[PATCH] [RFC] KVM test: Control files automatic generation to save memory

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As our configuration system generates a list of dicts
with test parameters, and that list might be potentially
*very* large, keeping all this information in memory might
be a problem for smaller virtualization hosts due to
the memory pressure created. Tests made on my 4GB laptop
show that most of the memory is being used during a
typical kvm autotest session.

So, instead of keeping all this information in memory,
let's take a different approach and unfold all the
tests generated by the config system and generate a
control file:

job.run_test('kvm', params={param1, param2, ...}, tag='foo', ...)
job.run_test('kvm', params={param1, param2, ...}, tag='bar', ...)

By dumping all the dicts that were before in the memory to
a control file, the memory usage of a typical kvm autotest
session is drastically reduced making it easier to run in smaller
virt hosts.

The advantages of taking this new approach are:
 * You can see what tests are going to run and the dependencies
   between them by looking at the generated control file
 * The control file is all ready to use, you can for example
   paste it on the web interface and profit
 * As mentioned, a lot less memory consumption, avoiding
   memory pressure on virtualization hosts.

This is a crude 1st pass at implementing this approach, so please
provide comments.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@xxxxxxxxxx>
 client/tests/kvm/control             |   64 ----
 client/tests/kvm/generate_control.py |  586 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 client/tests/kvm/kvm_config.py       |  524 ------------------------------
 3 files changed, 586 insertions(+), 588 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 client/tests/kvm/control
 create mode 100755 client/tests/kvm/generate_control.py
 delete mode 100755 client/tests/kvm/kvm_config.py

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/control b/client/tests/kvm/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 163286e..0000000
--- a/client/tests/kvm/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-AUTHOR = """
-uril@xxxxxxxxxx (Uri Lublin)
-drusso@xxxxxxxxxx (Dror Russo)
-mgoldish@xxxxxxxxxx (Michael Goldish)
-dhuff@xxxxxxxxxx (David Huff)
-aeromenk@xxxxxxxxxx (Alexey Eromenko)
-mburns@xxxxxxxxxx (Mike Burns)
-NAME = 'KVM test'
-TEST_TYPE = 'client'
-TEST_CLASS = 'Virtualization'
-TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional'
-DOC = """
-Executes the KVM test framework on a given host. This module is separated in
-minor functions, that execute different tests for doing Quality Assurance on
-KVM (both kernelspace and userspace) code.
-For online docs, please refer to http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/KVM-Autotest
-import sys, os, logging
-# Add the KVM tests dir to the python path
-kvm_test_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'],'tests/kvm')
-# Now we can import modules inside the KVM tests dir
-import kvm_utils, kvm_config
-# set English environment (command output might be localized, need to be safe)
-os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
-build_cfg_path = os.path.join(kvm_test_dir, "build.cfg")
-build_cfg = kvm_config.config(build_cfg_path)
-# Make any desired changes to the build configuration here. For example:
-#release_tag = 84
-if not kvm_utils.run_tests(build_cfg.get_list(), job):
-    logging.error("KVM build step failed, exiting.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-tests_cfg_path = os.path.join(kvm_test_dir, "tests.cfg")
-tests_cfg = kvm_config.config(tests_cfg_path)
-# Make any desired changes to the test configuration here. For example:
-#display = sdl
-#install|setup: timeout_multiplier = 3
-pools_cfg_path = os.path.join(kvm_test_dir, "address_pools.cfg")
-hostname = os.uname()[1].split(".")[0]
-if tests_cfg.filter("^" + hostname):
-    tests_cfg.parse_string("only ^%s" % hostname)
-    tests_cfg.parse_string("only ^default_host")
-# Run the tests
-kvm_utils.run_tests(tests_cfg.get_list(), job)
-# Generate a nice HTML report inside the job's results dir
-kvm_utils.create_report(kvm_test_dir, job.resultdir)
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/generate_control.py b/client/tests/kvm/generate_control.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c64dc52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/generate_control.py
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+KVM configuration file utility functions.
+@copyright: Red Hat 2008-2009
+import logging, re, os, sys, StringIO, optparse
+import common
+import kvm_utils
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import logging_config, logging_manager
+class config:
+    """
+    Parse an input file or string that follows the KVM Test Config File format
+    and generate a list of dicts that will be later used as configuration
+    parameters by the the KVM tests.
+    @see: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/KVM-Autotest/Test_Config_File
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename=None, debug=False):
+        """
+        Initialize the list and optionally parse filename.
+        @param filename: Path of the file that will be taken.
+        @param debug: Whether to turn debugging output.
+        """
+        self.list = [{"name": "", "shortname": "", "depend": []}]
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.filename = filename
+        if filename:
+            self.parse_file(filename)
+    def parse_file(self, filename):
+        """
+        Parse filename, return the resulting list and store it in .list. If
+        filename does not exist, raise an exception.
+        @param filename: Path of the configuration file.
+        """
+        if not os.path.exists(filename):
+            raise Exception, "File %s not found" % filename
+        self.filename = filename
+        file = open(filename, "r")
+        self.list = self.parse(file, self.list)
+        file.close()
+        return self.list
+    def parse_string(self, str):
+        """
+        Parse a string, return the resulting list and store it in .list.
+        @param str: String that will be parsed.
+        """
+        file = StringIO.StringIO(str)
+        self.list = self.parse(file, self.list)
+        file.close()
+        return self.list
+    def get_list(self):
+        """
+        Return the list of dictionaries. This should probably be called after
+        parsing something.
+        """
+        return self.list
+    def match(self, filter, dict):
+        """
+        Return True if dict matches filter.
+        @param filter: A regular expression that defines the filter.
+        @param dict: Dictionary that will be inspected.
+        """
+        filter = re.compile(r"(\.|^)(%s)(\.|$)" % filter)
+        return bool(filter.search(dict["name"]))
+    def filter(self, filter, list=None):
+        """
+        Filter a list of dicts.
+        @param filter: A regular expression that will be used as a filter.
+        @param list: A list of dictionaries that will be filtered.
+        """
+        if list is None:
+            list = self.list
+        return [dict for dict in list if self.match(filter, dict)]
+    def split_and_strip(self, str, sep="="):
+        """
+        Split str and strip quotes from the resulting parts.
+        @param str: String that will be processed
+        @param sep: Separator that will be used to split the string
+        """
+        temp = str.split(sep, 1)
+        for i in range(len(temp)):
+            temp[i] = temp[i].strip()
+            if re.findall("^\".*\"$", temp[i]):
+                temp[i] = temp[i].strip("\"")
+            elif re.findall("^\'.*\'$", temp[i]):
+                temp[i] = temp[i].strip("\'")
+        return temp
+    def get_next_line(self, file):
+        """
+        Get the next non-empty, non-comment line in a file like object.
+        @param file: File like object
+        @return: If no line is available, return None.
+        """
+        while True:
+            line = file.readline()
+            if line == "": return None
+            stripped_line = line.strip()
+            if len(stripped_line) > 0 \
+                    and not stripped_line.startswith('#') \
+                    and not stripped_line.startswith('//'):
+                return line
+    def get_next_line_indent(self, file):
+        """
+        Return the indent level of the next non-empty, non-comment line in file.
+        @param file: File like object.
+        @return: If no line is available, return -1.
+        """
+        pos = file.tell()
+        line = self.get_next_line(file)
+        if not line:
+            file.seek(pos)
+            return -1
+        line = line.expandtabs()
+        indent = 0
+        while line[indent] == ' ':
+            indent += 1
+        file.seek(pos)
+        return indent
+    def add_name(self, str, name, append=False):
+        """
+        Add name to str with a separator dot and return the result.
+        @param str: String that will be processed
+        @param name: name that will be appended to the string.
+        @return: If append is True, append name to str.
+                Otherwise, pre-pend name to str.
+        """
+        if str == "":
+            return name
+        # Append?
+        elif append:
+            return str + "." + name
+        # Prepend?
+        else:
+            return name + "." + str
+    def parse_variants(self, file, list, subvariants=False, prev_indent=-1):
+        """
+        Read and parse lines from file like object until a line with an indent
+        level lower than or equal to prev_indent is encountered.
+        @brief: Parse a 'variants' or 'subvariants' block from a file-like
+        object.
+        @param file: File-like object that will be parsed
+        @param list: List of dicts to operate on
+        @param subvariants: If True, parse in 'subvariants' mode;
+        otherwise parse in 'variants' mode
+        @param prev_indent: The indent level of the "parent" block
+        @return: The resulting list of dicts.
+        """
+        new_list = []
+        while True:
+            indent = self.get_next_line_indent(file)
+            if indent <= prev_indent:
+                break
+            indented_line = self.get_next_line(file).rstrip()
+            line = indented_line.strip()
+            # Get name and dependencies
+            temp = line.strip("- ").split(":")
+            name = temp[0]
+            if len(temp) == 1:
+                dep_list = []
+            else:
+                dep_list = temp[1].split()
+            # See if name should be added to the 'shortname' field
+            add_to_shortname = True
+            if name.startswith("@"):
+                name = name.strip("@")
+                add_to_shortname = False
+            # Make a deep copy of list
+            temp_list = []
+            for dict in list:
+                new_dict = dict.copy()
+                new_dict["depend"] = dict["depend"][:]
+                temp_list.append(new_dict)
+            if subvariants:
+                # If we're parsing 'subvariants', first modify the list
+                self.__modify_list_subvariants(temp_list, name, dep_list,
+                                               add_to_shortname)
+                temp_list = self.parse(file, temp_list,
+                        restricted=True, prev_indent=indent)
+            else:
+                # If we're parsing 'variants', parse before modifying the list
+                if self.debug:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Entering variant '%s' "
+                                       "(variant inherits %d dicts)" %
+                                       (name, len(list)))
+                temp_list = self.parse(file, temp_list,
+                        restricted=False, prev_indent=indent)
+                self.__modify_list_variants(temp_list, name, dep_list,
+                                            add_to_shortname)
+            new_list += temp_list
+        return new_list
+    def parse(self, file, list, restricted=False, prev_indent=-1):
+        """
+        Read and parse lines from file until a line with an indent level lower
+        than or equal to prev_indent is encountered.
+        @brief: Parse a file-like object.
+        @param file: A file-like object
+        @param list: A list of dicts to operate on (list is modified in
+        place and should not be used after the call)
+        @param restricted: if True, operate in restricted mode
+        (prohibit 'variants')
+        @param prev_indent: the indent level of the "parent" block
+        @return: Return the resulting list of dicts.
+        @note: List is destroyed and should not be used after the call.
+        Only the returned list should be used.
+        """
+        while True:
+            indent = self.get_next_line_indent(file)
+            if indent <= prev_indent:
+                break
+            indented_line = self.get_next_line(file).rstrip()
+            line = indented_line.strip()
+            words = line.split()
+            len_list = len(list)
+            # Look for a known operator in the line
+            operators = ["?+=", "?<=", "?=", "+=", "<=", "="]
+            op_found = None
+            op_pos = len(line)
+            for op in operators:
+                pos = line.find(op)
+                if pos >= 0 and pos < op_pos:
+                    op_found = op
+                    op_pos = pos
+            # Found an operator?
+            if op_found:
+                if self.debug and not restricted:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Parsing operator (%d dicts in current "
+                                       "context)" % len_list)
+                (left, value) = self.split_and_strip(line, op_found)
+                filters_and_key = self.split_and_strip(left, ":")
+                filters = filters_and_key[:-1]
+                key = filters_and_key[-1]
+                filtered_list = list
+                for filter in filters:
+                    filtered_list = self.filter(filter, filtered_list)
+                # Apply the operation to the filtered list
+                if op_found == "=":
+                    for dict in filtered_list:
+                        dict[key] = value
+                elif op_found == "+=":
+                    for dict in filtered_list:
+                        dict[key] = dict.get(key, "") + value
+                elif op_found == "<=":
+                    for dict in filtered_list:
+                        dict[key] = value + dict.get(key, "")
+                elif op_found.startswith("?"):
+                    exp = re.compile("^(%s)$" % key)
+                    if op_found == "?=":
+                        for dict in filtered_list:
+                            for key in dict.keys():
+                                if exp.match(key):
+                                    dict[key] = value
+                    elif op_found == "?+=":
+                        for dict in filtered_list:
+                            for key in dict.keys():
+                                if exp.match(key):
+                                    dict[key] = dict.get(key, "") + value
+                    elif op_found == "?<=":
+                        for dict in filtered_list:
+                            for key in dict.keys():
+                                if exp.match(key):
+                                    dict[key] = value + dict.get(key, "")
+            # Parse 'no' and 'only' statements
+            elif words[0] == "no" or words[0] == "only":
+                if len(words) <= 1:
+                    continue
+                filters = words[1:]
+                filtered_list = []
+                if words[0] == "no":
+                    for dict in list:
+                        for filter in filters:
+                            if self.match(filter, dict):
+                                break
+                        else:
+                            filtered_list.append(dict)
+                if words[0] == "only":
+                    for dict in list:
+                        for filter in filters:
+                            if self.match(filter, dict):
+                                filtered_list.append(dict)
+                                break
+                list = filtered_list
+                if self.debug and not restricted:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Parsing no/only (%d dicts in current "
+                                       "context, %d remain)" %
+                                       (len_list, len(list)))
+            # Parse 'variants'
+            elif line == "variants:":
+                # 'variants' not allowed in restricted mode
+                # (inside an exception or inside subvariants)
+                if restricted:
+                    e_msg = "Using variants in this context is not allowed"
+                    raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
+                if self.debug and not restricted:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Entering variants block (%d dicts in "
+                                       "current context)" % len_list)
+                list = self.parse_variants(file, list, subvariants=False,
+                                           prev_indent=indent)
+            # Parse 'subvariants' (the block is parsed for each dict
+            # separately)
+            elif line == "subvariants:":
+                if self.debug and not restricted:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Entering subvariants block (%d dicts in "
+                                       "current context)" % len_list)
+                new_list = []
+                # Remember current file position
+                pos = file.tell()
+                # Read the lines in any case
+                self.parse_variants(file, [], subvariants=True,
+                                    prev_indent=indent)
+                # Iterate over the list...
+                for index in range(len(list)):
+                    # Revert to initial file position in this 'subvariants'
+                    # block
+                    file.seek(pos)
+                    # Everything inside 'subvariants' should be parsed in
+                    # restricted mode
+                    new_list += self.parse_variants(file, list[index:index+1],
+                                                    subvariants=True,
+                                                    prev_indent=indent)
+                list = new_list
+            # Parse 'include' statements
+            elif words[0] == "include":
+                if len(words) <= 1:
+                    continue
+                if self.debug and not restricted:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Entering file %s" % words[1])
+                if self.filename:
+                    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename),
+                                            words[1])
+                    if os.path.exists(filename):
+                        new_file = open(filename, "r")
+                        list = self.parse(new_file, list, restricted)
+                        new_file.close()
+                        if self.debug and not restricted:
+                            self.__debug_print("", "Leaving file %s" % words[1])
+                    else:
+                        logging.warning("Cannot include %s -- file not found",
+                                        filename)
+                else:
+                    logging.warning("Cannot include %s because no file is "
+                                    "currently open", words[1])
+            # Parse multi-line exceptions
+            # (the block is parsed for each dict separately)
+            elif line.endswith(":"):
+                if self.debug and not restricted:
+                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
+                                       "Entering multi-line exception block "
+                                       "(%d dicts in current context outside "
+                                       "exception)" % len_list)
+                line = line.strip(":")
+                new_list = []
+                # Remember current file position
+                pos = file.tell()
+                # Read the lines in any case
+                self.parse(file, [], restricted=True, prev_indent=indent)
+                # Iterate over the list...
+                for index in range(len(list)):
+                    if self.match(line, list[index]):
+                        # Revert to initial file position in this
+                        # exception block
+                        file.seek(pos)
+                        # Everything inside an exception should be parsed in
+                        # restricted mode
+                        new_list += self.parse(file, list[index:index+1],
+                                               restricted=True,
+                                               prev_indent=indent)
+                    else:
+                        new_list += list[index:index+1]
+                list = new_list
+        return list
+    def __debug_print(self, str1, str2=""):
+        """
+        Nicely print two strings and an arrow.
+        @param str1: First string
+        @param str2: Second string
+        """
+        if str2:
+            str = "%-50s ---> %s" % (str1, str2)
+        else:
+            str = str1
+        logging.debug(str)
+    def __modify_list_variants(self, list, name, dep_list, add_to_shortname):
+        """
+        Make some modifications to list, as part of parsing a 'variants' block.
+        @param list: List to be processed
+        @param name: Name to be prepended to the dictionary's 'name' key
+        @param dep_list: List of dependencies to be added to the dictionary's
+                'depend' key
+        @param add_to_shortname: Boolean indicating whether name should be
+                prepended to the dictionary's 'shortname' key as well
+        """
+        for dict in list:
+            # Prepend name to the dict's 'name' field
+            dict["name"] = self.add_name(dict["name"], name)
+            # Prepend name to the dict's 'shortname' field
+            if add_to_shortname:
+                dict["shortname"] = self.add_name(dict["shortname"], name)
+            # Prepend name to each of the dict's dependencies
+            for i in range(len(dict["depend"])):
+                dict["depend"][i] = self.add_name(dict["depend"][i], name)
+            # Add new dependencies
+            dict["depend"] += dep_list
+    def __modify_list_subvariants(self, list, name, dep_list, add_to_shortname):
+        """
+        Make some modifications to list, as part of parsing a 'subvariants'
+        block.
+        @param list: List to be processed
+        @param name: Name to be appended to the dictionary's 'name' key
+        @param dep_list: List of dependencies to be added to the dictionary's
+                'depend' key
+        @param add_to_shortname: Boolean indicating whether name should be
+                appended to the dictionary's 'shortname' as well
+        """
+        for dict in list:
+            # Add new dependencies
+            for dep in dep_list:
+                dep_name = self.add_name(dict["name"], dep, append=True)
+                dict["depend"].append(dep_name)
+            # Append name to the dict's 'name' field
+            dict["name"] = self.add_name(dict["name"], name, append=True)
+            # Append name to the dict's 'shortname' field
+            if add_to_shortname:
+                dict["shortname"] = self.add_name(dict["shortname"], name,
+                                                  append=True)
+def create_control(dict_list, control_path):
+    """
+    Creates a kvm test control file from a given test list dictionary.
+    @param dict_list: A list with dictionaries representing kvm test parameters.
+    @param control_path: Path to the kvm control file that will be generated.
+    """
+    indent = "    "
+    indent_level = 0
+    control_file = open(control_path, "w")
+    control_file.write("# Control file generated by create_control.py\n")
+    control_file.write("kvm_test_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'], "
+                       "'tests/kvm')\n")
+    control_file.write("sys.path.append(kvm_test_dir)\n")
+    while dict_list:
+        current_dict = dict_list[0]
+        test_iterations = int(current_dict.get("iterations", 1))
+        test_tag = current_dict.get("shortname")
+        if len(current_dict.get("depend")) == 0:
+            indent_level = 0
+        try:
+            future_dict = dict_list[1]
+        except IndexError:
+            control_file.write("%sjob.run_test('kvm', params=%s, tag='%s', "
+                               "iterations=%s)\n" % (indent * indent_level,
+                                                     current_dict, test_tag,
+                                                     test_iterations))
+            break
+        if current_dict.get("name") in future_dict.get("depend"):
+            control_file.write("%sif job.run_test('kvm', params=%s, tag='%s', "
+                               "iterations=%s):\n" % (indent * indent_level,
+                                                      current_dict, test_tag,
+                                                      test_iterations))
+            indent_level += 1
+        else:
+            control_file.write("%sjob.run_test('kvm', params=%s, tag='%s', "
+                               "iterations=%s)\n" % (indent * indent_level,
+                                                     current_dict, test_tag,
+                                                     test_iterations))
+        dict_list.pop(0)
+        continue
+    control_file.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest="filename", action='store',
+                      help='path to a config file that will be parsed. '
+                           'If not specified, will parse kvm_tests.cfg '
+                           'located inside the kvm test dir.')
+    parser.add_option('-c', '--control', dest="control_path", action='store',
+                      help='path to an output control file. If not specified, '
+                           'will generate a file called "control" at the top '
+                           'of the kvm test directory.')
+    parser.add_option('--verbose', dest="debug", action='store_true',
+                      help='include debug messages in console output')
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    filename = options.filename
+    control_path = options.control_path
+    debug = options.debug
+    if not filename:
+        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "tests.cfg")
+    # Here we configure the stand alone program to use the autotest
+    # logging system.
+    logging_manager.configure_logging(kvm_utils.KvmLoggingConfig(), verbose=debug)
+    list = config(filename, debug=debug).get_list()
+    i = 0
+    logging.info("List of dictionaries generated from config file %s:",
+                 filename)
+    for dict in list:
+        logging.info("Dictionary #%d:", i)
+        keys = dict.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        for key in keys:
+            logging.info("    %s = %s", key, dict[key])
+        i += 1
+    if not control_path:
+        control_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "control")
+    logging.info("Creating control file %s from config file", control_path)
+    create_control(list, control_path)
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_config.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_config.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 656f6b3..0000000
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-KVM configuration file utility functions.
-@copyright: Red Hat 2008-2009
-import logging, re, os, sys, StringIO, optparse
-import common
-import kvm_utils
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import logging_config, logging_manager
-class config:
-    """
-    Parse an input file or string that follows the KVM Test Config File format
-    and generate a list of dicts that will be later used as configuration
-    parameters by the the KVM tests.
-    @see: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/KVM-Autotest/Test_Config_File
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename=None, debug=False):
-        """
-        Initialize the list and optionally parse filename.
-        @param filename: Path of the file that will be taken.
-        @param debug: Whether to turn debugging output.
-        """
-        self.list = [{"name": "", "shortname": "", "depend": []}]
-        self.debug = debug
-        self.filename = filename
-        if filename:
-            self.parse_file(filename)
-    def parse_file(self, filename):
-        """
-        Parse filename, return the resulting list and store it in .list. If
-        filename does not exist, raise an exception.
-        @param filename: Path of the configuration file.
-        """
-        if not os.path.exists(filename):
-            raise Exception, "File %s not found" % filename
-        self.filename = filename
-        file = open(filename, "r")
-        self.list = self.parse(file, self.list)
-        file.close()
-        return self.list
-    def parse_string(self, str):
-        """
-        Parse a string, return the resulting list and store it in .list.
-        @param str: String that will be parsed.
-        """
-        file = StringIO.StringIO(str)
-        self.list = self.parse(file, self.list)
-        file.close()
-        return self.list
-    def get_list(self):
-        """
-        Return the list of dictionaries. This should probably be called after
-        parsing something.
-        """
-        return self.list
-    def match(self, filter, dict):
-        """
-        Return True if dict matches filter.
-        @param filter: A regular expression that defines the filter.
-        @param dict: Dictionary that will be inspected.
-        """
-        filter = re.compile(r"(\.|^)(%s)(\.|$)" % filter)
-        return bool(filter.search(dict["name"]))
-    def filter(self, filter, list=None):
-        """
-        Filter a list of dicts.
-        @param filter: A regular expression that will be used as a filter.
-        @param list: A list of dictionaries that will be filtered.
-        """
-        if list is None:
-            list = self.list
-        return [dict for dict in list if self.match(filter, dict)]
-    def split_and_strip(self, str, sep="="):
-        """
-        Split str and strip quotes from the resulting parts.
-        @param str: String that will be processed
-        @param sep: Separator that will be used to split the string
-        """
-        temp = str.split(sep, 1)
-        for i in range(len(temp)):
-            temp[i] = temp[i].strip()
-            if re.findall("^\".*\"$", temp[i]):
-                temp[i] = temp[i].strip("\"")
-            elif re.findall("^\'.*\'$", temp[i]):
-                temp[i] = temp[i].strip("\'")
-        return temp
-    def get_next_line(self, file):
-        """
-        Get the next non-empty, non-comment line in a file like object.
-        @param file: File like object
-        @return: If no line is available, return None.
-        """
-        while True:
-            line = file.readline()
-            if line == "": return None
-            stripped_line = line.strip()
-            if len(stripped_line) > 0 \
-                    and not stripped_line.startswith('#') \
-                    and not stripped_line.startswith('//'):
-                return line
-    def get_next_line_indent(self, file):
-        """
-        Return the indent level of the next non-empty, non-comment line in file.
-        @param file: File like object.
-        @return: If no line is available, return -1.
-        """
-        pos = file.tell()
-        line = self.get_next_line(file)
-        if not line:
-            file.seek(pos)
-            return -1
-        line = line.expandtabs()
-        indent = 0
-        while line[indent] == ' ':
-            indent += 1
-        file.seek(pos)
-        return indent
-    def add_name(self, str, name, append=False):
-        """
-        Add name to str with a separator dot and return the result.
-        @param str: String that will be processed
-        @param name: name that will be appended to the string.
-        @return: If append is True, append name to str.
-                Otherwise, pre-pend name to str.
-        """
-        if str == "":
-            return name
-        # Append?
-        elif append:
-            return str + "." + name
-        # Prepend?
-        else:
-            return name + "." + str
-    def parse_variants(self, file, list, subvariants=False, prev_indent=-1):
-        """
-        Read and parse lines from file like object until a line with an indent
-        level lower than or equal to prev_indent is encountered.
-        @brief: Parse a 'variants' or 'subvariants' block from a file-like
-        object.
-        @param file: File-like object that will be parsed
-        @param list: List of dicts to operate on
-        @param subvariants: If True, parse in 'subvariants' mode;
-        otherwise parse in 'variants' mode
-        @param prev_indent: The indent level of the "parent" block
-        @return: The resulting list of dicts.
-        """
-        new_list = []
-        while True:
-            indent = self.get_next_line_indent(file)
-            if indent <= prev_indent:
-                break
-            indented_line = self.get_next_line(file).rstrip()
-            line = indented_line.strip()
-            # Get name and dependencies
-            temp = line.strip("- ").split(":")
-            name = temp[0]
-            if len(temp) == 1:
-                dep_list = []
-            else:
-                dep_list = temp[1].split()
-            # See if name should be added to the 'shortname' field
-            add_to_shortname = True
-            if name.startswith("@"):
-                name = name.strip("@")
-                add_to_shortname = False
-            # Make a deep copy of list
-            temp_list = []
-            for dict in list:
-                new_dict = dict.copy()
-                new_dict["depend"] = dict["depend"][:]
-                temp_list.append(new_dict)
-            if subvariants:
-                # If we're parsing 'subvariants', first modify the list
-                self.__modify_list_subvariants(temp_list, name, dep_list,
-                                               add_to_shortname)
-                temp_list = self.parse(file, temp_list,
-                        restricted=True, prev_indent=indent)
-            else:
-                # If we're parsing 'variants', parse before modifying the list
-                if self.debug:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Entering variant '%s' "
-                                       "(variant inherits %d dicts)" %
-                                       (name, len(list)))
-                temp_list = self.parse(file, temp_list,
-                        restricted=False, prev_indent=indent)
-                self.__modify_list_variants(temp_list, name, dep_list,
-                                            add_to_shortname)
-            new_list += temp_list
-        return new_list
-    def parse(self, file, list, restricted=False, prev_indent=-1):
-        """
-        Read and parse lines from file until a line with an indent level lower
-        than or equal to prev_indent is encountered.
-        @brief: Parse a file-like object.
-        @param file: A file-like object
-        @param list: A list of dicts to operate on (list is modified in
-        place and should not be used after the call)
-        @param restricted: if True, operate in restricted mode
-        (prohibit 'variants')
-        @param prev_indent: the indent level of the "parent" block
-        @return: Return the resulting list of dicts.
-        @note: List is destroyed and should not be used after the call.
-        Only the returned list should be used.
-        """
-        while True:
-            indent = self.get_next_line_indent(file)
-            if indent <= prev_indent:
-                break
-            indented_line = self.get_next_line(file).rstrip()
-            line = indented_line.strip()
-            words = line.split()
-            len_list = len(list)
-            # Look for a known operator in the line
-            operators = ["?+=", "?<=", "?=", "+=", "<=", "="]
-            op_found = None
-            op_pos = len(line)
-            for op in operators:
-                pos = line.find(op)
-                if pos >= 0 and pos < op_pos:
-                    op_found = op
-                    op_pos = pos
-            # Found an operator?
-            if op_found:
-                if self.debug and not restricted:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Parsing operator (%d dicts in current "
-                                       "context)" % len_list)
-                (left, value) = self.split_and_strip(line, op_found)
-                filters_and_key = self.split_and_strip(left, ":")
-                filters = filters_and_key[:-1]
-                key = filters_and_key[-1]
-                filtered_list = list
-                for filter in filters:
-                    filtered_list = self.filter(filter, filtered_list)
-                # Apply the operation to the filtered list
-                if op_found == "=":
-                    for dict in filtered_list:
-                        dict[key] = value
-                elif op_found == "+=":
-                    for dict in filtered_list:
-                        dict[key] = dict.get(key, "") + value
-                elif op_found == "<=":
-                    for dict in filtered_list:
-                        dict[key] = value + dict.get(key, "")
-                elif op_found.startswith("?"):
-                    exp = re.compile("^(%s)$" % key)
-                    if op_found == "?=":
-                        for dict in filtered_list:
-                            for key in dict.keys():
-                                if exp.match(key):
-                                    dict[key] = value
-                    elif op_found == "?+=":
-                        for dict in filtered_list:
-                            for key in dict.keys():
-                                if exp.match(key):
-                                    dict[key] = dict.get(key, "") + value
-                    elif op_found == "?<=":
-                        for dict in filtered_list:
-                            for key in dict.keys():
-                                if exp.match(key):
-                                    dict[key] = value + dict.get(key, "")
-            # Parse 'no' and 'only' statements
-            elif words[0] == "no" or words[0] == "only":
-                if len(words) <= 1:
-                    continue
-                filters = words[1:]
-                filtered_list = []
-                if words[0] == "no":
-                    for dict in list:
-                        for filter in filters:
-                            if self.match(filter, dict):
-                                break
-                        else:
-                            filtered_list.append(dict)
-                if words[0] == "only":
-                    for dict in list:
-                        for filter in filters:
-                            if self.match(filter, dict):
-                                filtered_list.append(dict)
-                                break
-                list = filtered_list
-                if self.debug and not restricted:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Parsing no/only (%d dicts in current "
-                                       "context, %d remain)" %
-                                       (len_list, len(list)))
-            # Parse 'variants'
-            elif line == "variants:":
-                # 'variants' not allowed in restricted mode
-                # (inside an exception or inside subvariants)
-                if restricted:
-                    e_msg = "Using variants in this context is not allowed"
-                    raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
-                if self.debug and not restricted:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Entering variants block (%d dicts in "
-                                       "current context)" % len_list)
-                list = self.parse_variants(file, list, subvariants=False,
-                                           prev_indent=indent)
-            # Parse 'subvariants' (the block is parsed for each dict
-            # separately)
-            elif line == "subvariants:":
-                if self.debug and not restricted:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Entering subvariants block (%d dicts in "
-                                       "current context)" % len_list)
-                new_list = []
-                # Remember current file position
-                pos = file.tell()
-                # Read the lines in any case
-                self.parse_variants(file, [], subvariants=True,
-                                    prev_indent=indent)
-                # Iterate over the list...
-                for index in range(len(list)):
-                    # Revert to initial file position in this 'subvariants'
-                    # block
-                    file.seek(pos)
-                    # Everything inside 'subvariants' should be parsed in
-                    # restricted mode
-                    new_list += self.parse_variants(file, list[index:index+1],
-                                                    subvariants=True,
-                                                    prev_indent=indent)
-                list = new_list
-            # Parse 'include' statements
-            elif words[0] == "include":
-                if len(words) <= 1:
-                    continue
-                if self.debug and not restricted:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Entering file %s" % words[1])
-                if self.filename:
-                    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename),
-                                            words[1])
-                    if os.path.exists(filename):
-                        new_file = open(filename, "r")
-                        list = self.parse(new_file, list, restricted)
-                        new_file.close()
-                        if self.debug and not restricted:
-                            self.__debug_print("", "Leaving file %s" % words[1])
-                    else:
-                        logging.warning("Cannot include %s -- file not found",
-                                        filename)
-                else:
-                    logging.warning("Cannot include %s because no file is "
-                                    "currently open", words[1])
-            # Parse multi-line exceptions
-            # (the block is parsed for each dict separately)
-            elif line.endswith(":"):
-                if self.debug and not restricted:
-                    self.__debug_print(indented_line,
-                                       "Entering multi-line exception block "
-                                       "(%d dicts in current context outside "
-                                       "exception)" % len_list)
-                line = line.strip(":")
-                new_list = []
-                # Remember current file position
-                pos = file.tell()
-                # Read the lines in any case
-                self.parse(file, [], restricted=True, prev_indent=indent)
-                # Iterate over the list...
-                for index in range(len(list)):
-                    if self.match(line, list[index]):
-                        # Revert to initial file position in this
-                        # exception block
-                        file.seek(pos)
-                        # Everything inside an exception should be parsed in
-                        # restricted mode
-                        new_list += self.parse(file, list[index:index+1],
-                                               restricted=True,
-                                               prev_indent=indent)
-                    else:
-                        new_list += list[index:index+1]
-                list = new_list
-        return list
-    def __debug_print(self, str1, str2=""):
-        """
-        Nicely print two strings and an arrow.
-        @param str1: First string
-        @param str2: Second string
-        """
-        if str2:
-            str = "%-50s ---> %s" % (str1, str2)
-        else:
-            str = str1
-        logging.debug(str)
-    def __modify_list_variants(self, list, name, dep_list, add_to_shortname):
-        """
-        Make some modifications to list, as part of parsing a 'variants' block.
-        @param list: List to be processed
-        @param name: Name to be prepended to the dictionary's 'name' key
-        @param dep_list: List of dependencies to be added to the dictionary's
-                'depend' key
-        @param add_to_shortname: Boolean indicating whether name should be
-                prepended to the dictionary's 'shortname' key as well
-        """
-        for dict in list:
-            # Prepend name to the dict's 'name' field
-            dict["name"] = self.add_name(dict["name"], name)
-            # Prepend name to the dict's 'shortname' field
-            if add_to_shortname:
-                dict["shortname"] = self.add_name(dict["shortname"], name)
-            # Prepend name to each of the dict's dependencies
-            for i in range(len(dict["depend"])):
-                dict["depend"][i] = self.add_name(dict["depend"][i], name)
-            # Add new dependencies
-            dict["depend"] += dep_list
-    def __modify_list_subvariants(self, list, name, dep_list, add_to_shortname):
-        """
-        Make some modifications to list, as part of parsing a 'subvariants'
-        block.
-        @param list: List to be processed
-        @param name: Name to be appended to the dictionary's 'name' key
-        @param dep_list: List of dependencies to be added to the dictionary's
-                'depend' key
-        @param add_to_shortname: Boolean indicating whether name should be
-                appended to the dictionary's 'shortname' as well
-        """
-        for dict in list:
-            # Add new dependencies
-            for dep in dep_list:
-                dep_name = self.add_name(dict["name"], dep, append=True)
-                dict["depend"].append(dep_name)
-            # Append name to the dict's 'name' field
-            dict["name"] = self.add_name(dict["name"], name, append=True)
-            # Append name to the dict's 'shortname' field
-            if add_to_shortname:
-                dict["shortname"] = self.add_name(dict["shortname"], name,
-                                                  append=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-    parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest="filename", action='store',
-                      help='path to a config file that will be parsed. '
-                           'If not specified, will parse kvm_tests.cfg '
-                           'located inside the kvm test dir.')
-    parser.add_option('--verbose', dest="debug", action='store_true',
-                      help='include debug messages in console output')
-    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-    filename = options.filename
-    debug = options.debug
-    if not filename:
-        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "tests.cfg")
-    # Here we configure the stand alone program to use the autotest
-    # logging system.
-    logging_manager.configure_logging(kvm_utils.KvmLoggingConfig(), verbose=debug)
-    list = config(filename, debug=debug).get_list()
-    i = 0
-    for dict in list:
-        logging.info("Dictionary #%d:", i)
-        keys = dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            logging.info("    %s = %s", key, dict[key])
-        i += 1

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