On 2021/3/2 2:48, Aditya Basu wrote:
Hi all, I am a PhD student at the Pennsylvania State University. For my current project, I am trying to run Intel Processor Trace (PT) inside a Guest VM. Specifically, I want to run KVM in the "Host-Guest mode" as stated in the following bug: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201565 However, I *cannot* find an Intel processor that supports this mode. I have tried using Intel's i7-7700 and i7-9700k processors. Based on my findings, the problem seems to be that bit 24 (PT_USE_GPA) of MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2 (high) is reported as 0 by the processor. Hence, KVM seems to force pt_mode to 0 (or PT_MODE_HOST).
You may try the Intel Atom® Processor P* Series. https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/series/29035/intel-atom-processor.html?wapkw=Atom#@Server
I would appreciate any pointers that someone might have regarding the above. Specifically, I want to find an Intel processor that supports running Intel PT in "Host-Guest mode". Regards, Aditya Basu PhD Student in CSE Pennsylvania State University https://www.adityabasu.me/