Re: [PATCH] Adding a userspace application crash handling system to autotest

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I think this is a very useful feature to have.

Please see some very minor comments below.

----- "Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues" <lmr@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This patch adds a system to watch user space segmentation
> faults, writing core dumps and some degree of core dump
> analysis report. We believe that such a system will be
> beneficial for autotest as a whole, since the ability to
> get core dumps and dump analysis for each app crashing
> during an autotest execution can help test engineers with
> richer debugging information.
> The system is comprised by 2 parts:
>  * Modifications on test code that enable core dumps
> generation, register a core handler script in the kernel
> and check by generated core files at the end of each
> test.
>  * A core handler script that is going to write the
> core on each test debug dir in a convenient way, with
> a report that currently is comprised by the process that
> died and a gdb stacktrace of the process. As the system
> gets in shape, we could add more scripts that can do
> fancier stuff (such as handlers that use frysk to get
> more info such as memory maps, provided that we have
> frysk installed in the machine).
> This is the proof of concept of the system. I am sending it
> to the mailing list on this early stage so I can get
> feedback on the feature. The system passes my basic
> tests:
>  * Run a simple long test, such as the kvm test, and
> then crash an application while the test is running. I
> get reports generated on test.debugdir
>  * Run a slightly more complex control file, with 3 parallel
> bonnie instances at once and crash an application while the
> test is running. I get reports generated on all
> test.debugdirs.
> 3rd try:
>  * Explicitely enable core dumps using the resource module
>  * Fixed a bug on the crash detection code, and factored
>    it into a utility function.
> I believe we are good to go now.
> Signed-off-by: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  client/common_lib/     |   66 +++++++++++++-
>  client/tools/ |  202
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100755 client/tools/
> diff --git a/client/common_lib/ b/client/common_lib/
> index 362c960..65b78a3 100644
> --- a/client/common_lib/
> +++ b/client/common_lib/
> @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
>  #       tmpdir          eg. tmp/<tempname>_<testname.tag>
>  import fcntl, os, re, sys, shutil, tarfile, tempfile, time,
> traceback
> -import warnings, logging
> +import warnings, logging, glob, resource
>  from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
>  from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
> @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class base_test:
>          self.job = job
>          self.pkgmgr = job.pkgmgr
>          self.autodir = job.autodir
> -
>          self.outputdir = outputdir
>          self.tagged_testname = os.path.basename(self.outputdir)
>          self.resultsdir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'results')
> @@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ class base_test:
>          os.mkdir(self.profdir)
>          self.debugdir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'debug')
>          os.mkdir(self.debugdir)
> +        self.configure_crash_handler()
>          self.bindir = bindir
>          if hasattr(job, 'libdir'):
>              self.libdir = job.libdir
> @@ -54,6 +54,66 @@ class base_test:
>          self.after_iteration_hooks = []
> +    def configure_crash_handler(self):
> +        """
> +        Configure the crash handler by:
> +         * Setting up core size to unlimited
> +         * Putting an appropriate crash handler on
> /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
> +         * Create files that the crash handler will use to figure
> which tests
> +           are active at a given moment
> +
> +        The crash handler will pick up the core file and write it to
> +        self.debugdir, and perform analysis on it to generate a
> report. The
> +        program also outputs some results to syslog.
> +
> +        If multiple tests are running, an attempt to verify if we
> still have
> +        the old PID on the system process table to determine whether
> it is a
> +        parent of the current test execution. If we can't determine
> it, the
> +        core file and the report file will be copied to all test
> debug dirs.
> +        """
> +        self.pattern_file = '/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern'
> +        try:
> +            # Enable core dumps
> +            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1))
> +            # Trying to backup core pattern and register our script
> +            self.core_pattern_backup = open(self.pattern_file,
> 'r').read()
> +            pattern_file = open(self.pattern_file, 'w')
> +            tools_dir = os.path.join(self.autodir, 'tools')
> +            crash_handler_path = os.path.join(tools_dir,
> '')
> +            pattern_file.write('|' + crash_handler_path + ' %p %t %u
> %s %h %e')
> +            # Writing the files that the crash handler is going to
> use
> +            self.debugdir_tmp_file = ('/tmp/autotest_results_dir.%s'
> %
> +                                      os.getpid())
> +            utils.open_write_close(self.debugdir_tmp_file,
> self.debugdir + "\n")
> +        except Exception, e:
> +            self.crash_handling_enabled = False
> +            logging.error('Crash handling system disabled: %s' % e)
> +        else:
> +            self.crash_handling_enabled = True
> +            logging.debug('Crash handling system enabled.')
> +
> +
> +    def crash_handler_report(self):
> +        """
> +        If core dumps are found on the debugdir after the execution
> of the
> +        test, let the user know.
> +        """
> +        if self.crash_handling_enabled:
> +            core_dirs = glob.glob('%s/crash.*' % self.debugdir)
> +            if core_dirs:
> +                logging.warning('Programs crashed during test
> execution:')
> +                for dir in core_dirs:
> +                    logging.warning('Please verify %s for more info',
> dir)
> +            # Remove the debugdir info file
> +            os.unlink(self.debugdir_tmp_file)
> +            # Restore the core pattern backup
> +            try:
> +                utils.open_write_close(self.pattern_file,
> +                                       self.core_pattern_backup)
> +            except EnvironmentError:
> +                pass
> +
> +
>      def assert_(self, expr, msg='Assertion failed.'):
>          if not expr:
>              raise error.TestError(msg)
> @@ -377,6 +437,7 @@ class base_test:
>                          traceback.print_exc()
>                          print 'Now raising the earlier %s error' %
> exc_info[0]
>                  finally:
> +                    self.crash_handler_report()
>                      self.job.logging.restore()
>                      try:
>                          raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
> @@ -389,6 +450,7 @@ class base_test:
>                      if run_cleanup:
>                          _cherry_pick_call(self.cleanup, *args,
> **dargs)
>                  finally:
> +                    self.crash_handler_report()
>                      self.job.logging.restore()
>          except error.AutotestError:
>              if self.network_destabilizing:
> diff --git a/client/tools/
> b/client/tools/
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..e281eb5
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/client/tools/
> @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/python
> +"""
> +Simple crash handling application for autotest
> +
> +@copyright Red Hat Inc 2009
> +@author Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@xxxxxxxxxx>
> +"""
> +import sys, os, commands, glob, tempfile, shutil, syslog
> +
> +
> +def get_parent_pid(pid):
> +    """
> +    Returns the parent PID for a given PID, converted to an integer.
> +
> +    @param pid: Process ID.
> +    """
> +    try:
> +        stat_file_contents = open('/proc/%s/stat' % pid,
> 'r').readline()
> +        ppid = int(stat_file_contents.split(" ")[3])

I think there's no need for the " " in the split() call, because
split() defaults to splitting around any kind of whitespace.

The two lines can be combined into a rather short one, BTW:

ppid = int(open('/proc/%s/stat' % pid).read().split()[3])

(open() defaults to 'r' mode.)

> +    except:
> +        # It is not possible to determine the parent because the
> process
> +        # already left the process table.
> +        ppid = 1
> +
> +    return ppid
> +
> +
> +def pid_descends_from(pid_a, pid_b):
> +    """
> +    Check whether pid_a descends from pid_b.
> +
> +    @param pid_a: Process ID.
> +    @param pid_b: Process ID.
> +    """
> +    pid_a = int(pid_a)
> +    pid_b = int(pid_b)
> +    current_pid = pid_a
> +    while current_pid > 1:
> +        if current_pid == pid_b:
> +            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,
> +                          "PID %s descends from PID %s!" % (pid_a,
> pid_b))
> +            return True
> +        else:
> +            current_pid = get_parent_pid(current_pid)
> +    syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,
> +                  "PID %s does not descend from PID %s" % (pid_a,
> pid_b))
> +    return False
> +
> +
> +def write_to_file(file_path, contents):
> +    """
> +    Write contents to a given file path specified. If not specified,
> the file
> +    will be created.
> +
> +    @param file_path: Path to a given file.
> +    @param contents: File contents.
> +    """
> +    file_object = open(file_path, 'w')
> +    file_object.write(contents)
> +    file_object.close()
> +
> +
> +def get_results_dir_list(pid, core_dir_basename):
> +    """
> +    Get all valid output directories for the core file and the
> report. It works
> +    by inspecting files created by each test on /tmp and verifying if
> the
> +    PID of the process that crashed is a child or grandchild of the
> autotest
> +    test process. If it can't find any relationship (maybe a daemon
> that died
> +    during a test execution), it will write the core file to the
> debug dirs
> +    of all tests currently being executed. If there are no active
> autotest
> +    tests at a particular moment, it will return a list with
> ['/tmp'].
> +
> +    @param pid: PID for the process that generated the core
> +    @param core_dir_basename: Basename for the directory that will
> hold both
> +            the core dump and the crash report.
> +    """
> +    # Get all active test debugdir path files present
> +    debugdir_files = glob.glob("/tmp/autotest_results_dir.*")
> +    if debugdir_files:
> +        pid_dir_dict = {}
> +        for debugdir_file in debugdir_files:
> +            a_pid = debugdir_file.split('.')[-1]
> +            results_dir = open(debugdir_file, 'r').read().strip()
> +            pid_dir_dict[a_pid] = os.path.join(results_dir,
> core_dir_basename)
> +
> +        results_dir_list = []
> +        found_relation = False
> +        for a_pid, a_path in pid_dir_dict.iteritems():
> +            if pid_descends_from(pid, a_pid):
> +                results_dir_list.append(a_path)
> +                found_relation = True
> +
> +        # If we could not find any relations between the pids in the
> list with
> +        # the process that crashed, we can't tell for sure which test
> spawned
> +        # the process (maybe it is a daemon and started even before
> autotest
> +        # started), so we will have to output the core file to all
> active test
> +        # directories.
> +        if not found_relation:
> +            return pid_dir_dict.values()
> +        else:
> +            return results_dir_list
> +
> +    else:
> +        path_inactive_autotest = os.path.join('/tmp',
> core_dir_basename)
> +        return [path_inactive_autotest]

Here's a slightly shorter implementation of this function that doesn't
need pid_descends_from():

pid_dir_dict = {}
for debugdir_file in glob.glob("/tmp/autotest_results_dir.*"):
    a_pid = os.path.splitext(debugdir_file)[1]
    results_dir = open(debugdir_file).read().strip()
    pid_dir_dict[a_pid] = os.path.join(results_dir, core_dir_basename)

results_dir_list = []
while pid > 1:
    if pid_dir_dict.has_key(pid):
    pid = get_parent_pid(pid)

return (results_dir_list or
        pid_dir_dict.values() or
        [os.path.join("/tmp", core_dir_basename)])

It's not very different from your version -- I just find it a little

> +def get_info_from_core(path):
> +    """
> +    Reads a core file and extracts a dictionary with useful core
> information.
> +    Right now, the only information extracted is the full executable
> name.
> +
> +    @param path: Path to core file.
> +    """
> +    # Here we are getting the executable full path in a very
> inelegant way :(
> +    # Since the 'right' solution for it is to make a library to get
> information
> +    # from core dump files, properly written, I'll leave this as it
> is for now.
> +    full_exe_path = commands.getoutput('strings %s | grep "_="' %
> +                                       path).strip("_=")

If you think that's unelegant you can try using regular expressions,
but then it might be slightly tricky to match only printable characters.
You can also use filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, str), but that
would return all printable strings concatenated, without newlines
separating them (unless there are newlines in the core file itself).

> +    if full_exe_path.startswith("./"):

I'm not sure, but it might be safer to use os.path.isabs().
If an exe path is relative will it always be prefixed by "./" in the core
file, or can the binary name appear without any prefix?

> +        pwd = commands.getoutput('strings %s | grep "^PWD="' %
> +                                 path).strip("PWD=")
> +        full_exe_path = os.path.join(pwd, full_exe_path.strip("./"))
> +
> +    return {'core_file': path, 'full_exe_path': full_exe_path}
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    syslog.openlog('AutotestCrashHandler', 0, syslog.LOG_DAEMON)
> +    (crashed_pid, time, uid, signal, hostname, exe) = sys.argv[1:]
> +    core_name = 'core'
> +    report_name = 'report'
> +    core_dir_name = 'crash.%s.%s' % (exe, crashed_pid)
> +    core_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='core_', dir='/tmp')
> +    core_tmp_path = os.path.join(core_tmp_dir, core_name)
> +    gdb_command_path = os.path.join(core_tmp_dir, 'gdb_command')
> +
> +    try:
> +        # Get the filtered results dir list
> +        current_results_dir_list = get_results_dir_list(crashed_pid,
> +                                                       
> core_dir_name)
> +
> +        # Write the core file to the appropriate directory
> +        # (we are piping it to this script)
> +        core_file =
> +        write_to_file(core_tmp_path, core_file)
> +
> +        # Write a command file for GDB
> +        gdb_command = 'bt full\n'
> +        write_to_file(gdb_command_path, gdb_command)
> +
> +        # Get full command path
> +        exe_path =
> get_info_from_core(core_tmp_path)['full_exe_path']
> +
> +        # Take a backtrace from the running program
> +        gdb_cmd = 'gdb -e %s -c %s -x %s -n -batch -quiet' %
> (exe_path,
> +                                                             
> core_tmp_path,
> +                                                             
> gdb_command_path)
> +        backtrace = commands.getoutput(gdb_cmd)
> +        # Sanitize output before passing it to the report
> +        backtrace = backtrace.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
> +
> +        # Composing the format_dict
> +        format_dict = {}
> +        format_dict['program'] = exe_path
> +        format_dict['pid'] = crashed_pid
> +        format_dict['signal'] = signal
> +        format_dict['hostname'] = hostname
> +        format_dict['time'] = time
> +        format_dict['backtrace'] = backtrace
> +
> +        report = """Autotest crash report
> +
> +Program: %(program)s
> +PID: %(pid)s
> +Signal: %(signal)s
> +Hostname: %(hostname)s
> +Time of the crash: %(time)s
> +Program backtrace:
> +%(backtrace)s
> +""" % format_dict
> +
> +        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,
> +                      "Application %s, PID %s crashed" %
> +                      (exe_path, crashed_pid))
> +
> +        # Now, for all results dir, let's create the directory if it
> doesn't
> +        # exist, and write the core file and the report to it.
> +        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,
> +                      "Writing core files and reports to %s" %
> +                      current_results_dir_list)
> +        for result_dir in current_results_dir_list:
> +            if not os.path.isdir(result_dir):
> +                os.makedirs(result_dir)
> +            core_path = os.path.join(result_dir, 'core')
> +            write_to_file(core_path, core_file)
> +            report_path = os.path.join(result_dir, 'report')
> +            write_to_file(report_path, report)
> +
> +    finally:
> +        # Cleanup temporary directories
> +        shutil.rmtree(core_tmp_dir)
> -- 
> --
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