On 17/05/2024 9:46 am, Edgecombe, Rick P wrote:
On Tue, 2024-05-14 at 17:59 -0700, Rick Edgecombe wrote:
For lack of a better method currently, use kvm_gfn_shared_mask() to
determine if private memory cannot be zapped (as in TDX, the only VM type
that sets it).
Trying to replace kvm_gfn_shared_mask() with something appropriate, I saw that
SNP actually uses this function:
So trying to have a helper that says "The VM can't zap and refault in memory at
will" won't cut it. I guess there would have to be some more specific. I'm
thinking to just drop this patch instead.
Or KVM_BUG_ON() in the callers by explicitly checking VM type being TDX
as I mentioned before.
Having such checking in a generic function like this is just dangerous
and not flexible.
Just my 2 cents, though.