Hello everyone! The Linux Plumbers Conference will start in about two months, so please remember to book your attendance. Also, keep an eye on the official conference website for updates: https://lpc.events That said, on behalf of the PCI sub-system maintainers, I would like to invite everyone to join our annual VFIO/IOMMU/PCI micro-conference (MC). We are hoping to bring together, both in person and online, everyone interested in the VFIO, IOMMU, and PCI space to talk about the latest developments and challenges in these areas. You can find the complete MC proposal at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U3_WvPzVeP7DcTSs5FN7jZ2EtTTzUSor If you are interested in participating in our MC and have topics to propose and would like to submit a talk for the MC, please follow the Call for Papers (CfP) process at https://lpc.events/event/17/abstracts, selecting the "VFIO/IOMMU/PCI MC" from the available tracks. There is still time to submit a proposal. Join us! We look forward to your presence and active participation at the event. Please get in touch with me directly if you need any assistance or have any questions. See you at the LPC 2023! Alex, Bjorn, Jörg, Lorenzo and Krzysztof