On 2/27/25 2:10 PM, Nico Boehr wrote:
When building out-of-tree, the parmfile was not passed to genprotimg,
causing the selftest-setup_PV test to fail.
Fix the Makefile rule s.t. parmfile is correctly passed.
Suggested-by: Marc Hartmayer <mhartmay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Nico Boehr <nrb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
s390x/Makefile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/s390x/Makefile b/s390x/Makefile
index 47dda6d26a6f..97ed0b473af5 100644
--- a/s390x/Makefile
+++ b/s390x/Makefile
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ else
GENPROTIMG_PCF := 0x000000e0
-$(patsubst %.parmfile,%.pv.bin,$(wildcard s390x/*.parmfile)): %.pv.bin: %.parmfile
+$(TEST_DIR)/selftest.pv.bin: $(SRCDIR)/s390x/selftest.parmfile
%.pv.bin: %.bin $(HOST_KEY_DOCUMENT) $(comm-key)
$(eval parmfile_args = $(if $(filter %.parmfile,$^),--parmfile $(filter %.parmfile,$^),))
$(GENPROTIMG) $(GENPROTIMG_DEFAULT_ARGS) --host-key-document $(HOST_KEY_DOCUMENT) $(GENPROTIMG_COMM_OPTION) $(comm-key) --x-pcf $(GENPROTIMG_PCF) $(parmfile_args) --image $(filter %.bin,$^) -o $@
We had this hardcoded, then changed to this rule and now move back to
hardcoding, no?
It's fine but it's still strange...