without
-        connected host, etc.
-        @param vm: Target virtual machine [vm, session, tmp_dir].
-        @param consoles: Field of virtio ports with the minimum of 2 items.
-        @param params: Test parameters '$console_type:$data;...'
-        """
-        # PREPARE
-        for param in params.split(';'):
-            if not param:
-                continue
-            logging.info("test_smoke: params: %s", param)
-            param = param.split(':')
-            if len(param) > 1:
-                data = param[1]
-            else:
-                data = "Smoke test data"
-            param = (param[0] == 'serialport')
-            send_pt = consoles[param][0]
-            recv_pt = consoles[param][1]
-            test.do_test(topen, [vm, send_pt] , True)
-            test.do_test(tclose, [vm, send_pt], True)
-            test.do_test(tmulti_open, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(tpooling, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(tsigio, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(tlseek, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(trw_host_offline, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(trw_nonblocking_mode, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(trw_blocking_mode, [vm, send_pt])
-            test.do_test(tbasic_loopback, [vm, send_pt, recv_pt, data], True)
     def tloopback(vm, consoles, params):
         Virtio console loopback test.
@@ -916,7 +893,7 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         for param in params.split(';'):
             if not param:
-            logging.info("test_loopback: params: %s", param)
+            logging.info("test_loopback: params: %s" % (param))
             param = param.split(':')
             idx_serialport = 0
             idx_console = 0
@@ -1021,7 +998,7 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         for param in params.split(';'):
             if not param:
-            logging.info("test_perf: params: %s", param)
+            logging.info("test_perf: params: %s" % (param))
             param = param.split(':')
             duration = 60.0
             if len(param) > 1:
@@ -1128,63 +1105,112 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
         @param consoles: Consoles which should be clean.
         # Check if python is still alive
-        print "CLEANED"
+        print "CLEANING"
         match, tmp = _on_guest("is_alive()", vm, 10)
         if (match == None) or (match != 0):
             logging.error("Python died/is stucked/have remaining threads")
-            vm[1] = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm[0], 0,
-                                         float(params.get("boot_timeout", 240)),
-                                         0, 2)
-            (match, data) = _on_guest("killall -9 python "
-                                      "&& echo -n PASS: python killed"
-                                      "|| echo -n PASS: python was death",
-                                      vm, 30)
-            if (match == None):
-                # killall -9 command didn't finished - python stucked
-                raise error.TestFail("Python is really stucked - "
-                                     "can't kill -9 it")
-            #on_guest("rmmod -f virtio_console && echo -n PASS: rmmod "
-            #         "|| echo -n FAIL: rmmod", vm, 10)
-            #on_guest("modprobe virtio_console "
-            #         "&& echo -n PASS: modprobe || echo -n FAIL: modprobe",
-            #         vm, 10)
-            init_guest(vm, consoles)
-            (match, data) = _on_guest("virt.clean_port('%s'),1024" %
-                                      consoles[0][0].name, vm, 2)
-            if (match == None) or (match != 0):
-                logging.error(data)
+            try:
+                vm[1] = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm[0], 0,
+                                        float(params.get("boot_timeout", 5)),
+                                        0, 2)
+                on_guest("killall -9 python "
+                         "&& echo -n PASS: python killed"
+                         "|| echo -n PASS: python was death",
+                         vm, 10)
+                init_guest(vm, consoles)
+                on_guest("virt.clean_port('%s'),1024" % consoles[0][0].name,
+                         vm, 2)
+                on_guest("virt.close('%s'),1024" %
+                         consoles[0][0].name, vm, 2)
+            except (error.TestFail, kvm_subprocess.ExpectError,
+                    Exception), inst:
+                logging.error(inst)
                 logging.error("Virtio-console driver is irreparably"
                               " blocked. Every comd end with sig KILL."
                               "Try reboot vm for continue in testing.")
                 vm[1] = kvm_test_utils.reboot(vm[0], vm[1], "system_reset")
                 init_guest(vm, consoles)
-                (match, data) = _on_guest("virt.clean_port('%s'),1024" %
-                                      consoles[0][0].name, vm, 2)
+                match = _on_guest("virt.clean_port('%s'),1024" %
+                                      consoles[0][0].name, vm, 2)[0]
                 if (match == None) or (match != 0):
-                    raise error.TestFail("Virtio-console driver is irreparably"
-                                         " blocked. Every comd end with sig"
-                                         " KILL. Neither the restart did not"
-                                         " help.")
-            else:
-                on_guest("virt.close('%s'),1024" % consoles[0][0].name, vm, 2)
+                    raise error.TestFail("Virtio-console driver is irrepar"
+                                         "ably blocked. Every comd end"
+                                         " with sig KILL. Neither the "
+                                         "restart did not help.")
         for ctype in consoles:
             for port in ctype:
                 openned = port.is_open
                 #on_guest("virt.blocking('%s', True)" % port.name, vm, 2)
-                on_guest("virt.clean_port('%s'),1024" % port.name, vm, 2)
+                on_guest("virt.clean_port('%s'),1024" % port.name, vm, 5)
                 if not openned:
                     on_guest("virt.close('%s'),1024" % port.name, vm, 2)
+    def test_smoke(test, vm, consoles, params):
+        """
+        Virtio console smoke test.
+        Tests the basic functionalities (poll, read/write with and without
+        connected host, etc.
+        @param test: Main test object.
+        @param vm: Target virtual machine [vm, session, tmp_dir].
+        @param consoles: Field of virtio ports with the minimum of 2 items.
+        @param params: Test parameters '$console_type:$data;...'
+        """
+        # PREPARE
+        for param in params.split(';'):
+            if not param:
+                continue
+            headline = "test_smoke: params: %s" % (param)
+            logging.info(headline)
+            param = param.split(':')
+            if len(param) > 1:
+                data = param[1]
+            else:
+                data = "Smoke test data"
+            param = (param[0] == 'serialport')
+            send_pt = consoles[param][0]
+            recv_pt = consoles[param][1]
+            test.headline(headline)
+            test.do_test(topen, [vm, send_pt], True)
+            test.do_test(tclose, [vm, send_pt], True)
+            test.do_test(tmulti_open, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(tpooling, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(tsigio, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(tlseek, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(trw_host_offline, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(trw_nonblocking_mode, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(trw_blocking_mode, [vm, send_pt])
+            test.do_test(tbasic_loopback, [vm, send_pt, recv_pt, data], True)
+    def test_multiport(test, vm, consoles, params):
+        """
+        This is group of test which test virtio_console in maximal load and
+        with multiple ports.
+        @param test: Main test object.
+        @param vm: Target virtual machine [vm, session, tmp_dir].
+        @param consoles: Field of virtio ports with the minimum of 2 items.
+        @param params: Test parameters '$console_type:$data;...'
+        """
+        test.headline("test_multiport:")
+        #Test Loopback
+        test.do_test(tloopback, [vm, consoles, params[0]])
+        #Test Performance
+        test.do_test(tperf, [vm, consoles, params[1]])
     tsmoke_params = params.get('virtio_console_smoke', '')
@@ -1223,23 +1249,20 @@ def run_virtio_console(test, params, env):
     # Defines all available consoles; tests udev and sysfs
-    init_guest(vm, consoles)
     test = SubTest()
-    test.set_cleanup_func(clean_ports, [vm, consoles])
-    #Test Smoke
-    test_smoke(test, vm, consoles, tsmoke_params)
-    #Test Loopback
-    test.do_test(tloopback, [vm, consoles, tloopback_params])
-    #Test Performance
-    test.do_test(tperf, [vm, consoles, tperf_params])
-    logging.info(("Summary: %d tests passed  %d test failed :\n" %
-                  (test.passed, test.failed)) + test.get_text_result())
-    logging.debug(("Summary: %d tests passed  %d test failed :\n" %
-                   (test.passed, test.failed)) + test.get_full_text_result())
+    try:
+        init_guest(vm, consoles)
+        test.set_cleanup_func(clean_ports, [vm, consoles])
+        #Test Smoke
+        test_smoke(test, vm, consoles, tsmoke_params)
+        #Test multiport functionality and performance.
+        test_multiport(test, vm, consoles, [tloopback_params, tperf_params])
+    finally:
+        logging.info(("Summary: %d tests passed  %d test failed :\n" %
+                      (test.passed, test.failed)) + test.get_text_result())
     if test.is_failed():
         raise error.TestFail("Virtio_console test FAILED.")

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