[PATCH] KVM test: Introducing new supported install method, koji

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With this patch, it will now be possible to install
and test qemu and kvm packages built right from the
fedora build server, koji. An example of how to
configure the install from koji is put on the
reference control file.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@xxxxxxxxxx>
 client/tests/kvm/control        |   19 +++-
 client/tests/kvm/tests/build.py |  324 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/control b/client/tests/kvm/control
index cc0ba66..48d8233 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/control
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/control
@@ -81,13 +81,14 @@ params = {
     #"mode": "localsrc",
     #"mode": "git",
     #"mode": "noinstall",
+    #"mode": "koji",
     ## Are we going to load modules built by this test?
     ## Defaults to 'yes', so if you are going to provide only userspace code to
     ## be built by this test, please set load_modules to 'no', and make sure
     ## the kvm and kvm-[vendor] module is already loaded by the time you start
     ## it.
-    "load_modules": "no",
+    #"load_modules": "no",
     ## Install from a kvm release ("mode": "release"). You can optionally
     ## specify a release tag. If you omit it, the test will get the latest
@@ -109,6 +110,22 @@ params = {
     ## Install from a local source code dir ("mode": "localsrc")
     #"srcdir": "/path/to/source-dir"
+    ## Install from koji build server ("mode": "koji")
+    ## Koji is the Fedora Project buildserver. It is possible to install
+    ## packages right from Koji if you provide a release tag or a build.
+    ## Tag (if available)
+    #"koji_tag": 'dist-f11',
+    ## Build (if available, is going to override tag).
+    #"koji_build": 'qemu-0.10.92-4.fc12',
+    ## Command to interact with the build server
+    #"koji_cmd": '/usr/bin/koji',
+    ## The name of the source package that's being built
+    #"src_pkg": 'qemu',
+    ## Name of the rpms we need installed
+    #"pkg_list": ['qemu-kvm', 'qemu-kvm-tools', 'qemu-system-x86', 'qemu-common', 'qemu-img'],
+    ## Paths of the qemu relevant executables that should be checked
+    #"qemu_bin_paths": ['/usr/bin/qemu-kvm', '/usr/bin/qemu-img'],
     ## Install from git ("mode": "git")
     ## If you provide only "git_repo" and "user_git_repo", the build test
     ## will assume it will perform all build from the userspace dir, building
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/build.py b/client/tests/kvm/tests/build.py
index 1801e05..6424d39 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/tests/build.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/build.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import time, os, sys, urllib, re, signal, logging, datetime
-from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils, test
+import time, os, sys, urllib, re, signal, logging, datetime, glob
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils, test, os_dep
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
 import kvm_utils
@@ -25,64 +25,93 @@ def check_configure_options(script_path):
     return option_list
-def load_kvm_modules(module_dir):
+def kill_qemu_processes():
+    """
+    Kills all qemu processes, also kills all processes holding /dev/kvm down.
+    """
+    logging.debug("Killing any qemu processes that might be left behind")
+    utils.system("pkill qemu", ignore_status=True)
+    # Let's double check to see if some other process is holding /dev/kvm
+    if os.path.isfile("/dev/kvm"):
+        if utils.system_output("lsof /dev/kvm"):
+            utils.system("fuser -k /dev/kvm")
+def load_kvm_modules(module_dir=None, load_stock=False, extra_modules=None):
     Unload previously loaded kvm modules, then load modules present on any
     sub directory of module_dir. Function will walk through module_dir until
     it finds the modules.
     @param module_dir: Directory where the KVM modules are located.
+    @param load_stock: Whether we are going to load system kernel modules.
+    @param extra_modules: List of extra modules to load.
     vendor = "intel"
     if os.system("grep vmx /proc/cpuinfo 1>/dev/null") != 0:
         vendor = "amd"
     logging.debug("Detected CPU vendor as '%s'" %(vendor))
-    logging.debug("Killing any qemu processes that might be left behind")
-    utils.system("pkill qemu", ignore_status=True)
+    kill_qemu_processes()
     logging.info("Unloading previously loaded KVM modules")
-    if utils.module_is_loaded("kvm"):
-        message = "Failed to remove old KVM modules"
-        logging.error(message)
-        raise error.TestError(message)
-    logging.info("Loading new KVM modules...")
-    kvm_module_path = None
-    kvm_vendor_module_path = None
-    # Search for the built KVM modules
-    for folder, subdirs, files in os.walk(module_dir):
-        if "kvm.ko" in files:
-            kvm_module_path = os.path.join(folder, "kvm.ko")
-            kvm_vendor_module_path = os.path.join(folder, "kvm-%s.ko" % vendor)
-    abort = False
-    if not kvm_module_path:
-        logging.error("Need a directory containing both kernel module and "
-                      "userspace sources.")
-        logging.error("If you are trying to build only KVM userspace and use "
-                      "the KVM modules you have already loaded, put "
-                      "'load_modules': 'no' on the control file 'params' "
-                      "dictionary.")
-        raise error.TestError("Could not find a built kvm.ko module on the "
-                              "source dir.")
-    elif not os.path.isfile(kvm_vendor_module_path):
-        logging.error("Could not find KVM (%s) module that was supposed to be"
-                      " built on the source dir", vendor)
-        abort = True
-    if abort:
-        raise error.TestError("Could not load KVM modules.")
-    utils.system("/sbin/insmod %s" % kvm_module_path)
-    time.sleep(1)
-    utils.system("/sbin/insmod %s" % kvm_vendor_module_path)
-    if not utils.module_is_loaded("kvm"):
-        message = "Failed to load the KVM modules built for the test"
-        logging.error(message)
-        raise error.TestError(message)
-def create_symlinks(test_bindir, prefix):
+    if extra_modules:
+        for module in extra_modules:
+            kvm_utils.unload_module(module)
+    if module_dir:
+        logging.info("Loading the built KVM modules...")
+        kvm_module_path = None
+        kvm_vendor_module_path = None
+        abort = False
+        for folder, subdirs, files in os.walk(module_dir):
+            if "kvm.ko" in files:
+                kvm_module_path = os.path.join(folder, "kvm.ko")
+                kvm_vendor_module_path = os.path.join(folder, "kvm-%s.ko" %
+                                                      vendor)
+                if extra_modules:
+                    extra_module_list = []
+                    for module in extra_modules:
+                        extra_module_list.append(os.path.join(folder,
+                                                              "%s.ko" % module))
+        if not kvm_module_path:
+            logging.error("Could not find kvm.ko inside the source dir")
+            abort = True
+        if not kvm_vendor_module_path:
+            logging.error("Could not find kvm-%s.ko inside the source dir")
+            abort = True
+        if abort:
+            logging.error("KVM modules not found. If you don't want to use the "
+                          "modules built by this test, make sure the option "
+                          "load_modules: 'no' is marked on the test control "
+                          "file.")
+            raise error.TestFail("Could not find one KVM test modules on %s "
+                                 "source dir" % module_dir)
+        try:
+            utils.system('insmod %s' % kvm_module_path)
+            utils.system('insmod %s' % kvm_vendor_module_path)
+            if extra_module_list:
+                for module in extra_module_list:
+                    utils.system('insmod %s' % module)
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise error.TestFail("Failed to load KVM modules: %s" % e)
+    if load_stock:
+        logging.info("Loading current system KVM modules...")
+        utils.system("modprobe kvm")
+        utils.system("modprobe kvm-%s" % vendor)
+        if extra_modules:
+            for module in extra_modules:
+                utils.system("modprobe %s" % module)
+def create_symlinks(test_bindir, prefix=None, bin_list=None):
     Create symbolic links for the appropriate qemu and qemu-img commands on
     the kvm test bindir.
@@ -96,14 +125,174 @@ def create_symlinks(test_bindir, prefix):
     if os.path.lexists(qemu_img_path):
-    kvm_qemu = os.path.join(prefix, "bin", "qemu-system-x86_64")
-    if not os.path.isfile(kvm_qemu):
-        raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu path')
-    kvm_qemu_img = os.path.join(prefix, "bin", "qemu-img")
-    if not os.path.isfile(kvm_qemu_img):
-        raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu-img path')
-    os.symlink(kvm_qemu, qemu_path)
-    os.symlink(kvm_qemu_img, qemu_img_path)
+    logging.debug("Linking qemu binaries")
+    if bin_list:
+        for bin in bin_list:
+            if os.path.basename(bin) == 'qemu-kvm':
+                os.symlink(bin, qemu_path)
+            elif os.path.basename(bin) == 'qemu-img':
+                os.symlink(bin, qemu_img_path)
+    elif prefix:
+        kvm_qemu = os.path.join(prefix, "bin", "qemu-system-x86_64")
+        if not os.path.isfile(kvm_qemu):
+            raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu path')
+        kvm_qemu_img = os.path.join(prefix, "bin", "qemu-img")
+        if not os.path.isfile(kvm_qemu_img):
+            raise error.TestError('Invalid qemu-img path')
+        os.symlink(kvm_qemu, qemu_path)
+        os.symlink(kvm_qemu_img, qemu_img_path)
+class KojiInstaller:
+    """
+    Class that handles installing KVM from the fedora build service, koji.
+    It uses yum to install and remove packages.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test, params):
+        """
+        Class constructor. Sets default paths, and sets up class attributes
+        @param test: kvm test object
+        @param params: Dictionary with test arguments
+        """
+        default_koji_cmd = '/usr/bin/koji'
+        default_src_pkg = 'qemu'
+        default_pkg_list = ['qemu-kvm', 'qemu-kvm-tools']
+        default_qemu_bin_paths = ['/usr/bin/qemu-kvm', '/usr/bin/qemu-img']
+        default_extra_modules = None
+        self.koji_cmd = params.get("koji_cmd", default_koji_cmd)
+        if not os_dep.command("rpm"):
+            raise error.TestError("RPM package manager not available. Are "
+                                  "you sure you are using an RPM based system?")
+        if not os_dep.command("yum"):
+            raise error.TestError("Yum package manager not available. Yum is "
+                                  "necessary to handle package install and "
+                                  "update.")
+        if not os_dep.command(self.koji_cmd):
+            raise error.TestError("Build server command %s not available. "
+                                  "You need to install the appropriate package "
+                                  "(usually koji and koji-tools)" %
+                                  self.koji_cmd)
+        self.src_pkg = params.get("src_pkg", default_src_pkg)
+        self.pkg_list = params.get("pkg_list", default_pkg_list)
+        self.qemu_bin_paths = params.get("qemu_bin_paths",
+                                         default_qemu_bin_paths)
+        self.tag = params.get("koji_tag", None)
+        self.build = params.get("koji_build", None)
+        if self.tag and self.build:
+            logging.info("Both tag and build parameters provided, ignoring tag "
+                         "parameter...")
+        if self.tag and not self.build:
+            self.build = self.__get_build()
+        if not self.tag and not self.build:
+            raise error.TestError("Koji install selected but neither koji_tag "
+                                  "nor koji_build parameters provided. Please "
+                                  "provide an appropriate tag or build name.")
+        # Are we going to load modules?
+        load_modules = params.get('load_modules')
+        if not load_modules:
+            self.load_modules = True
+        elif load_modules == 'yes':
+            self.load_modules = True
+        elif load_modules == 'no':
+            self.load_modules = False
+        self.extra_modules = params.get("extra_modules", default_extra_modules)
+        self.srcdir = test.srcdir
+        self.test_bindir = test.bindir
+    def __get_build(self):
+        """
+        Get the source package build name, according to the appropriate tag.
+        """
+        latest_cmd = "%s latest-pkg %s %s" % (self.koji_cmd, self.tag,
+                                              self.src_pkg)
+        latest_raw = utils.system_output(latest_cmd,
+                                         ignore_status=True).split("\n")
+        for line in latest_raw:
+            if line.startswith(self.src_pkg):
+                build_name = line.split()[0]
+        return build_name
+    def __clean_previous_installs(self):
+        """
+        Remove all rpms previously installed.
+        """
+        kill_qemu_processes()
+        removable_packages = ""
+        for pkg in self.pkg_list:
+            removable_packages += " %s" % pkg
+        utils.system("yum remove -y %s" % removable_packages)
+    def __get_packages(self):
+        """
+        Downloads the entire build for the specific build name. It's
+        inefficient, but it saves the need of having an NFS share set.
+        @todo: Do selective package download using the koji library.
+        """
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.srcdir):
+            os.makedirs(self.srcdir)
+        os.chdir(self.srcdir)
+        download_cmd = "%s download-build %s" % (self.koji_cmd, self.build)
+        utils.system(download_cmd)
+    def __install_packages(self):
+        """
+        Install all relevant packages from the build that was just downloaded.
+        """
+        os.chdir(self.srcdir)
+        installable_packages = ""
+        rpm_list = glob.glob("*.rpm")
+        arch = utils.get_arch()
+        for rpm in rpm_list:
+            for pkg in self.pkg_list:
+                # Pass to yum only appropriate packages (ie, non-source and
+                # compatible with the machine's architecture)
+                if (rpm.startswith(pkg) and
+                    rpm.endswith(".%s.rpm" % arch) and not
+                    rpm.endswith(".src.rpm")):
+                    installable_packages += " %s" % rpm
+        utils.system("yum install --nogpgcheck -y %s" % installable_packages)
+    def __check_installed_binaries(self):
+        """
+        Make sure the relevant binaries installed actually come from the build
+        that was installed.
+        """
+        source_rpm = "%s.src.rpm" % self.build
+        for bin in self.qemu_bin_paths:
+            origin_source_rpm = utils.system_output(
+                        "rpm -qf --queryformat '%{sourcerpm}' " + bin)
+            if origin_source_rpm != source_rpm:
+                raise error.TestError("File %s comes from source package %s. "
+                                      "It doesn't come from build %s, "
+                                      "aborting." % (bin, origin_source_rpm,
+                                                     self.build))
+    def install(self):
+        self.__clean_previous_installs()
+        self.__get_packages()
+        self.__install_packages()
+        self.__check_installed_binaries()
+        create_symlinks(test_bindir=self.test_bindir,
+                        bin_list=self.qemu_bin_paths)
+        if self.load_modules:
+            load_kvm_modules(load_stock=True, extra_modules=self.extra_modules)
 class SourceDirInstaller:
@@ -256,12 +445,17 @@ class GitInstaller:
         user_repo = params.get("user_git_repo")
         kmod_repo = params.get("kmod_repo")
-        branch = params.get("git_branch", "master")
-        lbranch = params.get("lbranch")
+        kernel_branch = params.get("kernel_branch", "master")
+        user_branch = params.get("user_branch", "master")
+        kmod_branch = params.get("kmod_branch", "master")
+        kernel_lbranch = params.get("kernel_lbranch", "master")
+        user_lbranch = params.get("user_lbranch", "master")
+        kmod_lbranch = params.get("kmod_lbranch", "master")
-        tag = params.get("git_tag", "HEAD")
-        user_tag = params.get("user_git_tag", "HEAD")
-        kmod_tag = params.get("kmod_git_tag", "HEAD")
+        kernel_tag = params.get("kernel_tag", "HEAD")
+        user_tag = params.get("user_tag", "HEAD")
+        kmod_tag = params.get("kmod_tag", "HEAD")
         if not kernel_repo:
             message = "KVM git repository path not specified"
@@ -273,19 +467,19 @@ class GitInstaller:
             raise error.TestError(message)
         kernel_srcdir = os.path.join(srcdir, "kvm")
-        kvm_utils.get_git_branch(kernel_repo, branch, kernel_srcdir, tag,
-                                 lbranch)
+        kvm_utils.get_git_branch(kernel_repo, kernel_branch, kernel_srcdir,
+                                 kernel_tag, kernel_lbranch)
         self.kernel_srcdir = kernel_srcdir
         userspace_srcdir = os.path.join(srcdir, "kvm_userspace")
-        kvm_utils.get_git_branch(user_repo, branch, userspace_srcdir, user_tag,
-                                 lbranch)
+        kvm_utils.get_git_branch(user_repo, user_branch, userspace_srcdir,
+                                 user_tag, user_lbranch)
         self.userspace_srcdir = userspace_srcdir
         if kmod_repo:
             kmod_srcdir = os.path.join (srcdir, "kvm_kmod")
-            kvm_utils.get_git_branch(kmod_repo, branch, kmod_srcdir, user_tag,
-                                     lbranch)
+            kvm_utils.get_git_branch(kmod_repo, kmod_branch, kmod_srcdir,
+                                     kmod_tag, kmod_lbranch)
             self.kmod_srcdir = kmod_srcdir
         configure_script = os.path.join(self.userspace_srcdir, 'configure')
@@ -361,6 +555,8 @@ def run_build(test, params, env):
         installer = SourceDirInstaller(test, params)
     elif install_mode == 'git':
         installer = GitInstaller(test, params)
+    elif install_mode == 'koji':
+        installer = KojiInstaller(test, params)
         raise error.TestError('Invalid or unsupported'
                               ' install mode: %s' % install_mode)

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