Re: [PATCH 00/16] make system memory API available for common code

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On Sun, 9 Mar 2025, Pierrick Bouvier wrote:
The main goal of this series is to be able to call any memory ld/st function
from code that is *not* target dependent.

Why is that needed?

As a positive side effect, we can
turn related system compilation units into common code.

Are there any negative side effects? In particular have you done any performance benchmarking to see if this causes a measurable slow down? Such as with the STREAM benchmark:

Maybe it would be good to have some performance tests similiar to functional tests that could be run like the CI tests to detect such performance changes. People report that QEMU is getting slower and slower with each release. Maybe it could be a GSoC project to make such tests but maybe we're too late for that.


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