[kvm-unit-tests PATCH v2 11/18] arm/run: Add support for kvmtool

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Teach the arm runner to use kvmtool when kvm-unit-tests has been configured

The test is ran using run_test_status() because kvmtool does not have a
testdev device to return the test exit code, so kvm-unit-tests must always
parse the "EXIT: STATUS" line for the exit code.

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Elisei <alexandru.elisei@xxxxxxx>
 arm/run | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arm/run b/arm/run
index 9b11feafffdd..880d5afae86d 100755
--- a/arm/run
+++ b/arm/run
@@ -17,77 +17,114 @@ qemu)
    exit 3
+    processor="$PROCESSOR"
+    if [ "$QEMU" ] && [ -z "$ACCEL" ] &&
+       [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ] && [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ] &&
+       [ "$(basename $QEMU)" = "qemu-system-arm" ]; then
+        ACCEL="tcg"
+    fi
+    set_qemu_accelerator || exit $?
+    if [ "$ACCEL" = "kvm" ]; then
+        QEMU_ARCH=$HOST
+    fi
+    qemu=$(search_qemu_binary) ||
+        exit $?
+    if ! $qemu -machine '?' | grep -q 'ARM Virtual Machine'; then
+        echo "$qemu doesn't support mach-virt ('-machine virt'). Exiting."
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    M='-machine virt'
+    if [ "$ACCEL" = "kvm" ]; then
+        if $qemu $M,\? | grep -q gic-version; then
+            M+=',gic-version=host'
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$ACCEL" = "kvm" ] || [ "$ACCEL" = "hvf" ]; then
+        if [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ] || [ "$HOST" = "arm" ]; then
+            processor="host"
+            if [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ] && [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ]; then
+                processor+=",aarch64=off"
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ]; then
+        M+=",highmem=off"
+    fi
+    if ! $qemu $M -device '?' | grep -q virtconsole; then
+        echo "$qemu doesn't support virtio-console for chr-testdev. Exiting."
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    if ! $qemu $M -chardev '?' | grep -q testdev; then
+        echo "$qemu doesn't support chr-testdev. Exiting."
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    if [ "$UEFI_SHELL_RUN" != "y" ] && [ "$EFI_USE_ACPI" != "y" ]; then
+        chr_testdev='-device virtio-serial-device'
+        chr_testdev+=' -device virtconsole,chardev=ctd -chardev testdev,id=ctd'
+    fi
+    pci_testdev=
+    if $qemu $M -device '?' | grep -q pci-testdev; then
+        pci_testdev="-device pci-testdev"
+    fi
+    A="-accel $ACCEL$ACCEL_PROPS"
+    command="$qemu -nodefaults $M $A -cpu $processor $chr_testdev $pci_testdev"
+    command+=" -display none -serial stdio"
+    command="$(migration_cmd) $(timeout_cmd) $command"
+    if [ "$UEFI_SHELL_RUN" = "y" ]; then
+        ENVIRON_DEFAULT=n run_test_status $command "$@"
+    elif [ "$EFI_USE_ACPI" = "y" ]; then
+        run_test_status $command -kernel "$@"
+    else
+        run_qemu $command -kernel "$@"
+    fi
+    local command
+    kvmtool=$(search_kvmtool_binary) ||
+        exit $?
+    if [ "$ACCEL" ] && [ "$ACCEL" != "kvm" ]; then
+        echo "kvmtool does not support $ACCEL" >&2
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    if ! kvm_available; then
+        echo "KVM required by kvmtool but not available on the host" >&2
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    command="$(timeout_cmd) $kvmtool run"
+    if [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ] && [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ]; then
+	    run_test_status $command --kernel "$@" --aarch32
+    else
+	    run_test_status $command --kernel "$@"
+    fi
-if [ "$QEMU" ] && [ -z "$ACCEL" ] &&
-   [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ] && [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ] &&
-   [ "$(basename $QEMU)" = "qemu-system-arm" ]; then
-	ACCEL="tcg"
-set_qemu_accelerator || exit $?
-if [ "$ACCEL" = "kvm" ]; then
-qemu=$(search_qemu_binary) ||
-	exit $?
-if ! $qemu -machine '?' | grep -q 'ARM Virtual Machine'; then
-	echo "$qemu doesn't support mach-virt ('-machine virt'). Exiting."
-	exit 2
-M='-machine virt'
-if [ "$ACCEL" = "kvm" ]; then
-	if $qemu $M,\? | grep -q gic-version; then
-		M+=',gic-version=host'
-	fi
-if [ "$ACCEL" = "kvm" ] || [ "$ACCEL" = "hvf" ]; then
-	if [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ] || [ "$HOST" = "arm" ]; then
-		processor="host"
-		if [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ] && [ "$HOST" = "aarch64" ]; then
-			processor+=",aarch64=off"
-		fi
-	fi
-if [ "$ARCH" = "arm" ]; then
-	M+=",highmem=off"
-if ! $qemu $M -device '?' | grep -q virtconsole; then
-	echo "$qemu doesn't support virtio-console for chr-testdev. Exiting."
-	exit 2
-if ! $qemu $M -chardev '?' | grep -q testdev; then
-	echo "$qemu doesn't support chr-testdev. Exiting."
-	exit 2
-if [ "$UEFI_SHELL_RUN" != "y" ] && [ "$EFI_USE_ACPI" != "y" ]; then
-	chr_testdev='-device virtio-serial-device'
-	chr_testdev+=' -device virtconsole,chardev=ctd -chardev testdev,id=ctd'
-if $qemu $M -device '?' | grep -q pci-testdev; then
-	pci_testdev="-device pci-testdev"
-command="$qemu -nodefaults $M $A -cpu $processor $chr_testdev $pci_testdev"
-command+=" -display none -serial stdio"
-command="$(migration_cmd) $(timeout_cmd) $command"
-if [ "$UEFI_SHELL_RUN" = "y" ]; then
-	ENVIRON_DEFAULT=n run_test_status $command "$@"
-elif [ "$EFI_USE_ACPI" = "y" ]; then
-	run_test_status $command -kernel "$@"
-	run_qemu $command -kernel "$@"
+case "$TARGET" in
+    arch_run_qemu "$@"
+    ;;
+    arch_run_kvmtool "$@"
+    ;;

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