Re: [PATCH kvm-unit-tests 07/10] Correct the tss size

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 On 08/25/2010 04:00 PM, Jason Wang wrote:

   400bb8:       41 55                   push   %r13
   400bba:       41 54                   push   %r12
   400bbc:       55                      push   %rbp
   400bbd:       53                      push   %rbx
   400bbe:       48 8b 1d db e7 00 00    mov    0xe7db(%rip),%rbx        # 40f3a0<__args>
   400bc5:       41 bc 80 ec 40 00       mov    $0x40ec80,%r12d
   400bcb:       41 bd 80 f0 40 00       mov    $0x40f080,%r13d
   400bd1:       eb 42                   jmp    400c15<__setup_args+0x5d>
   400bd3:       4d 89 65 00             mov    %r12,0x0(%r13)
   400bd7:       0f b6 28                movzbl (%rax),%ebp
   400bda:       40 84 ed                test   %bpl,%bpl
   400bdd:       75 16                   jne    400bf5<__setup_args+0x3d>
   400bdf:       eb 21                   jmp    400c02<__setup_args+0x4a>
   400be1:       41 88 2c 24             mov    %bpl,(%r12)
   400be5:       49 83 c4 01             add    $0x1,%r12
   400bed:       0f b6 2b                movzbl (%rbx),%ebp
   400bf0:       40 84 ed                test   %bpl,%bpl
   400bf3:       74 0d                   je     400c02<__setup_args+0x4a>
   400bf5:       40 0f be fd             movsbl %bpl,%edi
   400bf9:       e8 a6 ff ff ff          callq  400ba4<isblank>
   400bfe:       84 c0                   test   %al,%al
   400c00:       74 df                   je     400be1<__setup_args+0x29>
   400c02:       49 83 c5 08             add    $0x8,%r13
   400c06:       41 c6 04 24 00          movb   $0x0,(%r12)
   400c0b:       49 83 c4 01             add    $0x1,%r12
   400c0f:       eb 04                   jmp    400c15<__setup_args+0x5d>
   400c11:       48 83 c3 01             add    $0x1,%rbx
400c15:       0f b6 2b                movzbl (%rbx),%ebp
   400c18:       40 0f be fd             movsbl %bpl,%edi
   400c1c:       e8 83 ff ff ff          callq  400ba4<isblank>

Looks completely unrelated.  We access the command line string and fault.

You can hack qemu-kvm to vmstop() on KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN and examine %rbx. It's probably corrupted. Maybe we need to copy the multiboot command line early to prevent the rest of the code from stomping on it.

I have a truly marvellous patch that fixes the bug which this
signature is too narrow to contain.

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