+Cc rust-vmm ML, since in past years we have used QEMU as an umbrella project for rust-vmm ideas for GSoC. Thanks, Stefano On Tue, 28 Jan 2025 at 17:17, Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Dear QEMU and KVM communities, > QEMU will apply for the Google Summer of Code internship > program again this year. Regular contributors can submit project > ideas that they'd like to mentor by replying to this email by > February 7th. > > About Google Summer of Code > ----------------------------------------- > GSoC (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/) offers paid open > source remote work internships to eligible people wishing to participate > in open source development. QEMU has been doing internship for > many years. Our mentors have enjoyed helping talented interns make > their first open source contributions and some former interns continue > to participate today. > > Who can mentor > ---------------------- > Regular contributors to QEMU and KVM can participate as mentors. > Mentorship involves about 5 hours of time commitment per week to > communicate with the intern, review their patches, etc. Time is also > required during the intern selection phase to communicate with > applicants. Being a mentor is an opportunity to help someone get > started in open source development, will give you experience with > managing a project in a low-stakes environment, and a chance to > explore interesting technical ideas that you may not have time to > develop yourself. > > How to propose your idea > ------------------------------ > Reply to this email with the following project idea template filled in: > > === TITLE === > > '''Summary:''' Short description of the project > > Detailed description of the project that explains the general idea, > including a list of high-level tasks that will be completed by the > project, and provides enough background for someone unfamiliar with > the code base to research the idea. Typically 2 or 3 paragraphs. > > '''Links:''' > * Links to mailing lists threads, git repos, or web sites > > '''Details:''' > * Skill level: beginner or intermediate or advanced > * Language: C/Python/Rust/etc > > More information > ---------------------- > You can find out about the process we follow here: > Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNVCX7YMUL8 > Slides (PDF): https://vmsplice.net/~stefan/stefanha-kvm-forum-2016.pdf > > The QEMU wiki page for GSoC 2024 is now available: > https://wiki.qemu.org/Google_Summer_of_Code_2025 > > What about Outreachy? > ------------------------------- > We have struggled to find sponsors for the Outreachy internship > program (https://www.outreachy.org/) in recent years. If you or your > organization would like to sponsor an Outreachy internship, please get > in touch. > > Thanks, > Stefan >