AW: Freezing Windows 2008 x64bit guest

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Vadim Rozenfeld <vrozenfe <at>> writes:

> On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 22:12 +0200, Dor Laor wrote:
> > On 12/13/2010 09:42 PM, Manfred Heubach wrote:
> > >
> > > I was running the host with Ubuntu 10.04 but upgraded to 10.10 - mainly
> > > of performance problems which were solved by the upgrade.
> > >
> > > After the upgrade the system became extremly unstable. It was crashing as soon
> > > as disk io and network io load was growing. 100% reproduceable with windows
> > > server backup to an iscsi volume.
> > >
> > > i had virtio drivers for storage and network installed (redhat/fedora 1.1.11).
> >
> > Which fedora/rhel release is that?

The host is Ubuntu 10.10 x64

The drivers are from 1.1.11-0
released on 17-Aug-2010 - are there any newer drivers?

> > What's the windows virtio driver version?

The virtio storage version shown in Windows is

> >
> > Have you tried using virt-manager/virhs instead of raw cmdline?

I'm starting it with libvirt/virsh

cmd-line copied from the log (and some log entries):

LC_ALL=C PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin
QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none /usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-0.12 -enable-kvm -m 8192 -smp
4,sockets=4,cores=1,threads=1 -name sbs2008 -uuid
933c2ef2-e5b0-0b39-db60-016b5d226534 -nodefaults -chardev
socket,id=monitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/sbs2008.monitor,server,nowait -mon
chardev=monitor,mode=readline -rtc base=localtime -boot c -drive
-device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 -drive
boot=on,format=qcow2 -device
-drive file=/dev/volg1/wsus,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk2,format=raw,cache=none
-device e1000,vlan=0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:8a:bc:c9,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6 -net
tap,fd=107,vlan=0,name=hostnet0 -chardev pty,id=serial0 -device
isa-serial,chardev=serial0 -usb -device usb-tablet,id=input0 -vnc -k
de -vga std -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
07:12:02.715: debug : qemudInitCpuAffinity:2423 : Setting CPU affinity
07:12:02.717: debug : qemuSecurityDACSetProcessLabel:547 : Dropping privileges
of VM to 105:114
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0
pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-e1000.bin"

> > About e1000, some windows comes with buggy driver and an update e1000
> > from Intel fixes some issues.
> >

I'm running latest drivers from Intel:

> >
> > > At each BSOD I had the following line in the log of the guest:
> > >
> > >   virtio_ioport_write: unexpected address 0x13 value 0x1
> > >
> > > I changed the network interface back to e1000. What I experience now (and
I had
> > > that a the very beginning before i switched to virtio network) are
freezes. The
> > > guest doesn't respond anymore (doesn't answer to pings and doesn't
interact via
> > > mouse/keyboard anymore). Host CPU usage of the kvm process is 100% on as many
> > > cores as there are virtual cpus (in this case 4).

I had a crash today but no logentry on the host - but that could be because I
had to restart syslog (ran out of diskspace after turning on debug logging ob
libvirtd - didn't think that it would generate 6 GB of logs per day :-)

> > >
> Sounds like an interrupt storm to me. Can you try to ping your VM?

No responds to ping.

> Anyway the best way to start debugging a stalled system is just to crash
> it with BSOD. For doing it you will need:
> - enable NMICrashDump (please see
> for more information
> - enable Kernel Memory Dump (actually Complete is much better, but it
> can be too big)
> - you only will need to type "nmi 0" in the qemu monitor to crash the
> system, when the system hangs next time.

I prepared this. When the system crashed today I didn't have the complete
memory dump ready - so I only have a minidump. The intersting point is that
the system today crashed with a BSOD and didn't freeze.

The result of dumpchk.exe is as follows:

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [c:\Windows\Minidump\Mini121410-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: SRV*
Executable search path is:
Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Kernel Version 6002 (Service Pack 2) MP (4
procs) Free x64
Product: LanManNt, suite: SmallBusiness TerminalServer SmallBusinessRestricted
Built by: 6002.18267.amd64fre.vistasp2_gdr.100608-0458
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`01e16000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`01fdadd0
Debug session time: Tue Dec 14 18:41:20.058 2010 (UTC + 1:00)
System Uptime: 1 days 11:16:05.967
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff80001e6a842, fffffa6004efcb70, 0}

Probably caused by : Npfs.SYS ( Npfs!NpSetAttributeInList+9a )

Followup: MachineOwner

----- 64 bit Kernel Mini Dump Analysis

MajorVersion        0000000f
MinorVersion        00001772
KdSecondaryVersion  00000000
DirectoryTableBase  00000001`e5b51000
PfnDataBase         fffff800`0203d250
PsLoadedModuleList  fffff800`01fdadd0
PsActiveProcessHead fffff800`01fba440
MachineImageType    00008664
NumberProcessors    00000004
BugCheckCode        0000003b
BugCheckParameter1  00000000`c0000005
BugCheckParameter2  fffff800`01e6a842
BugCheckParameter3  fffffa60`04efcb70
BugCheckParameter4  00000000`00000000
KdDebuggerDataBlock fffff800`01f87f20
ProductType         00000002
SuiteMask           00000131
WriterStatus        00000000
MiniDumpFields      00000cff

ServicePackBuild      00000200
SizeOfDump            00040000
ValidOffset           0003fffc
ContextOffset         00000348
ExceptionOffset       00000f00
MmOffset              00002080
UnloadedDriversOffset 000020d0
PrcbOffset            000021f0
ProcessOffset         00005d10
ThreadOffset          000060f8
CallStackOffset       00006548
SizeOfCallStack       00001bf8
DriverListOffset      00008470
DriverCount           0000007c
StringPoolOffset      0000ca30
StringPoolSize        00002950
BrokenDriverOffset    00000000
TriageOptions         ffffffff
TopOfStack            fffffa60`04efc1b8
BStoreOffset          00000000
SizeOfBStore          00000000
LimitOfBStore         00000000`00000000
DebuggerDataOffset    00008140
DebuggerDataSize      00000330
DataBlocksOffset      0000f380
DataBlocksCount       00000008
  fffff800`01fdb720 - fffff800`01fdb79f at offset 0000f400
  fffff800`01fbf898 - fffff800`01fbf89b at offset 0000f480
  fffff800`01fbf894 - fffff800`01fbf897 at offset 0000f484
  fffff800`0203d078 - fffff800`0203d07b at offset 0000f488
  fffff800`0203d09c - fffff800`0203d09f at offset 0000f48c
  fffff800`01e6f000 - fffff800`01e6ffff at offset 0000f490
  fffff800`02019000 - fffff800`02019fff at offset 00010490
  fffff800`01e70000 - fffff800`01e70fff at offset 00011490
  Max offset 12490, 2e2f8 from end of file

Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Kernel Version 6002 (Service Pack 2) MP (4
procs) Free x64
Product: LanManNt, suite: SmallBusiness TerminalServer SmallBusinessRestricted
Built by: 6002.18267.amd64fre.vistasp2_gdr.100608-0458
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`01e16000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`01fdadd0
Debug session time: Tue Dec 14 18:41:20.058 2010 (UTC + 1:00)
System Uptime: 1 days 11:16:05.967
start             end                 module name
fffff800`01e16000 fffff800`0232d000   nt        Tue Jun 08 16:59:47 2010 (4C0E5AE3)
fffff800`0232d000 fffff800`02373000   hal       Sat Apr 11 09:04:56 2009 (49E04118)
fffff960`000b0000 fffff960`00364000   win32k    Tue Aug 31 16:57:22 2010 (4C7D1852)
fffff960`004d0000 fffff960`004ee000   dxg       Sat Apr 11 07:09:45 2009 (49E02619)
fffff960`00680000 fffff960`0068a000   TSDDD     Sat Jan 19 07:42:04 2008 (47919BBC)
fffff960`008c0000 fffff960`008c9000   framebuf  unavailable (00000000)
fffff960`00a80000 fffff960`00ab0000   RDPDD     unavailable (00000000)
fffffa60`00604000 fffffa60`0060e000   kdcom     Sat Apr 11 09:07:57 2009 (49E041CD)
fffffa60`0060e000 fffffa60`00649000   mcupdate_GenuineIntel  Sat Apr 11
09:05:41 2009 (49E04145)
fffffa60`00649000 fffffa60`0065d000   PSHED     Sat Apr 11 09:08:17 2009 (49E041E1)
fffffa60`0065d000 fffffa60`006ba000   CLFS      Sat Apr 11 06:54:21 2009 (49E0227D)
fffffa60`006ba000 fffffa60`0076c000   CI        Sat Apr 11 09:08:09 2009 (49E041D9)
fffffa60`0076c000 fffffa60`0077e000   HIDCLASS  Sat Apr 11 07:39:32 2009 (49E02D14)
fffffa60`0077e000 fffffa60`00785b80   HIDPARSE  Sat Jan 19 07:33:51 2008 (479199CF)
fffffa60`00788000 fffffa60`007d8000   msrpc     Sat Apr 11 07:32:13 2009 (49E02B5D)
fffffa60`007d8000 fffffa60`007f5000   tdx       Sat Apr 11 07:43:00 2009 (49E02DE4)
fffffa60`007f5000 fffffa60`00800000   mouhid    Sat Jan 19 07:28:10 2008 (4791987A)
fffffa60`00800000 fffffa60`00809000   hidusb    Sat Apr 11 07:39:32 2009 (49E02D14)
fffffa60`0080a000 fffffa60`009cd000   NDIS      Sat Apr 11 07:43:15 2009 (49E02DF3)
fffffa60`009cd000 fffffa60`009e1000   volmgr    Sat Apr 11 07:34:49 2009 (49E02BF9)
fffffa60`009e1000 fffffa60`009f2000   Npfs      Sat Apr 11 06:54:22 2009 (49E0227E)
fffffa60`009f2000 fffffa60`009fb000   rasacd    Sat Jan 19 07:37:30 2008 (47919AAA)
fffffa60`00a02000 fffffa60`00a5b000   NETIO     Sat Apr 11 07:43:34 2009 (49E02E06)
fffffa60`00a5b000 fffffa60`00b35000   Wdf01000  Sat Jan 19 07:33:27 2008 (479199B7)
fffffa60`00b35000 fffffa60`00b43000   WDFLDR    Sat Jan 19 07:32:33 2008 (47919981)
fffffa60`00b43000 fffffa60`00b99000   acpi      Sat Apr 11 07:03:26 2009 (49E0249E)
fffffa60`00b99000 fffffa60`00ba2000   WMILIB    Sat Jan 19 07:33:45 2008 (479199C9)
fffffa60`00ba2000 fffffa60`00bac000   msisadrv  Sat Jan 19 07:02:50 2008 (4791928A)
fffffa60`00bac000 fffffa60`00bdc000   pci       Sat Apr 11 07:03:33 2009 (49E024A5)
fffffa60`00bdc000 fffffa60`00bf1000   partmgr   Sat Apr 11 07:34:51 2009 (49E02BFB)
fffffa60`00bf1000 fffffa60`00bfc000   Msfs      Sat Jan 19 06:53:55 2008 (47919073)
fffffa60`00c00000 fffffa60`00c09000   rdpencdd  Sat Jan 19 07:42:03 2008 (47919BBB)
fffffa60`00c0d000 fffffa60`00c73000   volmgrx   Sat Apr 11 07:35:14 2009 (49E02C12)
fffffa60`00c73000 fffffa60`00c7b000   intelide  Sat Jan 19 07:28:56 2008 (479198A8)
fffffa60`00c7b000 fffffa60`00c8b000   PCIIDEX   Sat Apr 11 07:34:22 2009 (49E02BDE)
fffffa60`00c8b000 fffffa60`00c9e000   mountmgr  Sat Jan 19 07:28:01 2008 (47919871)
fffffa60`00c9e000 fffffa60`00ca6000   atapi     Sat Apr 11 07:34:19 2009 (49E02BDB)
fffffa60`00ca6000 fffffa60`00cca000   ataport   Sat Apr 11 07:34:25 2009 (49E02BE1)
fffffa60`00cca000 fffffa60`00cd3000   viostor   Tue Aug 10 15:58:06 2010 (4C615AEE)
fffffa60`00cd3000 fffffa60`00d30000   storport  Sat Apr 11 07:34:45 2009 (49E02BF5)
fffffa60`00d30000 fffffa60`00d77000   fltmgr    Sat Apr 11 06:54:38 2009 (49E0228E)
fffffa60`00d77000 fffffa60`00da2000   quota     Sat Apr 11 06:59:38 2009 (49E023BA)
fffffa60`00da2000 fffffa60`00db7000   datascrn  Sat Apr 11 06:59:35 2009 (49E023B7)
fffffa60`00db7000 fffffa60`00df0000   msiscsi   Sat Apr 11 07:36:09 2009 (49E02C49)
fffffa60`00df0000 fffffa60`00dfe000   vga       Sat Jan 19 07:32:21 2008 (47919975)
fffffa60`00e00000 fffffa60`00e0c000   ndistapi  Sat Jan 19 07:37:22 2008 (47919AA2)
fffffa60`00e0d000 fffffa60`00e94000   ksecdd    Mon Jun 15 15:15:18 2009 (4A364966)
fffffa60`00e94000 fffffa60`00eaa000   i8042prt  Sat Jan 19 07:28:08 2008 (47919878)
fffffa60`00eaa000 fffffa60`00eb8000   kbdclass  Sat Jan 19 07:28:05 2008 (47919875)
fffffa60`00eb8000 fffffa60`00ec4000   mouclass  Sat Jan 19 07:28:05 2008 (47919875)
fffffa60`00ec4000 fffffa60`00ed1000   fdc       Sat Jan 19 07:28:45 2008 (4791989D)
fffffa60`00ed1000 fffffa60`00eed000   cdrom     Sat Apr 11 07:34:39 2009 (49E02BEF)
fffffa60`00eed000 fffffa60`00ef9000   usbuhci   Sat Jan 19 07:33:56 2008 (479199D4)
fffffa60`00ef9000 fffffa60`00f3f000   USBPORT   Sat Apr 11 07:39:39 2009 (49E02D1B)
fffffa60`00f3f000 fffffa60`00f4d000   vgapnp    Sat Jan 19 07:32:22 2008 (47919976)
fffffa60`00f4d000 fffffa60`00f72000   VIDEOPRT  Sat Jan 19 07:32:25 2008 (47919979)
fffffa60`00f72000 fffffa60`00f82000   watchdog  Sat Apr 11 07:09:16 2009 (49E025FC)
fffffa60`00f82000 fffffa60`00fa5a00   E1G6032E  Wed Sep 24 01:09:49 2008 (48D9773D)
fffffa60`00fa6000 fffffa60`00fb9000   intelppm  Sat Jan 19 06:52:45 2008 (4791902D)
fffffa60`00fb9000 fffffa60`00fcc000   blbdrive  Sat Jan 19 06:58:37 2008 (4791918D)
fffffa60`00fcc000 fffffa60`00fd9000   TDI       Sat Apr 11 07:44:14 2009 (49E02E2E)
fffffa60`00fd9000 fffffa60`00ffc000   rasl2tp   Sat Apr 11 07:43:37 2009 (49E02E09)
fffffa60`01003000 fffffa60`01179000   tcpip     Wed Jun 16 16:51:56 2010 (4C18E50C)
fffffa60`01179000 fffffa60`011a5000   fwpkclnt  Sat Apr 11 07:42:44 2009 (49E02DD4)
fffffa60`011a5000 fffffa60`011d1000   CLASSPNP  Sat Apr 11 07:34:15 2009 (49E02BD7)
fffffa60`011d1000 fffffa60`011db000   crcdisk   Sat Jan 19 07:30:12 2008 (479198F4)
fffffa60`011f3000 fffffa60`011fc000   tunmp     Sat Jan 19 07:36:30 2008 (47919A6E)
fffffa60`01209000 fffffa60`01389000   Ntfs      Sat Apr 11 06:55:38 2009 (49E022CA)
fffffa60`01389000 fffffa60`013cd000   volsnap   Sat Apr 11 07:35:33 2009 (49E02C25)
fffffa60`013cd000 fffffa60`013d5000   spldr     Mon Jan 12 22:51:29 2009 (496BBB61)
fffffa60`013d5000 fffffa60`013e7000   mup       Sat Apr 11 06:54:47 2009 (49E02297)
fffffa60`013e7000 fffffa60`013fb000   disk      Sat Apr 11 07:34:38 2009 (49E02BEE)
fffffa60`03600000 fffffa60`03631000   ndiswan   Sat Apr 11 07:43:39 2009 (49E02E0B)
fffffa60`03631000 fffffa60`03641000   raspppoe  Sat Apr 11 07:43:33 2009 (49E02E05)
fffffa60`03641000 fffffa60`0365f000   raspptp   Sat Apr 11 07:43:38 2009 (49E02E0A)
fffffa60`0365f000 fffffa60`03677000   rassstp   Sat Apr 11 07:43:46 2009 (49E02E12)
fffffa60`03677000 fffffa60`03711000   rdpdr     Sat Apr 11 07:49:54 2009 (49E02F82)
fffffa60`03711000 fffffa60`03724000   termdd    Sat Apr 11 07:48:13 2009 (49E02F1D)
fffffa60`03724000 fffffa60`03725480   swenum    Thu Nov 02 10:37:33 2006 (4549BC5D)
fffffa60`03726000 fffffa60`0375a000   ks        Sat Apr 11 07:33:51 2009 (49E02BBF)
fffffa60`0375a000 fffffa60`03765000   mssmbios  Sat Jan 19 07:02:54 2008 (4791928E)
fffffa60`03765000 fffffa60`03775000   umbus     Sat Jan 19 07:34:16 2008 (479199E8)
fffffa60`03775000 fffffa60`037bd000   usbhub    Sat Apr 11 07:39:52 2009 (49E02D28)
fffffa60`037bd000 fffffa60`037d1000   NDProxy   Sat Jan 19 07:37:26 2008 (47919AA6)
fffffa60`037d1000 fffffa60`037e1000   dfs       Sat Jan 19 06:54:14 2008 (47919086)
fffffa60`037e1000 fffffa60`037eb000   Fs_Rec    Sat Jan 19 06:53:41 2008 (47919065)
fffffa60`037eb000 fffffa60`037f4000   Null      Thu Nov 02 10:37:15 2006 (4549BC4B)
fffffa60`037f4000 fffffa60`037fd000   RDPCDD    Sat Jan 19 07:42:04 2008 (47919BBC)
fffffa60`037fd000 fffffa60`037fee00   USBD      Sat Jan 19 07:33:53 2008 (479199D1)
fffffa60`03c04000 fffffa60`03c1f000   smb       Sat Apr 11 07:42:19 2009 (49E02DBB)
fffffa60`03c1f000 fffffa60`03c8a000   afd       Sat Apr 11 07:44:21 2009 (49E02E35)
fffffa60`03c8a000 fffffa60`03cce000   netbt     Sat Apr 11 07:42:31 2009 (49E02DC7)
fffffa60`03cce000 fffffa60`03cec000   pacer     Sat Apr 11 07:42:56 2009 (49E02DE0)
fffffa60`03cec000 fffffa60`03cfb000   netbios   Sat Jan 19 07:36:35 2008 (47919A73)
fffffa60`03cfb000 fffffa60`03d0e000   monitor   Sat Jan 19 07:32:34 2008 (47919982)
fffffa60`03d18000 fffffa60`03d33000   wanarp    Sat Apr 11 07:43:38 2009 (49E02E0A)
fffffa60`03d33000 fffffa60`03d80000   rdbss     Sat Apr 11 06:55:21 2009 (49E022B9)
fffffa60`03d80000 fffffa60`03d8c000   nsiproxy  Sat Jan 19 07:36:45 2008 (47919A7D)
fffffa60`03d8c000 fffffa60`03da9000   dfsc      Sat Apr 11 06:54:44 2009 (49E02294)
fffffa60`03da9000 fffffa60`03dc5000   cdfs      Sat Jan 19 06:53:45 2008 (47919069)
fffffa60`03dc5000 fffffa60`03dd3000   crashdmp  Sat Apr 11 07:34:31 2009 (49E02BE7)
fffffa60`03dd3000 fffffa60`03ddd000   dump_diskdump  Sat Apr 11 07:34:30 2009
fffffa60`03ddd000 fffffa60`03de6000   dump_viostor  Tue Aug 10 15:58:06 2010
fffffa60`03de6000 fffffa60`03df2000   Dxapi     Sat Jan 19 07:08:00 2008 (479193C0)
fffffa60`04204000 fffffa60`04226000   luafv     Sat Jan 19 06:59:06 2008 (479191AA)
fffffa60`04226000 fffffa60`0423a000   lltdio    Sat Jan 19 07:35:48 2008 (47919A44)
fffffa60`0423a000 fffffa60`04252000   rspndr    Sat Jan 19 07:35:48 2008 (47919A44)
fffffa60`04252000 fffffa60`042ec000   spsys     Tue Mar 10 18:16:43 2009 (49B6A07B)
fffffa60`042ec000 fffffa60`0430a000   bowser    Sat Jan 19 06:54:51 2008 (479190AB)
fffffa60`0430a000 fffffa60`04324000   mpsdrv    Sat Jan 19 07:35:28 2008 (47919A30)
fffffa60`04324000 fffffa60`0434d000   mrxsmb    Tue Feb 23 12:32:22 2010 (4B83BCC6)
fffffa60`0434d000 fffffa60`04396000   mrxsmb10  Tue Feb 23 12:32:21 2010 (4B83BCC5)
fffffa60`04396000 fffffa60`043b5000   mrxsmb20  Tue Feb 23 12:32:20 2010 (4B83BCC4)
fffffa60`043b5000 fffffa60`043c0000   asyncmac  Sat Jan 19 07:37:27 2008 (47919AA7)
fffffa60`043c0000 fffffa60`043e9000   srvnet    Mon Sep 06 17:33:48 2010 (4C8509DC)
fffffa60`04806000 fffffa60`04838000   srv2      Mon Sep 06 17:33:50 2010 (4C8509DE)
fffffa60`04838000 fffffa60`048cc000   srv       Mon Sep 06 17:34:12 2010 (4C8509F4)
fffffa60`048cc000 fffffa60`0496f000   HTTP      Sat Feb 20 22:30:05 2010 (4B80545D)
fffffa60`0500e000 fffffa60`050c4000   peauth    Mon Oct 23 13:57:00 2006 (453CAE0C)
fffffa60`050c4000 fffffa60`050cf000   secdrv    Wed Sep 13 15:18:38 2006 (4508052E)
fffffa60`050cf000 fffffa60`050df000   tcpipreg  Tue Dec 08 18:55:32 2009 (4B1E9314)
fffffa60`050df000 fffffa60`050ec000   tdtcp     Sat Jan 19 07:42:03 2008 (47919BBB)
fffffa60`050ec000 fffffa60`050fa000   tssecsrv  Sat Jan 19 07:42:10 2008 (47919BC2)
fffffa60`050fa000 fffffa60`05136000   RDPWD     Sat Apr 11 07:48:33 2009 (49E02F31)

Unloaded modules:
fffffa60`011db000 fffffa60`011e9000   crashdmp.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0000E000
fffffa60`011e9000 fffffa60`011f3000   dump_storpor
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0000A000
fffffa60`01200000 fffffa60`01209000   dump_viostor
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00009000
fffffa60`03cfb000 fffffa60`03d18000   serial.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001D000
fffffa60`0076c000 fffffa60`00788000   sacdrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001C000
*                                                                        *
*                   Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                        *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff80001e6a842, fffffa6004efcb70, 0}

Probably caused by : Npfs.SYS ( Npfs!NpSetAttributeInList+9a )

Followup: MachineOwner

Finished dump check

best regards

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