Re: [RFC PATCH v1 2/9] KVM: guest_memfd: Add guest_memfd support to kvm_(read|/write)_guest_page()

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On 22.01.25 16:27, Fuad Tabba wrote:
Make kvm_(read|/write)_guest_page() capable of accessing guest
memory for slots that don't have a userspace address, but only if
the memory is mappable, which also indicates that it is
accessible by the host.

Interesting. So far my assumption was that, for shared memory, user space would simply mmap() guest_memdd and pass it as userspace address to the same memslot that has this guest_memfd for private memory.

Wouldn't that be easier in the first shot? (IOW, not require this patch with the cost of faulting the shared page into the page table on access)


David / dhildenb

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