Re: [PATCH 0/7] hw/hyperv: remove duplication compilation units

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On 3/6/25 08:35, Pierrick Bouvier wrote:
On 3/6/25 08:26, Richard Henderson wrote:
On 3/5/25 22:41, Pierrick Bouvier wrote:
Work towards having a single binary, by removing duplicated object files.

hw/hyperv/hyperv.c was excluded at this time, because it depends on target
dependent symbols:
- from system/kvm.h
       - kvm_check_extension
       - kvm_vm_ioctl
- from exec/cpu-all.h |
       - ldq_phys

Pierrick Bouvier (7):
     hw/hyperv/hv-balloon-stub: common compilation unit
     hw/hyperv/hyperv.h: header cleanup
     hw/hyperv/vmbus: common compilation unit
     hw/hyperv/hyperv-proto: move SYNDBG definition from target/i386
     hw/hyperv/syndbg: common compilation unit
     hw/hyperv/balloon: common balloon compilation units
     hw/hyperv/hyperv_testdev: common compilation unit

    include/hw/hyperv/hyperv-proto.h | 12 ++++++++
    include/hw/hyperv/hyperv.h       |  4 ++-
    target/i386/kvm/hyperv-proto.h   | 12 --------
    hw/hyperv/syndbg.c               |  7 +++--
    hw/hyperv/vmbus.c                | 50 ++++++++++++++++----------------
    hw/hyperv/            |  9 +++---
    6 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

I'm reasonably certain that hyperv is specific to x86.

That's correct.

But potentially could be extended to arm64 one day as well.

Are these only "duplicated" because of qemu-system-{i386,x86_64}?

Yes. A lot of duplications in hw/ is related to 32/64bits variants.


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