Re: [PATCH] perf/core: fix the bug in the event multiplexing

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Hi Oliver,

在 2023/8/9 16:25, Oliver Upton 写道:
Hi Huang,

On Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 09:39:53AM +0800, Huang Shijie wrote:
2.) Root cause.
	There is only 7 counters in my arm64 platform:
	  (one cycle counter) + (6 normal counters)

	In 1.3 above, we will use 10 event counters.
	Since we only have 7 counters, the perf core will trigger
        	event multiplexing in hrtimer:
	     merge_sched_in() -->perf_mux_hrtimer_restart() -->

        In the perf_rotate_context(), it does not restore some PMU registers
        as context_switch() does.  In context_switch():
              kvm_sched_in()  --> kvm_vcpu_pmu_restore_guest()
              kvm_sched_out() --> kvm_vcpu_pmu_restore_host()

        So we got wrong result.
This is a rather vague description of the problem. AFAICT, the
issue here is on VHE systems we wind up getting the EL0 count
enable/disable bits backwards when entering the guest, which is
corroborated by the data you have below.

+void arch_perf_rotate_pmu_set(void)
+	if (is_guest())
+		kvm_vcpu_pmu_restore_guest(NULL);
+	else
+		kvm_vcpu_pmu_restore_host(NULL);
This sort of hook is rather nasty, and I'd strongly prefer a solution
that's confined to KVM. I don't think the !is_guest() branch is
necessary at all. Regardless of how the pmu context is changed, we need
to go through vcpu_put() before getting back out to userspace.

We can check for a running vCPU (ick) from kvm_set_pmu_events() and either
do the EL0 bit flip there or make a request on the vCPU to call
kvm_vcpu_pmu_restore_guest() immediately before reentering the guest.
I'm slightly leaning towards the latter, unless anyone has a better idea
Thanks a lot, I will check the code about the latter one, and try to fix 
it again.


Huang Shijie

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