Re: Re: [Patch net 1/2] vsock/virtio: initialize rx_buf_nr and rx_buf_max_nr when resuming

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>You need to update the title now that you're moving also queued_replies.

Well, I will update the title in V3 version.

>On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 03:19:21PM +0800, Junnan Wu wrote:
>>When executing suspend to ram twice in a row,
>>the `rx_buf_nr` and `rx_buf_max_nr` increase to three times vq->num_free.
>>Then after virtqueue_get_buf and `rx_buf_nr` decreased
>>in function virtio_transport_rx_work,
>>the condition to fill rx buffer
>>(rx_buf_nr < rx_buf_max_nr / 2) will never be met.
>>It is because that `rx_buf_nr` and `rx_buf_max_nr`
>>are initialized only in virtio_vsock_probe(),
>>but they should be reset whenever virtqueues are recreated,
>>like after a suspend/resume.
>>Move the `rx_buf_nr` and `rx_buf_max_nr` initialization in
>>virtio_vsock_vqs_init(), so we are sure that they are properly
>>initialized, every time we initialize the virtqueues, either when we
>>load the driver or after a suspend/resume.
>>At the same time, also move `queued_replies`.
>As I mentioned the commit description should explain why the changes are 
>being made for both reviewers and future references to this patch.

After your kindly remind, I have double checked all locations where `queued_replies`
used, and we think for order to prevent erroneous atomic load operations 
on the `queued_replies` in the virtio_transport_send_pkt_work() function
which may disrupt the scheduling of vsock->rx_work
when transmitting reply-required socket packets,
this atomic variable must undergo synchronized initialization
alongside the preceding two variables after a suspend/resume.

If we reach agreement on it, I will add this description in V3 version.

Junnan Wu

>The rest LGTM.
>>Fixes: bd50c5dc182b ("vsock/virtio: add support for device suspend/resume")
>>Co-developed-by: Ying Gao <ying01.gao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Signed-off-by: Ying Gao <ying01.gao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Signed-off-by: Junnan Wu <junnan01.wu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> net/vmw_vsock/virtio_transport.c | 10 +++++++---
>> 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>>diff --git a/net/vmw_vsock/virtio_transport.c b/net/vmw_vsock/virtio_transport.c
>>index b58c3818f284..f0e48e6911fc 100644
>>--- a/net/vmw_vsock/virtio_transport.c
>>+++ b/net/vmw_vsock/virtio_transport.c
>>@@ -670,6 +670,13 @@ static int virtio_vsock_vqs_init(struct virtio_vsock *vsock)
>> 	};
>> 	int ret;
>>+	mutex_lock(&vsock->rx_lock);
>>+	vsock->rx_buf_nr = 0;
>>+	vsock->rx_buf_max_nr = 0;
>>+	mutex_unlock(&vsock->rx_lock);
>>+	atomic_set(&vsock->queued_replies, 0);
>> 	ret = virtio_find_vqs(vdev, VSOCK_VQ_MAX, vsock->vqs, vqs_info, NULL);
>> 	if (ret < 0)
>> 		return ret;
>>@@ -779,9 +786,6 @@ static int virtio_vsock_probe(struct virtio_device *vdev)
>> 	vsock->vdev = vdev;
>>-	vsock->rx_buf_nr = 0;
>>-	vsock->rx_buf_max_nr = 0;
>>-	atomic_set(&vsock->queued_replies, 0);
>> 	mutex_init(&vsock->tx_lock);
>> 	mutex_init(&vsock->rx_lock);

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