[KVM-AUTOTEST] KSM-overcommit test v.2 (python version)

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  based on your requirements we have created new version 
of KSM-overcommit patch (submitted in September). 

  It tests KSM (kernel shared memory) with overcommit of memory.

  1) Based only on python (remove C code)
  2) Add new test (check last 96B)
  3) Separate test to (serial,parallel,both)
  4) Improve log and documentation 
  5) Add perf constat to change time limit for waiting. (slow computer problem)

  KSM test start guests. They are connect to guest over ssh.
  Copy and run allocator.py to guests. 
  Host can run any python command over Allocator.py loop on client side. 

  Start run_ksm_overcommit.
  Define host and guest reserve variables (host_reserver,guest_reserver).
  Calculate amount of virtual machine and their memory based on variables
  host_mem and overcommit. 
  Check KSM status.
  Create and start virtual guests.
  Test :
   a] serial
    1) initialize, merge all mem to single page
    2) separate first guset mem
    3) separate rest of guest up to fill all mem
    4) kill all guests except for the last
    5) check if mem of last guest is ok
    6) kill guest
   b] parallel 
    1) initialize, merge all mem to single page
    2) separate mem of guest
    3) verification of guest mem
    4) merge mem to one block
    5) verification of guests mem
    6) separate mem of guests by 96B
    7) check if mem is all right 
    8) kill guest
  allocator.py (client side script) 
    After start they wait for command witch they make in client side.
    mem_fill class implement commands to fill, check mem and return 
    error to host.

We need client side script because we need generate lot of GB of special 

Future plane:
  We want to add to log information about time spend in task. 
  Information from log we want to use to automatic compute perf contant.
  And add New tests.

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
index ac9ef66..90f62bb 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
@@ -118,6 +118,23 @@ variants:
                 test_name = npb
                 test_control_file = npb.control
+    - ksm_overcommit:
+        # Don't preprocess any vms as we need to change it's params
+        vms = ''
+        image_snapshot = yes
+        kill_vm_gracefully = no
+        type = ksm_overcommit
+        ksm_swap = yes   # yes | no
+        no hugepages
+        # Overcommit of host memmory
+        ksm_overcommit_ratio = 3
+        # Max paralel runs machine
+        ksm_paralel_ratio = 4
+        variants:
+            - serial
+                ksm_test_size = "serial"
+            - paralel
+                ksm_test_size = "paralel"
     - linux_s3:     install setup unattended_install
         type = linux_s3
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/ksm_overcommit.py b/client/tests/kvm/tests/ksm_overcommit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7ded6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/ksm_overcommit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+import logging, time
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+import kvm_subprocess, kvm_test_utils, kvm_utils
+import kvm_preprocessing
+import random, string, math, os
+def run_ksm_overcommit(test, params, env):
+    """
+    Test how KSM (Kernel Shared Memory) act with more than physical memory is
+    used. In second part is also tested, how KVM can handle the situation,
+    when the host runs out of memory (expected is to pause the guest system,
+    wait until some process returns the memory and bring the guest back to life)
+    @param test: kvm test object.
+    @param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
+    @param env: Dictionary with the test wnvironment.
+    """
+    def parse_meminfo(rowName):
+        """
+        Function get date from file /proc/meminfo
+        @param rowName: Name of line in meminfo 
+        """
+        for line in open('/proc/meminfo').readlines():
+            if line.startswith(rowName+":"):
+                name, amt, unit = line.split()
+                return name, amt, unit   
+    def parse_meminfo_value(rowName):
+        """
+        Function convert meminfo value to int
+        @param rowName: Name of line in meminfo  
+        """
+        name, amt, unit = parse_meminfo(rowName)
+        return amt
+    def get_stat(lvms):
+        """
+        Get statistics in format:
+        Host: memfree = XXXM; Guests memsh = {XXX,XXX,...}
+        @params lvms: List of VMs
+        """
+        if not isinstance(lvms, list):
+            raise error.TestError("get_stat: parameter have to be proper list")
+        try:
+            stat = "Host: memfree = "
+            stat += str(int(parse_meminfo_value("MemFree")) / 1024) + "M; "
+            stat += "swapfree = "
+            stat += str(int(parse_meminfo_value("SwapFree")) / 1024) + "M; "
+        except:
+            raise error.TestFail("Could not fetch free memory info")
+        stat += "Guests memsh = {"
+        for vm in lvms:
+            if vm.is_dead():
+                logging.info("Trying to get informations of death VM: %s" 
+                             % vm.name)
+                continue
+            try:
+                cmd = "cat /proc/%d/statm" % get_true_pid(vm)
+                shm = int(os.popen(cmd).readline().split()[2])
+                # statm stores informations in pages, recalculate to MB
+                shm = shm * 4 / 1024
+                stat += "%dM; " % (shm)
+            except:
+                raise error.TestError("Could not fetch shmem info from proc")
+        stat = stat[0:-2] + "}"
+        return stat
+    def get_true_pid(vm):
+        pid = vm.process.get_pid()
+        for i in range(1,10):
+            pid = pid + 1
+            curr_vm = int(os.popen("ps -p %d -o args | grep -c %s" \
+                                   % (pid, vm.name)).readline())
+            if curr_vm > 0:
+                return pid
+        logging.debug("First method to get_true_pid failed, trying second one")
+        for comm in os.popen("ps ax -o pid,comm,args |grep %s" \
+                             % (vm.name)).readlines():
+            if comm.split()[1].__contains__("qemu"):
+                return int(comm.split()[0])
+        raise error.TestError("Could not get true pid")
+    logging.info("Starting phase 0: Initialization")
+    # host_reserve: mem reserve keept for the host system to run
+    host_reserve = 256
+    # guest_reserve: mem reserve which is not used by allocator on the guests
+    guest_reserve = 256
+    max_vms = params.get("max_vms")
+    if max_vms:
+        max_vms = int(max_vms)
+    else:
+        max_vms = 2
+    overcommit = params.get("ksm_overcommit_ratio")
+    if overcommit:
+        overcommit = float(overcommit)
+    else:
+        overcommit = 2.0
+    max_alloc = params.get("ksm_paralel_ratio")
+    if max_alloc:
+        max_alloc = int(max_alloc)
+    else:
+        max_alloc = 1
+    # vmsc: count of all used VMs
+    vmsc = int(overcommit) + 1
+    vmsc = max(vmsc, max_vms)
+    if (params['ksm_test_size'] == "serial"):
+    	max_alloc = vmsc
+    host_mem = (int(parse_meminfo_value("MemTotal")) / 1024 - host_reserve)
+    ksm_swap = False    
+    if params.get("ksm_swap") == "yes":
+        ksm_swap = True
+    # Performance ratio
+    perf_ratio = params.get("ksm_perf_ratio")
+    if perf_ratio:
+        perf_ratio = float(perf_ratio)
+    else:
+        perf_ratio = 1
+    if (params['ksm_test_size'] == "paralel") :
+        vmsc = 1
+        overcommit = 1
+        mem = host_mem
+        # 32bit system adjustment
+        if not params['image_name'].endswith("64"):
+            logging.debug("Probably i386 guest architecture, "\
+                          "max allocator mem = 2G")
+            # Guest can have more than 2G but kvm mem + 1MB (allocator itself) 
+            # can't
+            if (host_mem > 2048):
+                mem = 2047 
+        if os.popen("uname -i").readline().startswith("i386"):
+            logging.debug("Host is i386 architecture, max guest mem is 2G")
+            # Guest system with qemu overhead (64M) can't have more than 2G
+            if mem > 2048 - 64:
+                mem = 2048 - 64
+    else:
+        # mem: Memory of the guest systems. Maximum must be less than amount of
+        # the host's physical ram
+        mem = int(overcommit * host_mem / vmsc)
+        # 32bit system adjustment
+        if not params['image_name'].endswith("64"):
+            logging.debug("Probably i386 guest architecture, "\
+                          "max allocator mem = 2G")
+            # Guest can have more than 2G but kvm mem + 1MB (allocator itself) 
+            # can't
+            if mem-guest_reserve-1 > 2048:
+                vmsc = int(math.ceil((host_mem*overcommit) / \
+                                     (2048+guest_reserve))) 
+                mem = int(math.floor(host_mem*overcommit/vmsc))
+        if os.popen("uname -i").readline().startswith("i386"):
+            logging.debug("Host is i386 architecture, max guest mem is 2G")
+            # Guest system with qemu overhead (64M) can't have more than 2G
+            if mem > 2048 - 64:
+                vmsc = int(math.ceil((host_mem*overcommit)/(2048 - 64.0))) 
+                mem = int(math.floor(host_mem*overcommit/vmsc))
+    logging.debug("Check KSM status...")
+    ksm_flag = 0
+    for line in os.popen('ksmctl info').readlines():
+        if line.startswith('flags'):
+            ksm_flag = int(line.split(' ')[1].split(',')[0])
+    if int(ksm_flag) != 1:
+        logging.info("KSM was not launched! So try to restart.")
+        if os.system("modprobe ksm && ksmctl start 5000 100") != 0:
+            raise error.TestFail("Fail to restart KSM!")
+        else:
+            logging.info("Success to restart KSM.")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("KSM has been launched.")
+    logging.info("overcommit = %f" % (overcommit))
+    logging.info("true overcommit = %f " % (float(vmsc*mem) / float(host_mem)))
+    logging.info("host mem = %dM" % (host_mem))
+    logging.info("mem = %dM" % (mem))
+    logging.info("using swap = %s" % (ksm_swap))
+    logging.info("swap = %dM" %\
+                 (int(parse_meminfo_value("SwapTotal")) / 1024))
+    logging.info("max_vms = %d" % (max_vms))
+    logging.info("vmsc = %d" % (vmsc))
+    logging.info("performance_ratio = %d" % (perf_ratio))
+    # Generate unique keys for random series
+    skeys = []
+    dkeys = []
+    for i in range(0, max(vmsc, max_alloc)):
+        key = random.randrange(0,255)
+        while key in skeys:
+            key = random.randrange(0,255)
+        skeys.append(key)
+        key = random.randrange(0,999)
+        while key in dkeys:
+            key = random.randrange(0,999)
+        dkeys.append(key)
+    lvms = []
+    lsessions = []
+    # As we don't know the number and memory amount of VMs in advance, we need 
+    # to specify and create them here (FIXME: not a nice thing)
+    params['mem'] = mem
+    params['vms'] = params.get("main_vm")
+    # ksm_size: amount of memory used by allocator
+    ksm_size = mem - guest_reserve
+    logging.info("ksm_size = %dM" % (ksm_size))
+    # Creating of the first guest
+    kvm_preprocessing.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, params['vms'])
+    lvms.append(kvm_utils.env_get_vm(env, params.get("main_vm")))
+    if not lvms[0]:
+        raise error.TestError("VM object not found in environment")
+    if not lvms[0].is_alive():
+        raise error.TestError("VM seems to be dead; Test requires a living VM")
+    logging.info("Booting the first guest %s" % lvms[0].name)
+    lsessions.append(kvm_utils.wait_for(lvms[0].remote_login, 360, 0, 2))
+    if not lsessions[0]:
+        raise error.TestFail("Could not log into first guest")
+    # Creating of other guest systems
+    for i in range(1, vmsc):
+        vm_name = "vm" + str(i + 1)
+        # Last VM is later used to run more allocators simultaneously
+        lvms.append(lvms[0].clone(vm_name, params))
+        kvm_utils.env_register_vm(env, vm_name, lvms[i])
+        params['vms'] += " " + vm_name
+        logging.info("Booting guest %s" % lvms[i].name)
+        if not lvms[i].create():
+            raise error.TestFail("Cannot create VM %s" % lvms[i].name)
+        if not lvms[i].is_alive():
+            raise error.TestError("VM %s seems to be dead; Test requires a"\
+                                  "living VM" % lvms[i].name)
+        lsessions.append(kvm_utils.wait_for(lvms[i].remote_login, 360, 0, 2))
+        if not lsessions[i]:
+            raise error.TestFail("Could not log into guest %s" % lvms[i].name)
+    # Let systems take a rest :-)
+    time.sleep(vmsc * 2 * perf_ratio)
+    logging.info(get_stat(lvms))
+    # Copy the allocator.c into guests
+    pwd = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'],'tests/kvm')
+    vksmd_src = os.path.join(pwd, "unattended/allocator.py")
+    dst_dir = "/tmp"
+    for vm in lvms:
+        if not vm.copy_files_to(vksmd_src, dst_dir):
+            raise error.TestFail("Copy_files_to failed %s" % (vm.name))
+    logging.info("Phase 0 => passed")
+    def phase_inicialize_guests():
+        """ Inicialize virtual machine """
+        logging.info("Starting phase 1: filling with 0")
+        logging.info("Preparing the guests and fill in pages by zero")
+        for session in lsessions:
+            vm = lvms[lsessions.index(session)]
+            ret = session.get_command_status("swapoff -a",\
+                                             timeout=300)
+            if ret == None or ret:
+                raise error.TestFail("Failed to swapoff in the %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+            # Start the allocator
+            session.sendline("python /tmp/allocator.py")
+            (ret,data) = session.read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"], 60*perf_ratio)
+            if ret == None or ret == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not run vksmd in %s errno: %s\n"\
+                                     "output %s" % (vm.name, ret, data))
+        # Set allocator keys
+        for i in range(0, vmsc):
+            vm = lvms[i]
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem = mem_fill(%d,%s,%s)" \
+                                  % (ksm_size,skeys[i],dkeys[i]))
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"],60*perf_ratio)
+            if match == 1 or match == None:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)"% (skeys[0]))
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"],120*perf_ratio)
+            if match == 1 or match == None:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+            # Let kksmd works (until shared mem rich expected value)
+            shm = 0
+            i = 0
+            cmd = "cat /proc/%d/statm" % get_true_pid(vm)
+            while shm < ksm_size:
+                if i > 64:
+                    logging.info(get_stat(lvms))
+                    raise error.TestError("SHM didn't merged the memory until "\
+                                          "the DL on guest: %s"% (vm.name))
+                logging.debug("Sleep(%d)" % (ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio))
+                time.sleep(ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio)
+                try:
+                    shm = int(os.popen(cmd).readline().split()[2])
+                    shm = shm * 4 / 1024
+                    i = i + 1
+                except:
+                    raise error.TestError("Could not fetch shmem info from "
+                      "the /proc")
+        # Keep some reserve
+        time.sleep(ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio)
+        logging.info(get_stat(lvms))
+        logging.info("Phase 1 => passed")
+    def phase_separate_first_guest():
+        """ Separate first guest memory by generate a special random series """
+        logging.info("Starting phase 2: Split the pages on the first guest")
+        lsessions[0].sendline("mem.static_random_fill()")
+        (match,data) = lsessions[0].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"],120*perf_ratio)
+        if match == 1:
+            raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by random on guest %s"\
+                                 % (vm.name))
+        if match == None:
+            raise error.TestFail("Generating random series timeout on guest %s"\
+                                 % (vm.name))
+        data = data.splitlines()[-1]
+        logging.debug("Return message of static_random_fill: %s" % data)
+        out = int(data.split()[4])
+        logging.info("PERFORMANCE: %dMB * 1000 / %dms = %dMB/s"\
+                     % (ksm_size, out, (ksm_size * 1000 / out)))
+        logging.info(get_stat(lvms))
+        logging.info("Phase 2 => passed")
+    def phase_split_guest():
+        """ Sequentional split of pages on guests up to memory limit """
+        logging.info("Starting phase 3a: Sequentional split of pages on guests"\
+                     " up to memory limit")
+        last_vm = 0
+        session = None
+        vm = None
+        for i in range(1, vmsc):
+            vm = lvms[i]
+            session = lsessions[i]
+            session.sendline("mem.static_random_fill()")
+            out = ""
+            while not out.startswith("PASS") and not out.startswith("FAIL"):
+                free_mem = int(parse_meminfo_value("MemFree"))
+                if (ksm_swap):
+                    free_mem = free_mem + int(parse_meminfo_value("SwapFree"))
+                logging.debug("FreeMem = %d" % (free_mem))
+                # We need to keep some memory for python to run.
+                if (free_mem < 64000) or (ksm_swap and free_mem < 256000):
+                    logging.debug("Only %s free memory, killing 0 - %d hosts"\
+                                  % (free_mem, (i-1)))
+                    for j in range(0, i):
+                        lvms[j].destroy(gracefully = False)
+                    last_vm = i
+                    break
+                out = session.read_nonblocking(0.1)
+            if last_vm != 0:
+                break
+        logging.info("Memory filled by the guest %s" % (vm.name))
+        logging.info("Phase 3a => passed")
+        """ Check if memory in max loading guest is allright"""
+        logging.info("Starting phase 3b")
+        """ Kill rest of machine"""
+        for i in range(last_vm+1, vmsc):
+            (status,data) = lsessions[i].get_command_status_output("exit;",20)
+            if i == (vmsc-1):
+                logging.info(get_stat([lvms[i]]))
+            lvms[i].destroy(gracefully = False)
+        """ Verify last machine with random generated memory"""
+        session.sendline("mem.static_random_verify()")
+        (match,data) = session.read_until_last_line_matches(
+                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+        if (match == 1):
+           raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+        logging.info(get_stat([lvms[last_vm]]))
+        (status,data) = lsessions[i].get_command_status_output("exit()",20)
+        lvms[last_vm].destroy(gracefully = False)
+        logging.info("Phase 3b => passed")
+    def phase_paralel():
+        """ Paralel page spliting """
+        logging.info("Phase 1: Paralel page spliting")
+        # We have to wait until allocator is finished (it waits 5 seconds to
+        # clean the socket
+        session = lsessions[0]
+        vm = lvms[0]
+        for i in range(1,max_alloc):
+            lsessions.append(kvm_utils.wait_for(vm.remote_login, 360, 0, 2))
+            if not lsessions[i]:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not log into guest %s" \
+                                     % lvms[i].name)
+        ret = session.get_command_status("swapoff -a", timeout=300)
+        if ret == None or ret:
+            raise error.TestFail("Failed to swapoff in the %s" % (vm.name))
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("python /tmp/allocator.py")
+            (ret,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+                                        ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (60 * perf_ratio))
+            if ret == None:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not run vksmd in guest %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+            if ret == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not run allocator in %s errno: %d"\
+                                     % (vm.name, ret))
+        logging.info("Phase 4a: Simultaneous merging")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            logging.info("Memory to guest allocator = %dMB" % (ksm_size/max_alloc))
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem = mem_fill(%d,%s,%s)" % \
+                                  ((ksm_size/max_alloc), skeys[i], dkeys[i]))
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+                                        ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (60 * perf_ratio))
+            if match == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)"% (skeys[0]))
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+                                        ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (90 * perf_ratio))
+            if match == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+        # Wait until kksmd merges the pages (3 x ksm_size / 3)
+        shm = 0
+        i = 0
+        cmd = "cat /proc/%d/statm" % get_true_pid(vm)
+        while shm < ksm_size:
+            if i > 64:
+                logging.info(get_stat(lvms))
+                raise error.TestError("SHM didn't merged the memory until DL")
+            logging.debug("Sleep(%d)" % (ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio))
+            time.sleep(ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio)
+            try:
+                shm = int(os.popen(cmd).readline().split()[2])
+                shm = shm * 4 / 1024
+            except:
+                raise error.TestError("Could not fetch shmem info from proc")
+        logging.info(get_stat([vm]))
+        logging.info("Phases 4b: Simultaneous spliting")
+        # Actual splitting
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_fill()")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+                                        ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (90 * perf_ratio))
+            if match == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by random on guest"\
+                                     " %s" % (vm.name))
+	    if match == None:
+            	raise error.TestFail("Generating random series timeout on guest %s"\
+                                     % (vm.name))
+            data = data.splitlines()[-1]
+            logging.debug(data)
+            out = int(data.split()[4])
+            logging.info("PERFORMANCE: %dMB * 1000 / %dms = %dMB/s"\
+                         % (ksm_size/max_alloc, out, \
+			 (ksm_size * 1000 / out / max_alloc)))
+        logging.info(get_stat([vm]))
+        logging.info("Phase 4c: Simultaneous verification")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_verify()")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                              ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+            if (match == 1):
+                raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+        logging.info("Phases 4d: Simultaneous merging")
+        # Actual splitting
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)" % (skeys[0]))
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                                        ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (120 * perf_ratio))
+            if match == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by random on guest"\
+                                     " %s" % (vm.name))
+        logging.info(get_stat([vm]))
+        logging.info("Phase 4e: Simultaneous verification")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)" % (skeys[0]))
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+            if (match == 1):
+                raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+        logging.info("Phases 4f: Simultaneous spliting last 96B")
+        # Actual splitting
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_fill(96)")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(\
+                                        ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (60 * perf_ratio))
+            if match == 1:
+                raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by zero on guest"\
+                                     " %s" % (vm.name))
+	    if match == None:
+	        raise error.TestFail("Generating random series timeout on guest %s"\
+        	                     % (vm.name))
+            data = data.splitlines()[-1]
+            out = int(data.split()[4])
+            logging.info("PERFORMANCE: %dMB * 1000 / %dms = %dMB/s"\
+                         % (ksm_size/max_alloc, out, \
+			 (ksm_size * 1000 / out / max_alloc)))
+        logging.info(get_stat([vm]))
+        logging.info("Phase 4g: Simultaneous verification last 96B")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_verify(96)")
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+                            ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+            if (match == 1):
+                raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+        logging.info(get_stat([vm]))
+        logging.info("Phase 4 => passed")
+        # Clean-up
+        for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+            lsessions[i].get_command_status_output("exit()",20)
+        session.close()
+        vm.destroy(gracefully = False)
+    if params['ksm_test_size'] == "paralel":
+        phase_paralel()
+    elif params['ksm_test_size'] == "serial":
+        phase_inicialize_guests()
+        phase_separate_first_guest()
+        phase_split_guest()
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/unattended/allocator.py b/client/tests/kvm/unattended/allocator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cad9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/unattended/allocator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+import os
+import array
+import sys
+import struct
+import random
+import copy
+import inspect
+import tempfile
+from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import timedelta
+KVM test definitions.
+@copyright: 2008-2009 Red Hat Inc.
+Jiri Zupka <jzupka@xxxxxxxxxx>
+PAGE_SIZE = 4096 #machine page size
+class mem_fill:
+    """ 
+    Guest side script to test KSM driver
+    """
+    def __init__(self,mem,static_value,random_key):
+        """
+        Constructor of mem_fill class
+        @param mem: amount of test memory in MB
+        @param random_key: seed of random series used for fill
+        @param static_value: value witch fill whole memory     
+        """
+        if (static_value < 0 or static_value > 255):
+            print "FAIL: Initialization static value"+\
+                  "can be only in range (0..255)"
+            return
+        self.tmpdp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        if (not os.system("mount -osize=%dM tmpfs %s -t tmpfs" \
+                          % (mem+50,self.tmpdp)) == 0):
+            print "FAIL: Only root can do that"
+        else:
+            self.f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='mem', dir=self.tmpdp)
+            self.allocate_by = 'L'
+            self.npages = (mem * 1024 * 1024)/PAGE_SIZE
+            self.random_key = random_key
+            self.static_value = static_value
+            print "PASS: Initialization"
+    def __del__(self):
+        if (os.path.ismount(self.tmpdp)):
+            self.f.close()
+            os.system("umount %s" % (self.tmpdp))
+    def compare_page(self,original,inmem):
+        """
+        compare memory
+        @param original: data witch we expected on memory
+        @param inmem: data in memory 
+        """
+        for ip in range(PAGE_SIZE/original.itemsize):
+            if (not original[ip] == inmem[ip]):#find wrong item
+                originalp = array.array("B")
+                inmemp = array.array("B")
+                originalp.fromstring(original[ip:ip+1].tostring())
+                inmemp.fromstring(inmem[ip:ip+1].tostring())
+                for ib in range(len(originalp)): #find wrong byte in item 
+                    if not (originalp[ib] == inmemp[ib]):
+                        position = self.f.tell()-PAGE_SIZE+(ip)*\
+                                   (original.itemsize)+ib
+                        print "Mem error on position %d wanted 0x%Lx"+\
+                              " and is 0x%Lx"\
+                              % (position,originalp[ib],inmemp[ib])
+    def value_page(self,value):
+        """
+        Create page filled by value
+        @param value: ...
+        @return: return array of bytes size PAGE_SIZE  
+        """
+        a = array.array("B")
+        for i in range(PAGE_SIZE/a.itemsize):
+            try:
+                a.append(value)
+            except:
+                print "FAIL: Value can be only in range (0..255)"
+        return a
+    def random_page(self,seed):
+        """
+        Create page filled by static random series
+        @param seed: seed of random series
+        @return: static random array series
+        """
+        random.seed(seed)
+        a = array.array(self.allocate_by) 
+        for i in range(PAGE_SIZE/a.itemsize):
+            a.append(random.randrange(0,sys.maxint))
+        return a
+    def value_fill(self,value = -1):
+        """
+        Fill memory by page generated with value_page 
+        """
+        self.f.seek(0)
+        if value == -1:
+            value = self.static_value
+        page = self.value_page(value)
+        for pages in range(self.npages):
+            page.tofile(self.f)
+        print "PASS: Mem value fill"
+    def value_check(self):
+        """
+        Check memory if there is a correct
+        @return: if data in memory is correct return PASS 
+                else print some wrong data and return FAIL 
+        """
+        self.f.seek(0)
+        e = 2
+        failure = False
+        page = self.value_page(self.static_value)
+        for pages in range(self.npages):
+            pf = array.array("B")
+            pf.fromfile(self.f,PAGE_SIZE/pf.itemsize)
+            if not (page == pf):
+                failure = True
+                self.compare_page(page,pf)
+                e = e - 1
+                if e == 0:
+                    break
+        if failure:
+            print "FAIL: value verification"
+        else:
+            print "PASS: value verification"
+    def static_random_fill(self,n_bytes_on_end=PAGE_SIZE):
+        """
+        Fill memory by page with static random series with added special value
+        on random place in pages.
+        @param n_bytes_on_end: how many byte on the end of page can be changed
+        @return: PASS
+        """
+        self.f.seek(0)
+        page = self.random_page(self.random_key)
+        random.seed(self.random_key)
+        p = copy.copy(page)
+        t_start = datetime.now()
+        for pages in range(self.npages):
+            rand = random.randint(((PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize)-1)-
+                             (n_bytes_on_end/page.itemsize),
+                             (PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize)-1) 
+            p[rand] = pages
+            p.tofile(self.f)
+            p[rand] = page[rand]
+        t_end = datetime.now()
+        delta = t_end-t_start
+        milisec = delta.microseconds/1e3+delta.seconds*1e3
+        print "PASS: filling duration = %Ld ms" % milisec
+    def static_random_verify(self,n_bytes_on_end=PAGE_SIZE):
+        """
+        Check memory if there is a correct
+        @return: if data in memory is correct return PASS 
+                else print some wrong data and return FAIL
+        """
+        self.f.seek(0)
+        e = 2
+        page = self.random_page(self.random_key)
+        random.seed(self.random_key)
+        p = copy.copy(page)
+        failure = False
+        for pages in range(self.npages):
+            rand = random.randint(((PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize)-1)-
+                             (n_bytes_on_end/page.itemsize),
+                             (PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize)-1) 
+            p[rand] = pages
+            pf = array.array(self.allocate_by)
+            pf.fromfile(self.f,PAGE_SIZE/pf.itemsize)
+            if not (p == pf):
+                failure = True
+                self.compare_page(p,pf)
+                e = e - 1
+                if e == 0:
+                    break
+            p[rand] = page[rand]
+        if failure:
+            print "FAIL: Random series verification"
+        else:
+            print "PASS: Random series verification"
+def exit():
+    exit(0)
+print "PASS: Start"
+def main():
+    end = False
+    while (not end):
+        str = raw_input()
+        exec str
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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