On Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 02:42:43PM -0500, Tom Lendacky wrote: > The GHCB spec only defines the "0" reason code set. We could provide Linux > it's own reason code set with some more specific reason codes for > failures, if that is needed. Why Linux only? Don't we want to have a generalized set of error codes which say what has happened so that people can debug? Let's take the above case Brijesh explains: guest tries a page state change, HV cannot manage for whatever reason and guest terminates with a "general request". Wouldn't you want to at least have a *hint* as to why the guest terminated instead of just "guest terminated"? I.e., none of those: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dumb+error+messages&iax=images&ia=images :-) -- Regards/Gruss, Boris. https://people.kernel.org/tglx/notes-about-netiquette