Re: [PATCH v3 vfio 0/7] pds vfio driver

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On 2/19/2023 10:29 PM, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
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On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 12:39:01AM -0800, Brett Creeley wrote:
This is a draft patchset for a new vendor specific VFIO driver
(pds_vfio) for use with the AMD/Pensando Distributed Services Card
(DSC). This driver is device type agnostic and live migration is
supported as long as the underlying SR-IOV VF supports live migration
on the DSC. This driver is a client of the newly introduced pds_core
driver, which the latest version can be referenced at:
Just as a broken clock:  non-standard nvme live migration is not
acceptable.  Please work with the NVMe technical workning group to
get this feature standardized.  Note that despite various interested
parties on linux lists I've seen exactly zero activity from the
(not so) smart nic vendors active there.

You're right, we intend to work with the respective groups, and we removed any mention of NVMe from the series. However, this solution applies to our other PCI devices.

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