Re: [PATCH v12 09/31] LoongArch: KVM: Implement vcpu get, vcpu set registers

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On 05/30/2023 09:52 AM, Tianrui Zhao wrote:
Implement LoongArch vcpu get registers and set registers operations, it
is called when user space use the ioctl interface to get or set regs.

Signed-off-by: Tianrui Zhao <zhaotianrui@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 arch/loongarch/kvm/csr_ops.S |  76 +++++++++++++
 arch/loongarch/kvm/vcpu.c    | 206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 282 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 arch/loongarch/kvm/csr_ops.S

diff --git a/arch/loongarch/kvm/csr_ops.S b/arch/loongarch/kvm/csr_ops.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..962b96d8291a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/loongarch/kvm/csr_ops.S
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Loongson Technology Corporation Limited
+ */
+#include <asm/regdef.h>
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+	.text
+	.section        .text
+	.cfi_sections   .debug_frame
+ * we have splited hw gcsr into three parts, so we can
+ * calculate the code offset by gcsrid and jump here to
+ * run the gcsrwr instruction.
+ */
+	addi.d      t0,   a0,   0
+	addi.w      t1,   zero, 96
+	bltu        t1,   t0,   1f
+	la.pcrel    t0,   10f
+	alsl.d      t0,   a0,   t0, 3
+	jirl        zero, t0,   0
jr t0

+	addi.w      t1,   a0,   -128
+	addi.w      t2,   zero, 15
+	bltu        t2,   t1,   2f
+	la.pcrel    t0,   11f
+	alsl.d      t0,   t1,   t0, 3
+	jirl        zero, t0,   0
jr t0

+	addi.w      t1,   a0,   -384
+	addi.w      t2,   zero, 3
+	bltu        t2,   t1,   3f
+	la.pcrel    t0,   12f
+	alsl.d      t0,   t1,   t0, 3
+	jirl        zero, t0,   0
jr t0

+	addi.w      a0,   zero, -1
+	jirl        zero, ra,   0
jr ra

+ * write guest csr
+ * 0x05000000 | (LOONGARCH_CSR_XXX << 10) | 1 << 5 | a1
+ * range from 0x0(KVM_CSR_CRMD) to 0x60 (KVM_CSR_LLBCTL)
+ */
+	csrnum = 0
+	.rept 0x61
+		.word 0x05000020 | csrnum << 10 | 5
+		jirl zero, ra, 0
+		csrnum = csrnum + 1
+	.endr
+ * write guest csr
+ * 0x05000000 | (LOONGARCH_CSR_XXX << 10) | 1<<5 | a1
+ * range from 0x80 (KVM_CSR_IMPCTL1) to 0x8f (KVM_CSR_TLBRPRMD)
+ */
+	csrnum = 0x80
+	.rept 0x10
+		.word 0x05000020 | csrnum << 10 | 5
+		jirl zero, ra, 0
+		csrnum = csrnum + 1
+	.endr
+ * write guest csr
+ * 0x05000000 | (LOONGARCH_CSR_XXX << 10) | 1<<5 | a1
+ * range from 0x180(KVM_CSR_DMWIN0) to 0x183(KVM_CSR_DMWIN3)
+ */
+	csrnum = 0x180
+	.rept 0x4
+		.word 0x05000020 | csrnum << 10 | 5
+		jirl zero, ra, 0

+		csrnum = csrnum + 1
+	.endr

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