[PATCH V2] Add a server-side test - kvm_migration

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This patch will add a server-side test namely kvm_migration. Currently,
it will use existing KVM client test framework and add a new file
kvm_migration.py to help judge executing routine: source machine or dest

Improvement based on version #1:
1) add two barriers for controlling synchronizing problem.
2) add socket for telling source machine which port that dest machine
   is listening.
3) makeup all .cfg files according to those sample files
4) delete last line of kvm_tests.cfg and place limitations into server control
   file for user to edit.

* One thing need to be considered/improved:
Whether we parse the kvm_tests.cfg on server machine or on client machines?
If parse it on client machines, we need to fix one problem that adding
'start_vm_for_migration' parameter into dict which generated on dest machine.

So far I choose parsing kvm_tests.cfg on server machine, and then add
'start_vm_for_migration' into dict cloned from original test dict for dest

* In order to run this test so far, we need to setup NFS for both
source and dest machines.

Signed-off-by: Yolkfull Chow <yzhou@xxxxxxxxxx>
 client/tests/kvm/kvm_migration.py      |  165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 client/tests/kvm/kvm_test_utils.py     |   27 +++---
 client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample  |    2 +
 client/tests/kvm_migration             |    1 +
 server/tests/kvm/migration_control.srv |  137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 client/tests/kvm/kvm_migration.py
 create mode 120000 client/tests/kvm_migration
 create mode 100644 server/tests/kvm/migration_control.srv

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_migration.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_migration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52cd3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_migration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import sys, os, time, logging, commands, socket
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+import kvm_utils, kvm_preprocessing, common, kvm_vm, kvm_test_utils
+class kvm_migration(test.test):
+    """
+    KVM migration test.
+    @copyright: Red Hat 2008-2009
+    @see: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/KVM-Autotest/Client_Install
+            (Online doc - Getting started with KVM testing)
+    Migration execution progress:
+    source host                     dest host
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    log into guest
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    start socket server
+    ---- wait 30 secs -------------- wait login_timeout+30 secs-------
+    accept connection             connect to socket server,send mig_port
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    start migration
+    ---- wait 30 secs -------------- wait mig_timeout+30 secs---------
+                                  try to log into migrated guest
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    """
+    version = 1
+    def initialize(self):
+        pass
+    def run_once(self, params):
+        """
+        Setup remote machine and then execute migration.
+        """
+        # Check whether remote machine is ready
+        dsthost = params.get("dsthost")
+        srchost = params.get("srchost")
+        image_path = os.path.join(self.bindir, "images")
+        rootdir = params.get("rootdir")
+        iso = os.path.join(rootdir, 'iso')
+        images = os.path.join(rootdir, 'images')
+        qemu = os.path.join(rootdir, 'qemu')
+        qemu_img = os.path.join(rootdir, 'qemu-img')
+        def link_if_not_exist(ldir, target, link_name):
+            t = target
+            l = os.path.join(ldir, link_name)
+            if not os.path.exists(l):
+                os.symlink(t,l)
+        link_if_not_exist(self.bindir, '../../', 'autotest')
+        link_if_not_exist(self.bindir, iso, 'isos')
+        link_if_not_exist(self.bindir, images, 'images')
+        link_if_not_exist(self.bindir, qemu, 'qemu')
+        link_if_not_exist(self.bindir, qemu_img, 'qemu-img')
+        # Report the parameters we've received and write them as keyvals
+        logging.debug("Test parameters:")
+        keys = params.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        for key in keys:
+            logging.debug("    %s = %s", key, params[key])
+            self.write_test_keyval({key: params[key]})
+        # Open the environment file
+        env_filename = os.path.join(self.bindir, params.get("env", "env"))
+        env = kvm_utils.load_env(env_filename, {})
+        logging.debug("Contents of environment: %s" % str(env))
+        # Preprocess
+        kvm_preprocessing.preprocess(self, params, env)
+        kvm_utils.dump_env(env, env_filename)
+        try:
+            try:
+                # Get the living VM
+                vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
+                migration_test_command = params.get("migration_test_command")
+                login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout"))
+                mig_timeout = int(params.get("mig_timeout"))
+                source_addr = (srchost, 50006)
+                all = [srchost, dsthost]
+                # Check whether migration is supported
+                s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd("help info")
+                if not "info migrate" in o:
+                    raise error.TestError("Migration is not supported")
+                if params.get("role") == "source":
+                    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm,
+                                                          timeout=login_timeout)
+                    ref_output = session.get_command_output(migration_test_command)
+                    # Listen on a port to get the migration port received from 
+                    # dest machine
+                    s = socket.socket()
+                    s.bind(source_addr)
+                    s.listen(1)
+                    # Wait 30 seconds for source and dest to reach this point
+                    self.job.barrier(srchost,'socket_started',30).rendezvous(*all)
+                    conn, addr = s.accept()
+                    mig_port = int(conn.recv(6))
+                    s.close()
+                    logging.info("Start migrating now...")
+                    kvm_test_utils.migrate(vm, dsthost, mig_port, env)
+                    # Wait up to 30 seconds for dest to reach this point
+                    self.job.barrier(srchost,'mig_finished',30).rendezvous(*all)
+                    session.close()
+                elif params.get("role") == "dest":
+                    # Wait up to login_timeout+30 seconds for the source to
+                    # reach this point
+                    self.job.barrier(dsthost, 'socket_started',
+                                     login_timeout+30).rendezvous(*all)
+                    s = socket.socket()
+                    s.connect(source_addr)
+                    s.send("%d" % vm.migration_port)
+                    s.close()
+                    # Wait up to mig_timeout+30 seconds for the source to
+                    # reach this point: migration finished
+                    self.job.barrier(dsthost, 'mig_finished',
+                                     mig_timeout+30).rendezvous(*all)
+                    try:
+                        session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm)
+                    except:
+                        raise error.TestFail("Could not log into migrated guest")
+                    if session.get_command_status(migration_test_command) != 0:
+                        raise error.TestFail("migration_test_command failed!")
+                else:
+                    raise error.TestError('Invalid role specified')
+            except Exception, e:
+                logging.error("Test failed: %s", e)
+                logging.debug("Postprocessing on error...")
+                kvm_preprocessing.postprocess_on_error(self, params, env)
+                kvm_utils.dump_env(env, env_filename)
+                raise
+        finally:
+            # Postprocess
+            kvm_preprocessing.postprocess(self, params, env)
+            logging.debug("Contents of environment: %s", str(env))
+            kvm_utils.dump_env(env, env_filename)
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_test_utils.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_test_utils.py
index 02ec0cf..3e3bd49 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_test_utils.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_test_utils.py
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def reboot(vm, session, method="shell", sleep_before_reset=10, nic_index=0,
     return session
-def migrate(vm, env=None):
+def migrate(vm, rem_host, rem_port, env=None, mig_timeout=90):
     Migrate a VM locally and re-register it in the environment.
@@ -133,13 +133,14 @@ def migrate(vm, env=None):
     if not "info migrate" in o:
         raise error.TestError("Migration is not supported")
-    # Clone the source VM and ask the clone to wait for incoming migration
-    dest_vm = vm.clone()
-    dest_vm.create(for_migration=True)
+    if rem_host == "localhost":
+        # Clone the source VM and ask the clone to wait for incoming migration
+        dest_vm = vm.clone()
+        dest_vm.create(for_migration=True)
         # Define the migration command
-        cmd = "migrate -d tcp:localhost:%d" % dest_vm.migration_port
+        cmd = "migrate -d tcp:%s:%d" % (rem_host, rem_port)
         logging.debug("Migrating with command: %s" % cmd)
         # Migrate
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ def migrate(vm, env=None):
             raise error.TestFail("Migration command failed")
         # Wait for migration to finish
-        if not kvm_utils.wait_for(mig_finished, 90, 2, 2,
+        if not kvm_utils.wait_for(mig_finished, mig_timeout, 2, 2,
                                   "Waiting for migration to finish..."):
             raise error.TestFail("Timeout elapsed while waiting for migration "
                                  "to finish")
@@ -166,15 +167,17 @@ def migrate(vm, env=None):
         # Kill the source VM
-        # Replace the source VM with the new cloned VM
-        if env is not None:
-            kvm_utils.env_register_vm(env, vm.name, dest_vm)
+        if rem_host == "localhost":
+            # Replace the source VM with the new cloned VM
+            if env is not None:
+                kvm_utils.env_register_vm(env, vm.name, dest_vm)
-        # Return the new cloned VM
-        return dest_vm
+            # Return the new cloned VM
+            return dest_vm
-        dest_vm.destroy()
+        if rem_host == "localhost":
+            dest_vm.destroy()
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
index 9fb1ba8..788b870 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ variants:
         migration_bg_command = "cd /tmp; nohup tcpdump -q -t ip host localhost"
         migration_bg_check_command = pgrep tcpdump
         migration_bg_kill_command = pkill tcpdump
+        mig_timeout = 90
+        login_timeout = 240
         kill_vm_on_error = yes
         iterations = 2
         used_mem = 1024
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm_migration b/client/tests/kvm_migration
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..9186877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm_migration
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/tests/kvm/migration_control.srv b/server/tests/kvm/migration_control.srv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9774c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/tests/kvm/migration_control.srv
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+AUTHOR = "Yolkfull Chow <yzhou@xxxxxxxxxx>"
+NAME = "Migration across Multi-machine"
+TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
+TEST_CLASS = 'Virtualization'
+TEST_TYPE = "Server"
+DOC = """
+Migrate KVM guest between two hosts.
+Arguments to run_test:
+@dict - a dictionary containing all parameters that migration need.
+import sys, os, commands, glob, shutil
+from autotest_lib.server import utils
+AUTOTEST_DIR = '/root/devel/upstream/server-migration'
+CLIENT_TEST_DIR = os.path.join(AUTOTEST_DIR, 'client/tests/')
+KVM_DIR = os.path.join(CLIENT_TEST_DIR, 'kvm')
+sample_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(KVM_DIR, '*.cfg.sample'))
+for sample_file in sample_files:
+    sample_file_name = os.path.basename(sample_file)
+    cfg_file_name = ".".join(sample_file_name.split(".")[:-1])
+    cfg_file_path = os.path.join(KVM_DIR, cfg_file_name)
+    sample_file_path = os.path.join(KVM_DIR, sample_file)
+    shutil.copyfile(sample_file_path, cfg_file_path)
+import common, kvm_config
+rootdir = '/tmp/kvm_autotest_root'
+def run(pair):
+    print "KVM migration running on srchost [%s] and desthost [%s]\n" % (
+                                                        pair[0], pair[1])
+    # Edit this to limit the migration that you want
+    test_variants = """
+only full
+only qcow2
+only ide
+only default
+only up
+only Fedora.11.32
+no install setup
+no hugepages
+only migrate
+only rtl8139
+    source = hosts.create_host(pair[0])
+    dest = hosts.create_host(pair[1])
+    source_at = autotest.Autotest(source)
+    source_at.install(source)
+    dest_at = autotest.Autotest(dest)
+    dest_at.install(dest)
+    # FIXME: should parse config file on client machines?
+    filename = os.path.join(KVM_DIR, "kvm_tests.cfg.sample")
+    sample_f = open(filename, 'r')
+    new_contents = sample_f.readlines()[:-1]
+    sample_f.close()
+    new_contents = "".join(new_contents)
+    new_contents += test_variants
+    filename = os.path.join(KVM_DIR, 'kvm_tests.cfg')
+    f = open(filename, 'w')
+    f.write(new_contents)
+    f.close()
+    if not os.path.exists(filename):
+        print "[ERROR] Test config file doesn't found"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Get test set (dictionary list) from the configuration file
+    cfg = kvm_config.config(filename)
+    filename = os.path.join(KVM_DIR, "kvm_address_pools.cfg")
+    if os.path.exists(filename):
+        cfg.parse_file(filename)
+        hostname = os.uname()[1].split(".")[0]
+        if cfg.filter("^" + hostname):
+            cfg.parse_string("only ^%s" % hostname)
+        else:
+            cfg.parse_string("only ^default_host")
+    list = cfg.get_list()
+    # Control file template for client machine
+    control_string = "job.run_test('kvm_migration', params=%s)"
+    for vm_dict in list:
+        vm_dict['srchost'] = source.ip
+        vm_dict['dsthost'] = dest.ip
+        vm_dict['display'] = 'vnc'
+        vm_dict['rootdir'] = rootdir
+        source_dict = vm_dict.copy()
+        dest_dict = vm_dict.copy()
+        source_dict['role'] = "source"
+        dest_dict['role'] = "dest"
+        dest_dict['start_vm_for_migration'] = "yes"
+        # Report the parameters we've received
+        print "Test parameters:"
+        keys = vm_dict.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        for key in keys:
+            print "    " + str(key) + " = " + str(vm_dict[key])
+        source_control_file = ''.join([control_string % source_dict])
+        dest_control_file = ''.join([control_string % dest_dict])
+        dest_command = subcommand(dest_at.run,
+                                  [dest_control_file, dest.hostname])
+        source_command = subcommand(source_at.run,
+                                    [source_control_file, source.hostname])
+        parallel([dest_command, source_command])
+# Grab the pairs (and failures)
+(pairs, failures) = utils.form_ntuples_from_machines(machines, 2)
+# Log the failures
+for failure in failures:
+    job.record("FAIL", failure[0], "kvm", failure[1])
+# Now run through each pair and run
+job.parallel_simple(run, pairs, log=False)

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