Hi Please, send any topic that you are interested in covering. At the end of Monday I will send an email with the agenda or the cancellation of the call, so hurry up. Call details: By popular demand, a google calendar public entry with it: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action%3DTEMPLATE%26tmeid%3DNWR0NWppODdqNXFyYzAwbzYza3RxN2dob3VfMjAyMjExMDFUMTMwMDAwWiBlZ2VkN2NraTA1bG11MXRuZ3ZrbDN0aGlkc0Bn%26tmsrc%3Deged7cki05lmu1tngvkl3thids%2540group.calendar.google.com%26scp%3DALL&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1667405630835374&usg=AOvVaw3LYcQS3PjgGMlWJ-anZdRM (Let me know if you have any problems with the calendar entry. I just gave up about getting right at the same time CEST, CET, EDT and DST). If you contact details, contact me privately Thanks, Juan. PD. I am trying to setup this calendar entry again. If you are interested to be in the invite, please send your information to me. I added all the people that I had for the previous invite, but probably there are still people left.