On 3/18/25 15:40, Richard Henderson wrote:
On 3/17/25 21:51, Pierrick Bouvier wrote:
Do not rely on target dependent type, but use a fixed type instead.
Since the original type is unsigned, it should be safe to extend its
size without any side effect.
Signed-off-by: Pierrick Bouvier<pierrick.bouvier@xxxxxxxxxx>
target/arm/cpu.h | 2 +-
target/arm/tcg/hflags.c | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@xxxxxxxxxx>
We can also remove the comment lower down about cs_base being
based on target_ulong, since that was changed some time ago:
exec/translation-block.h: uint64_t cs_base;
I updated the comment to this:
* We collect these two parts in CPUARMTBFlags where they are named
* flags and flags2 respectively.
- * The flags that are shared between all execution modes, TBFLAG_ANY,
- * are stored in flags. The flags that are specific to a given mode
- * are stores in flags2. Since cs_base is sized on the configured
- * address size, flags2 always has 64-bits for A64, and a minimum of
- * 32-bits for A32 and M32.
+ * The flags that are shared between all execution modes, TBFLAG_ANY,
are stored
+ * in flags. The flags that are specific to a given mode are stored in
+ * flags2 always has 64-bits, even though only 32-bits are used for A32
and M32.
* The bits for 32-bit A-profile and M-profile partially overlap: