Re: [PATCH v2 05/10] target/i386/kvm: extract unrelated code out of kvm_x86_build_cpuid()

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> How about we still wrap in another new function with &cpuid_data.cpuid as
> an argument?
> 1. In current patch, we need cpuid(0xa) to query Intel PMU info.
> 2. In PATCH 08/10 (AMD), we need cpuid(0x80000001) to determine PERFCORE.
> (Otherwise, we may use ((env->features[FEAT_8000_0001_ECX] &
> CPUID_EXT3_PERFCORE), but I prefer something consistent)
> 3. In PATCH 09/10 (AMD PerfMonV2), we need cpuid(0x80000022) to query the
> PerfMonV2 support, and the number of PMU counters.

Thanks, I see. This new function makes sense for me.


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