Here's my current thinking for the 0.13.0 release. Since there's a lot
of activity going on with QMP, I'd like to move the release out to July 1st.
Here's what I'd like to do between now and then:
- Do a detailed review of the QMP specification by sending out
portions of the spec to the mailing list and waiting for at least 3 acks
- Redesign QError to be more consistent (Markus/Luiz)
- Host a bug day on June 1st (more details in later note)
- Freeze stable-0.13 on June 21st and release 0.13.0-rc
- Accept only bug fixes for stable-0.13
- 0.13.0-rc2 release on June 28th
- 0.13.0 release on July 1st
Any feedback and/or suggestions would be appreciated.
Anthony Liguori
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